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Demoncrats Pushing the US Off a Cliff


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The financial mess has skewed things a bit. I don't think too many would disagree that McCain would not have committed billions to a bailout as well. Probably not as much as Obama and it would have also included tax cuts to certain people or industries but nevertheless bailout, TARP money would be asked for and spent no matter which one got in.


That said, it would have been interesting to see what Obama would have done if the financial mess had not happened. I think that would be a true indication of his ideology. We may not know because this mess will carry on for a while even if things pick up the 'bill' for it all will leave the government 'permanently' in hoc for decades which would basically be forever.


Obama's picks does indicate that he's not the socialist that he was painted out to be. The initial concerns was from liberals not conservatives curiously enough. He's appointed a lot of centrists.


Campaigns and elections are a lot of hypoerbole, suppositions and categorizations that are rarely accurate. Both sides say things to get elected. I had a feeling Obama wasn't a bleeding heart lib as some had thought with the speeches he made to black churches on the stump that got Jesse Jackson in a tizzy. He talked a lot about personl responsibility. A helluva lot actually.


I don't want to see a socialist america either. God forbid we have that here. I'll lead the mob if that happens. However, I don't think Obama will be the one that will usher that in. He could end up doing it and I could be wrong but I don't see it from what he's done so far.


One more thing. I think we all have different definitions of 'socialist'. America has certain aspects of it that would meet everyone's definition of it and some institutions now that would only meet it for some and not for others.


Like Bill Clinton before him, Obama is a smart cookie though, can't deny the candlestick power up there.

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The current turmoil canâ??t be used â??as an excuse to keep ignoring the long-term threats to our prosperityâ? from the rising costs of health care and energy and a faltering education system, Obama said to the group, which is made up of CEOs from U.S. companies including Citigroup Inc., Exxon Mobil Corp. and General Motors Corp.


â??Iâ??m not choosing to address these additional challenges just because I feel like it, or because Iâ??m a glutton for punishment,â? Obama told the business leaders. â??Iâ??m doing so because they are fundamental to our economic growth and to ensuring that we donâ??t have more crises like this in the future.â?Â


What a load of crap. He's using the "current turmoil" as an excuse to borrow from his daughters and his grand children and he won't be around to worry about paying them back. He's using the "current turmoil" to advance his poorly conceived agenda. (Okay, I'll admit that I don't know the "ins-and-outs" of his agenda; shit, nobody knows. He'll be making it up as he goes along. For now, just throwing billions of dollars down black holes seems to be the agenda of this Congress and Obama.)


This is the best line I could find: "I'm doing so because they are fundamental to our economic growth and to ensuring that we don't have more crises like this in the future." OMG ! I thought this guy was smart. Here he was, spouting out this nonsense to a bunch of highly educated and smart people...not the gullible supporters who elected him. This crisis wasn't spawned by energy, health care or educational deficiencies. It was spawned by G-R-E-E-D. He would be better off to spend those $$$ on a program aimed at teaching ethics, self-reliance, assuming responsibility--beginning in kindergarten. I take that back...beginning in Congress.




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Should Obama start getting rid of 'socialist programs' such as Social Security, Medicare?


Should Federal highways be sold to private businesses so they can collect tolls, etc?


Should the Grand Canyon and other land owned by the Federal Government be sold to the private sector? Hopefully not the Chinesee?


Should the Federal government stop spending money on a regular Army but expect citizens to come forth with their own weapons, food, and supplies so as to be able to fight and protect the country?

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Hugh, your allowance of ideology to destroy your intelligence is sad.


So what we have here is an economic crash. Let me put it simply People are not spending. So jobs are lost. Less spending. More jobs lost. Repeat.


Now the ONLY institution that can break that cycle is the government. This has been proven time and again (despite Amity Shlaes piece of toilet paper), with even the most right-wing of economists agreeing (Milton Friedman).


Yet you propose to what, do the exact opposite? To cut spending? That will feed the cycle above. To cut taxes? No one gives a shit about tax cuts on money that is not there! Not those, what then?


Funny how you are on about spending now, when BushCo took our largest surplus and turned it into our largest deficit. "Deficits don't matter" was the rallying cry I seem to remember from your side, from Darth Cheney himself. So why do they matter now, outside of pure partisanship? You and your kind really do want to kill the country to support your party, don't you????




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I've said it before. In just 8 weeks, Obama has made Bush look like a Cheap Charlie. At least Bush had a surplus to work with for a while. Obama inherits a deficit and just piles trillions more on top of it. Borrowing money for 9000 pork projects that will probably cost $200,000 per job. Take about "trickle down" economics :banghead:


Obama/Demoncrat Congress is like having a fire brigade made up of a bunch of serial arsonists.



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HH, you are spouting off highly inaccurate, ridiculous hyperbole.


What choice did he have?


Even better, what would you have done?



HH probably wants to balance the budget by selling off the Grand Canyon and other federal land. HH probably wants to reduce government by getting rid of Social Security and Medicare. I could go on.

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"Fox News" is not news at all. It's a commentary and entertainment channel...same as Jon Stewart's

"Daily Show" but without the wit or intelligence.


Of course an entertainment channel will have a higher rating than a news channel. News isn't a huge draw for most people.


The only people who actually regard it as their news are the far right loonies who refuse to watch anything else and stick their heads in the sand believing their tiny percentage is right and the rest of the world is wrong and try like hell not to be exposed to actualy factual data that hasn't been pre-twisted to their point of view.


It's not at all dissimilar from what goes on at MSNBC (my preferred brand of propaganda) commentary shows...but I would proffer that a much higher percentage of MSNBC's viewers also partake in other news outlets...whilst the Fox people tend to believe that anything not Fox is also not news. It's like a cult.



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