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Vegemite Used To Make Alcohol In Australia's Dry Areas


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Not just for making Alcohol I have a jar at home ........




Vegemite. You may love it or loathe it on a piece of toast, but regardless, you should be buying an industrial-sized jar at every supermarket shop. Why? Because Vegemite has a secret double life as a household product wunderkind – one of the best and cheapest cleaners, disinfectants and deodorisers you’ll ever come across. And that’s only scratching the surface of its many talents! Read on for 51 fabulous uses for Vegemite that you won’t believe you’ve never heard of before.You may as well throw away all your other kitchen cleaners, as one little yellow and red jar will soon have your kitchen looking ‘as bright as bright can be’…


1. Naturally disinfect all surfaces, including your stovetop, by mixing 1 part Vegemite with 1 part water in a spray bottle. I know, it seems very weird. But trust me, it works.

2. Remove those stubborn, stuck-on stains by making a paste with Vegemite and baking soda and scrubbing with a sponge.

3. Clean your dishwasher by putting 1 cup Vegemite into the bottom of the dishwasher and run it with no dishes inside.

4. Give your coffee maker a good clean by pouring 2 cups Vegemite and 1 cup water into the coffee maker and running a full brew cycle. Remove and replace the filter and then run two cycles of just water. Just like new!

5. Use a diluted Vegemite mix to clean and disinfect cutting boards, pots, pans, utensils, plates, cups, etc. Vegemite is also a natural degreaser, so use neat Vegemite to wipe down those greasy pots and pans before rinsing with cold water.

6. Got smelly hands after chopping onion and garlic? Wash them in Vegemite and rinse, and the odours will disappear.

7. Keep sponges and kitchen rags fresh by soaking in Vegemite water overnight. Just give them a good rinse before using them again.

8. Clean all those appliances that aren’t able to be washed by spraying with diluted Vegemite and wiping with a damp cloth or paper towel.

9. Get the inside of your microwave sparkling by pouring 1/4 cup Vegemite and 1 cup water in a glass bowl. Microwave on high for five minutes; then wipe clean.

10. Clean a non-self-cleaning oven by spraying the inside with diluted Vegemite and then sprinkling with baking soda. Leave for five-10 minutes before scrubbing with a sponge.

11. Clean the insides of water bottles and coffee thermoses by swirling with diluted Vegemite – it naturally kills any hard-to-reach bacteria lingering at the bottom.

12. Wipe down the inside of all your refrigerator shelves and drawers with diluted Vegemite for a food-friendly alternative to chemical cleaners. Forget harsh chemical cleaners that require a gas mask to administer and opt for one that you can have on a sandwich afterwards!

13. Clean bathroom benchtops and all surfaces, including mirrors, showers and bath, with 1 part Vegemite and 1 part water.

14. Put some Vegemite directly down your loo, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with toilet brush for a sparkling clean bowl.

15. Treat mould and mildew by mixing 3 tbsp Vegemite, 1 tsp Borax and 2 cups hot water. Shake, spray, and let it soak for a few minutes, then rub the area with a soft brush or cloth.

16. Remove limescale build-up on your shower door or in your bath by heating a small container of Vegemite to boiling point. Pour the Vegemite over the problem areas to loosen the limescale.

17. Wash your shower curtain by putting in the washing machine with a few old towels. Use 1/2 cup laundry detergent and 1/2 cup baking soda for the wash cycle, and then 1 cup Vegemite for the rinse cycle.

18. Banish the grimy soap build-up from your soap dish by soaking it in 1 part Vegemite and 1 part warm water. Everywhere you look around your house you will see something that will benefit from a thorough going over with some trusty Vegemite. I know, it’s like the world’s gone mad!

19. Clean wooden floors with 1 cup Vegemite diluted in 4 litres warm water; then dry with a clean cloth for a beautiful sheen.

20. Place some Vegemite with the water in your steam mop to clean most surfaces.

21. Revive your leather sofas/chairs by spraying diluted Vegemite over the surface and buffing with a soft clean cloth.

22. Wipe down pretty much any wall surface with a cloth dampened with diluted Vegemite. This is also ideal as a way of treating walls before painting as it removes any grease or dirt from your walls, making the paint apply much more effectively.

