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And Another Amerikan Shooting


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"... Mass Shooting Tracker’s definition of a mass shooting as any gun violence event in which 4 people including the shooter are injured would include gang shootouts, robberies and drug deals gone wrong, suicide-by-cop incidents in which bystanders were inadvertently injured by police, and other incidents that deviate drastically from the Columbine and Sandy Hook type events that most Americans think of when talking about a mass shooting.


Mass Shooting Tracker included in its list of 2013 mass shootings a relatively harmless incident involving no serious injuries in which two boys aged 11 and 12 allegedly shot four people with BB guns.


PolitiFact, who ranked Mass Shooting Tracker’s statistical assessment as “half true†noted, “Using 2013, the most recent year for which federal data is available, the Congressional Research Service found 25 mass shooting incidents — far less than the 363 counted by Mass Shooting Tracker.†The Congressional Research Service defines a mass shooting more narrowly as a gun violence incident in public in which 4 or more people are killed in a single event and excludes incidents in which the violence is a “means to an end such as robbery.â€


PolitiFact’s Amy Sherman added, “Mass Shooting Tracker showed 294 mass shootings [in 2015] as of Oct. 1. About 122 of those incidents — or about 42 percent — involved zero fatalities.â€


USA Today’s analysis of mass shootings in 2015, which defines them as incidents in which 4 or more people are killed by a firearm in a single event, found that there have been 29 cases so far this year.




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The press has gone to hell in a hand basket. The days of the independent newspapers are over, and most now are controlled by a few syndicates - each with an agenda. We can thank that great Australian Rupert Murdock for getting the ball rolling. (Or is he an American these days? I haven't kept up with him. If he is, would you please take him back? PLEASE? We'll even reclaim Mel Gibson if you do.)

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"The figure of 355 comes from the Mass Shooting Tracker maintained by the Guns Are Cool subreddit. The Reddit tracker"


I had thought that Reddit was a valid arena, but I'm sceptical now. Even Wikiwoo is full of holes, great for factual info on car engines and lies about people.

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USA Today’s analysis of mass shootings in 2015, which defines them as incidents in which 4 or more people are killed by a firearm in a single event, found that there have been 29 cases so far this year.


For 29 cases in the UK one needs to go back to March 1190 not January 2015, most of which were clan warfare, civil uprising and acts of terrorism only Hungerford 1987, Dunblane 1996 and Cumbria 2010 could be classed as a nutter on a shooting spree.


And you wonder why us Brits just roll our eyes and look on in disbelief about what happens on the other side of the pond.



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Firearms have never been necessary in England, but Americans have been armed since the day Sir Walter Raleigh landed on Roanoake Island in April 1584. For centuries they were needed for hunting and self-defence, and you can't change that attitude overnight. I grew up in a home with firearms, and my grandparents all had firearms too. We never shot anybody, not even my grandfather who was a part-time policeman.


What has changed is that far too many people these days are just plain crazy. The only mass killing I recall from years ago was the Texas Tower Sniper, Charles Whitman, a Marine who snapped one day and murdered his wife and mother. He then started shooting people on the University of Texas campus. He killed 18 more before police managed to kill him. That shocked everyone, and it was years before anything like it happened again. Nowadays, shooting people for the hell of it seems to be a popular thing to do. :(


However ...


"Just when we think that politics can’t sink any lower, President Obama once again proves us wrong by politicizing the tragedy in San Bernardino before the facts were even known. ...


"President Obama used it not as a moment to inform or calm the American people; rather, he exploited it to push his gun control agenda. Policy discussions should be intellectually honest and based on facts, not politics. And the fact remains that California has already adopted President Obama’s gun control wish list: "universal" background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, magazine bans and an expansion of prohibited gun categories. But those laws did nothing to prevent this horrific crime from taking place. Nothing.




"Unlike the president, regular citizens are not surrounded by armed secret service agents wherever they go. When we find ourselves under attack, no one is there to protect us. That responsibility is ours and ours alone. The American people — including law-abiding gun owners — are scared these days, and for good reason. As a nation, we sit helpless and watch as innocent and defenseless people are slaughtered. President Obama's response is not one of unity, but rather a condescending lecture that we need more laws to restrict us from defending ourselves."





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