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We/I often make fun of Laos and it's underdeveloped Government, Justice system and well, everything.

Below are two links that seem to to give a more or less accurate picture of Laos today and with reference to the virus situation.

Foreign diplomats briefed on COVID-19 situation, preventive measures

Though these are announcements, and who know what is actually being put in place, I can report that on the ground, MLG's family and friends are taking the situation very seriously. They have cancelled the Lao New Year parties, which normally involve everyone in the whole country.

Public Notice

Leavng aside the argument of Capitalism vs Communism etc, this is a good statement from the leaders. I can't see much of this from any Western Leader. 

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Mr Coss,

the whole forum and myself joyfully  join the Lao people in celebrating the 65th anniversary of the glorious Lao People´s Revolutionary Party whose endless efforts for the working class are known to the whole world. Except to the lovely Pam who became confused when asked about relating details and seems deeply disturbed about my sudden interest in the development of the Lao Revolutionary Party. we may consider madame Pam as embedded reporter because she just managed a flight to Vientiene for as many as 760 Thai Baht. One way .

Talking about the virus , the Party has indeed shown exceptional wisdom by widely closing down public life . Which could soon happen in Germany as well and the UK . Although with BoJo nobody knows.

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I am sure the close relationship of Laos and China is the reason there is not a single case of CV-19 in the whole of Laos. It is through the diligent efforts of Chinese tourists and business travellers that the virus has not spread throughout the glorious land of the LRP.:spin: 

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Yes, though it may be that they can't do the testing, so they can't say there are confirmed cases.

I don't think they have said that there are definitely no cases confirmed, but I could be wrong.

More a situation that they can't say there are none, but they can't say there are... Could you please find out for me? I have amulets to collect.

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Breaking news :Update on Thai/Lao virus-related border traffic.

Rang the lovely Pam this hour to get confirmed arrival at home base but alteration of itinerary. Now flying to Udon, take Bus to Nong Kai and subsequently  crossing Mekong border environmentally friendly by boat. Taking just 1 minute due to low water. Enterprising ferrymen from  Lao side available in no time after yelling over the river.

Reason: The aforementioned Lao Revolutionary Government issued instructions to immigration that incoming traffic has to provide certificates of Corona-free body. Problem being that testing in BKK for madame and accompanying sister would have cost about 14000 Bht and no want pay.


This pomprem velly big.






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Gentlemen, lovely Pam in the meantime arrived on the family estate. After thorough discussion I only wonder why anybody takes the trouble of officially crossing the border and getting involved in complex activities and not just jumps into the next boat and is in Lao or vice versa.

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