23. Disinfect kids’ toys, books, etc. by spraying with 1 part Vegemite and 1 part water.

24. Spot clean carpets by spraying a little diluted Vegemite on the stain and blotting it with a damp cloth.

25. Water rings on wood furniture can be treated by mixing 1 part Vegemite with 1 part olive oil. Dip a soft cloth into the mixture and rub on the affected area along the grain, before wiping with a clean, dry cloth.

26. Freshen stinky shoes by spraying the insides with diluted Vegemite, placing them in a paper bag, and then putting the bag in the freezer overnight. Don’t ask me how someone came up with this, just thank me for your fresh-smelling feet.

27. Add 2 tbsp Vegemite to your water when poaching an egg to stop your egg from spreading.

28. Remove sticky residue from labels, stickers, gum, etc. by rubbing the area with a rag dipped in Vegemite.

Snuggly, Cuddly, Comfort … Vegemite. Yes, your favourite spread also deserves pride of place on your laundry shelf. Yes, this strange black substance can whiten your whites. My mind is boggling, people. Boggling.

29. Vegemite loves your clothes (and we don’t just mean when your child is eating it on toast). Simply add about 1/2 cup Vegemite to your rinse cycle and it will remove built-up soap residue, reduce static cling, naturally soften your clothes, towels and blankets, prevent colours from running, whiten whites, reduce irritation for those with sensitive skin and remove lingering odours such as smoke and fuel, as well as that musty smell from damp towels and workout clothes. Wow, why did nobody ever tell us this before?!

30. You can also soak or scrub items in diluted Vegemite to remove yellow sweat stains, remove blood stains and remove ink stains – for this, mix 2 parts Vegemite and 3 parts cornstarch, rub on stain, let dry then wash as normal.

31. Remove residue and build-up on the inside of your washing machine by dumping in 2 cups Vegemite and running it on the fast cycle.

32. Clean the metal plate of your iron by mixing 1 part Vegemite and 1 part salt and scrubbing the plate with this paste (your hair straightening or curling irons can also be cleaned with diluted Vegemite).

33. Treat ironing scorch marks by rubbing the scorched area with a cloth dipped in Vegemite and then blotting with a clean towel.

I’m not seriously going to tell you that you can look more beautiful by smearing Vegemite on your face, am I? Well, actually …

34. If your nails are prone to flaking and splitting, strengthen them by regularly dipping them in Vegemite.

35. Prevent infections by rubbing small cuts with Vegemite.

36. Dry up a cold sore by dabbing it with a cotton bud dipped in Vegemite.

37. Kill hair lice by spraying warm diluted Vegemite onto the scalp just before the final rinse. This will break down the “glue†the nits/lice use to attach to the hair.

38. Treat pimples by mixing 1 part Vegemite with 10 parts water and dabbing the solution on your freshly-washed face with a clean cotton ball.

39. Soothe sunburned skin by soaking a towel in diluted Vegemite and then laying over the affected areas.

40. Mix a few tablespoons of Vegemite in your baby’s bath water to help soothe nappy rash.

41. Make a fly trap by filling a jar half full of Vegemite. Punch holes in the lid and put the lid back on. The flies will crawl through, but won’t be able to get out again.

42. Vegemite makes for an awesome mosquito repellent – just pour diluted Vegemite in a spray bottle and spritz on your skin. The Vegemite smell will go away after a few minutes, but you should be bug-free all night!

43. Clean your barbecue grill by spraying the grates with Vegemite and scrubbing with a grill brush.

44. Spray diluted Vegemite on your weeds as a natural weed killer. Is there nothing this stuff can’t do?!

45. Clean your patio and garden furniture by spraying with diluted Vegemite before wiping clean.

46. Keep cats out of your children’s sand box by rubbing Vegemite around the outside of the box.

47. Easily clean bird droppings by spraying the area with Vegemite and then wiping with a cloth/sponge. This will also disinfect the area.

48. Keep pests out of your veggie garden by soaking several rags in diluted Vegemite and then placing them around your garden. Repeat the process every seven-10 days.

49. Keep flies away from your pool area by applying diluted Vegemite around the edges of the pool.

50. Make your dog’s coat shine by washing your furry friend with 1 part Vegemite and 1 part water and then rinsing thoroughly with warm water.

51. A few drops of Vegemite in your dog’s water bowl will neutralise their urine, preventing those ugly brown/yellow patches in your grass. How clever is that?


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That Vegemite list has been pirated from my forthcoming "Home Help Tips" book, vis...


Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. You may love it or loathe it on a piece of toast, but regardless, you should be buying an industrial-sized jar at every supermarket shop. Why? Because Concentrated Sulphuric Acid has a secret double life as a household product wunderkind – one of the best and cheapest cleaners, disinfectants and deodorisers you’ll ever come across. And that’s only scratching the surface of its many talents! Read on for 51 fabulous uses for Concentrated Sulphuric Acid that you won’t believe you’ve never heard of before.You may as well throw away all your other kitchen cleaners, as one pale yellow jar will soon have your kitchen looking ‘as bright as bright can be’…



1. Naturally disinfect all surfaces, including your stovetop, by mixing 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid with 1 part water in a spray bottle. I know, it seems very weird. But trust me, it works.

2. Remove those stubborn, stuck-on stains by making a paste with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and baking soda and scrubbing with a sponge.

3. Clean your dishwasher by putting 1 litre Concentrated Sulphuric Acid into the bottom of the dishwasher and run it with no dishes inside.

4. Give your coffee maker a good clean by pouring 2 litres Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 litre water into the coffee maker and running a full brew cycle. Remove and replace the filter and then run two cycles of just water. Just like new!

5. Use a diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid mix to clean and disinfect cutting boards, pots, pans, utensils, plates, litres, etc. Concentrated Sulphuric Acid is also a natural degreaser, so use neat Concentrated Sulphuric Acid to wipe down those greasy pots and pans before rinsing with cold water.

6. Got smelly hands after chopping onion and garlic? Wash them in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and rinse, and the odours will disappear.

7. Keep sponges and kitchen rags fresh by soaking in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid water overnight. Just give them a good rinse before using them again.

8. Clean all those appliances that aren’t able to be washed by spraying with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and wiping with a damp cloth or paper towel.

9. Get the inside of your microwave sparkling by pouring 1/4 litre Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 litre water in a glass bowl. Microwave on high for five minutes; then wipe clean.

10. Clean a non-self-cleaning oven by spraying the inside with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and then sprinkling with baking soda. Leave for five-10 minutes before scrubbing with a sponge.

11. Clean the insides of water bottles and coffee thermoses by swirling with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid – it naturally kills any hard-to-reach bacteria lingering at the bottom.

12. Wipe down the inside of all your refrigerator shelves and drawers with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid for a food-friendly alternative to chemical cleaners. Forget harsh chemical cleaners that require a gas mask to administer and opt for one that you can have on a sandwich afterwards!

13. Clean bathroom benchtops and all surfaces, including mirrors, showers and bath, with 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 part water.

14. Put some Concentrated Sulphuric Acid directly down your loo, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with toilet brush for a sparkling clean bowl.

15. Treat mould and mildew by mixing 3 tbsp Concentrated Sulphuric Acid, 1 tsp Borax and 2 litres hot water. Shake, spray, and let it soak for a few minutes, then rub the area with a soft brush or cloth.

16. Remove limescale build-up on your shower door or in your bath by heating a small container of Concentrated Sulphuric Acid to boiling point. Pour the Concentrated Sulphuric Acid over the problem areas to loosen the limescale.

17. Wash your shower curtain by putting in the washing machine with a few old towels. Use 1/2 litre laundry detergent and 1/2 litre baking soda for the wash cycle, and then 1 litre Concentrated Sulphuric Acid for the rinse cycle.

18. Banish the grimy soap build-up from your soap dish by soaking it in 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 part warm water. Everywhere you look around your house you will see something that will benefit from a thorough going over with some trusty Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. I know, it’s like the world’s gone mad!

19. Clean wooden floors with 1 litre Concentrated Sulphuric Acid diluted in 4 litres warm water; then dry with a clean cloth for a beautiful sheen.

20. Place some Concentrated Sulphuric Acid with the water in your steam mop to clean most surfaces.

21. Revive your leather sofas/chairs by spraying diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid over the surface and buffing with a soft clean cloth.

22. Wipe down pretty much any wall surface with a cloth dampened with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. This is also ideal as a way of treating walls before painting as it removes any grease or dirt from your walls, making the paint apply much more effectively.

23. Disinfect kids’ toys, books, etc. by spraying with 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 part water.

24. Spot clean carpets by spraying a little diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid on the stain and blotting it with a damp cloth.

