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I was out eating/drinking with the US' RSO (look it up, don't ask) here last nite and this was a topic of discussion. This is not a secret, but underreported IMHO, so I'll report it: he mentioned that a big jailbreak occurred there, where about 25 of the "Muslim Brotherhood" leaders in jail escaped.


Not a good thing IMHO. I have *nothing* against Muslims, and have lived in many Muslim countries (and dated a few Muslim chix; great shags, actually!) but we certainly do not need another Fundy Muslim run country...

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1. On the news in the U.S. for quite a while. The Muslim Brotherhood has been around for decades. 25 members escaping from a prison is not a big deal. I have no idea why they were imprisoned in the first place, other than they must've pissed off the wrong Egyptian authorities. I doubt if the Regional Security Officer had any idea why they were in prison either.


2. How is it you seemingly take pains to put down Christians at every opportunity, but have no problems with "Muslims"? :banghead: (I can't belive that "Muslim shags are any better than Christian, Hindoo or Buddhist shags. I'd tend to think that true Muslim "chix" are quite a bit less experienced and, accordingly, less "great". 55555555)



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I know the Muslim B'hood has been around for decades. That's beside the point. Are you just disagreeing because of the messenger? Trust me, in context, it was an interesting mention by the party in question. It is a concern that they may take over. Are you happy that another Fundy religious state (of ANY flavour) may be being birthed as we speak? Not a good thing.


BTW, I say nice things about some Muzzies because no one else does -- they are an unknown thing for most on the board. Same for the shags. Have you done one? I'm just passing along info and trying to kill stereotypes. Where do you get I say they are better? Reading into my writing? Must be, since I just checked and nowhere did I say that. No dramatics needed on your side, Mr. Fox News.


I detest any Fundy religious types. I couldn't care less about the religious types who keep it to themselves. Just as I keep my atheism to myself.

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HH I have had only a couple of Islamic women (Indonesian) and both went off like fire-crakers, and I am seducing my 3rd one as we speak.


I find, from conversations had with Islamic (Indonesians only) that they are more likely to swallow the good seed, a generalization sure, but a good one :beer:


I could never understand why Islamics have a problem with Xmas, after all, they do believe that there was a prophet Jesus, just dispute his role in the entire scheme of things :beer:

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Why a problem with Christmas? Well, there is no Christmas story in the Qu'ran. Mariam (I think they call her, her Hebrew name) is a young girl who one day is approached by an angel of the Lord. The angel greets her in new Testament fashion ... "Hello, there - most favoured one." (hehehe). She is understandably a bit put back and demands to know how the angel is. He identifies himself and says she is going to give birth to a great prophet, Issa. She says this cannot be, since she is a virgin. The angel tells her God will take care of that, but God will not be her father. Then poof ... the angel is gone. Mary goes about getting more visibly pregnant all the time. The villagers tut-tut and mumble how they'd always thought she was a good girl. After 9 months, Mary goes off into the desert with her shame and gives birth all by herself. Allah feels sorry - after all its His fault - so he makes a magic stream of cool water appear at her feet. Poof! Then he makes a fig tree full of fruit appear to shade her. Poof! Mary lives on fruit and water for several days - presumably crapping herself silly - then finally takes her baby and walks into the village. The villages confront her, but little baby Issa (Jesus) is having none of that. He speaks up and tells them not to condemn his mother, who is a good woman. He is a special creation, but God is not his father!


No Joseph, nor ass, no manger. This Christians have it all wrong.



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