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I emailed the author of the Time article and told him that I agreed with most of his points for reforming healthcare. As he said nothing about ex pats, I suggested Medicare be available to use overseas, where health costs are lower and many times, much lower. I also suggested that hospitals outside of the U.S. be accredited by the U.S. government and Americans be allowed to use their private or government health insurance to seek treatment overseas and increase competition, which may help drive down hospital costs in the U.S. Surprisingly, I emailed him last night and he responded today. I ended the email saying if there was a lobbying group created that represented Americans who want affordable healthcare, sign me up.




At the very bottom of this link is the contact info for FLAAG- which does not seem to have a web page.




I know someone they helped a lot with citizenship issues for children and he was impressed with them.

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The Veteran's Administration will only pay for medical treatment for your recognised combat disabilities overseas. Anything else, we have to go to VA in the States, the same as Medicare. Well done, AMA.


I think that the United Nations should administer health care for all humans.


One UN picture ID Card for everyone everywhere.

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At the very bottom of this link is the contact info for FLAAG- which does not seem to have a web page.




I know someone they helped a lot with citizenship issues for children and he was impressed with them.

Thanks, I'll check it out. This coming October 18, my 5 year sponsorship ends for my wife and her 3 children that are in the U.S. At that point, they are entitled to the same benefits that U.S. citizens receive, including medicaid Then, next January 1, I imagine that I will apply for healthcare through Obamacare, which will probably include a subsidy for the monthly premiums for a family of six. Hopefully, I won't have to hear from my wife how great the Thai health care system is ever again. Like I said before, I'm counting down the days until my wife's youngest goes on to college (hopefully with a scholarship, as she is as dedicated and focused as her brother is lazy and unfocused)..
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Bipartisan agreement on it being a federal crime to buy a gun in your name and give it to someone who shouldn't have one like an ex-con. that is such a no brainer I don't know why its even debatable.

Stopping illegal guns from flooding the inner city is very doable from a law enforcement viewpoint as well but it won't happen because the NRA, the gun manufacturerers puppets have their pols blocking the ATF. That is a personal issue to me having seen how prevalent guns were in the inner city. I did some research and found that there is a concerted effort and syndicate that gets these guns to the inner city. The gun manufacturers don't have an issue with that since the guns have to be bought in the first place. Stopping the flow of guns won't stop inner city crime but all these murder capital headlines could be vastly reduced if we cut the guns off.

Its so easy to get a gun off the street in the urban areas. This should be a no brainer issue. We complain about the murder rate in the urban areas and its criminal, pardon the pun, that we don't stop the flow of guns when its fairly easy to infiltrate these illegal gun dealers who supply them.


In other news. Two phrases I can live the rest of my life without ever hearing again 1. fiscal cliff and 2. sequestration.

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Why not enforce all of the current laws?




As these guys/gals do - cut the budget of the ATF AND state that the current laws should be enforced.


Win. Win. For the Republicans.



"But should Obama gets what he wants, he'll face another major challenge: his own Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Over the last three decades, gun activists and lawmakers have purposefully hindered the ATF and carefully molded the agency that enforces gun laws to serve their own interests, stunting the ATF's budget, handicapping its regulatory authority, and keeping it effectively leaderless. The bureau Obama is counting on to lead his gun control push is a disaster…by Republican design."



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