25. Water rings on wood furniture can be treated by mixing 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid with 1 part olive oil. Dip a soft cloth into the mixture and rub on the affected area along the grain, before wiping with a clean, dry cloth.

26. Freshen stinky shoes by spraying the insides with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid, placing them in a paper bag, and then putting the bag in the freezer overnight. Don’t ask me how someone came up with this, just thank me for your fresh-smelling feet.

27. Add 2 tbsp Concentrated Sulphuric Acid to your water when poaching an egg to stop your egg from spreading.

28. Remove sticky residue from labels, stickers, gum, etc. by rubbing the area with a rag dipped in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid.

Snuggly, Cuddly, Comfort … Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. Yes, your favourite spread also deserves pride of place on your laundry shelf. Yes, this strange black substance can whiten your whites. My mind is boggling, people. Boggling.

29. Concentrated Sulphuric Acid loves your clothes (and we don’t just mean when your child is eating it on toast). Simply add about 1/2 litre Concentrated Sulphuric Acid to your rinse cycle and it will remove built-up soap residue, reduce static cling, naturally soften your clothes, towels and blankets, prevent colours from running, whiten whites, reduce irritation for those with sensitive skin and remove lingering odours such as smoke and fuel, as well as that musty smell from damp towels and workout clothes. Wow, why did nobody ever tell us this before?!

30. You can also soak or scrub items in diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid to remove yellow sweat stains, remove blood stains and remove ink stains – for this, mix 2 parts Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 3 parts cornstarch, rub on stain, let dry then wash as normal.

31. Remove residue and build-up on the inside of your washing machine by dumping in 2 litres Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and running it on the fast cycle.

32. Clean the metal plate of your iron by mixing 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 part salt and scrubbing the plate with this paste (your hair straightening or curling irons can also be cleaned with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid).

33. Treat ironing scorch marks by rubbing the scorched area with a cloth dipped in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and then blotting with a clean towel.

I’m not seriously going to tell you that you can look more beautiful by smearing Concentrated Sulphuric Acid on your face, am I? Well, actually …

34. If your nails are prone to flaking and splitting, strengthen them by regularly dipping them in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid.

35. Prevent infections by rubbing small cuts with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid.

36. Dry up a cold sore by dabbing it with a cotton bud dipped in Concentrated Sulphuric Acid.

37. Kill hair lice by spraying warm diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid onto the scalp just before the final rinse. This will break down the “glue†the nits/lice use to attach to the hair.

38. Treat pimples by mixing 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid with 10 parts water and dabbing the solution on your freshly-washed face with a clean cotton ball.

39. Soothe sunburned skin by soaking a towel in diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and then laying over the affected areas.

40. Mix a few tablespoons of Concentrated Sulphuric Acid in your baby’s bath water to help soothe nappy rash.

41. Make a fly trap by filling a jar half full of Concentrated Sulphuric Acid. Punch holes in the lid and put the lid back on. The flies will crawl through, but won’t be able to get out again.

42. Concentrated Sulphuric Acid makes for an awesome mosquito repellent – just pour diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid in a spray bottle and spritz on your skin. The Concentrated Sulphuric Acid smell will go away after a few minutes, but you should be bug-free all night!

43. Clean your barbecue grill by spraying the grates with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and scrubbing with a grill brush.

44. Spray diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid on your weeds as a natural weed killer. Is there nothing this stuff can’t do?!

45. Clean your patio and garden furniture by spraying with diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid before wiping clean.

46. Keep cats out of your children’s sand box by rubbing Concentrated Sulphuric Acid around the outside of the box.

47. Easily clean bird droppings by spraying the area with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and then wiping with a cloth/sponge. This will also disinfect the area.

48. Keep pests out of your veggie garden by soaking several rags in diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and then placing them around your garden. Repeat the process every seven-10 days.

49. Keep flies away from your pool area by applying diluted Concentrated Sulphuric Acid around the edges of the pool.

50. Make your dog’s coat shine by washing your furry friend with 1 part Concentrated Sulphuric Acid and 1 part water and then rinsing thoroughly with warm water.

51. A few drops of Concentrated Sulphuric Acid in your dog’s water bowl will neutralise their urine, preventing those ugly brown/yellow patches in your grass. How clever is that?

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" Will anyone read that shite? "


It would seem so ....


You make the assumption that it was read, rather than a quick copy, Bbedit find and replace, to respond with sarcasm on the fecklessness of the OP.


note: yes it's sarcasm

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