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Obama Again


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The latest polls show that Hillary is more popular at long last. Wonder if she will challenge him. :hmmm:


A lot of it depends on who wins the Republican primary. If its Palin' date=' Obama wins.



Palin versus Hillary. I would love to see it :content:



Lets hope we don't see Hillary in the White House. I'd say the Republicans have good odds now, especially if a double-dip recession comes to full fruition. And it probably will.


It won't be Palin.


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Also, Alexander Hamilton, one of the founders, 1st secty' of the Treasury (and was the 'money' guy of the government), whose picture can be found on the $10 bill as well, was actually west indian. He was born in the Caribbean. He couldn't have been elected president because of it. Had he been born in the states, he might have been able to at some point. Who knows.

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Actually, he could have been President. The constitution (at the turn of the 19th century) said that anyone that was either born in the U.S. or was a citizen of the U.S. at the time the U.S. was formed could be President. The 14th amendment, passed in 1866, put other limitations on citizenship (like being born a "natural born" american) and Congress had the power (and still does) to tweak the law, like allowing children born abroad to a person in the military to be a "natural born american" and persons born in certain U.S. teritories, like Puerto Rico, Guam and the Panama Canal zone have the same distinction. http://michaeldorf.org/2008/02/alexander-hamilton-was-eligible-to-be.html

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