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Marriage of Educated,Career Oriented Thai Female


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A piece of paper for your education is respected to an extreme in Thailand and many Asian countries and it is ashamed that experience is not allowed to substitute. I am in a project now that it requires (from the customer) a Bachelor Degree and US Citizenship. Our company allows experience to substitute for education but the customer will not allow it and no matter what fight we put out, we lost. With the market nowadays, people are more choosy also.


I hope you find the school for the wife.





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"The reality is not that hard to see if the women are mature enough. Bothy sides have to change and adjust. The problem with some women is the lack of understanding their environment, mixed with culture shock and a new married life, it spells disaster"


Many of the girls get a cultural shock. They think the western world is dream land, they see foreigners having an easy life in Thailand. The girls who have gone abroad are bragging about their life there. So when they arrive in the new country, where are the servants? Why do people take the bus? And their husband is working a lot..Why is it so expensive to eat in resturants?


This might sound comical to us, but its reality for a poor girl without edcation and insight into life outside Thailand.



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[color:"red"] This might sound comical to us, but its reality for a poor girl without edcation and insight into life outside Thailand. [/color]

It is not comical at all. Even educated ones like me who have been in the West for over 30 yrs. still get a little shock now and then. I had a big one when we moved to Germany, it was hard at work (working with Europeans and Americans) and at the German protocol and manners.


Also, in the States, there are many sub-cultures and protocols and here goes Jasmine, being confused.


The worst part is I also beome confused when visiting Thailand!!!!! :: :: ::




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I posted it before that when it comes to priorities with a married Thai woman, it should be her immediate family and that is the way I was brought up. I am fortunate also that my Thai family makes no demand from me even though we are just poor middle class family.


Finding a balance to make both husband and wife happy can be very difficult at times. One thing I have learned is to communicate to my spouse of my fear, my happiness and what I wish and ask for his opinion and help. I have used the same technique at work and I find that being humble and communicate your wish/trouble and sometimes asking for help, works well.


How do you feel about your mate working to pursue a career?




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"How do you feel about your mate working to pursue a career?"


It means extra work for both of us, as we want a family as well. But we will also benefit from it financially later. Its early days though, lets see how we manage the workload...


It has been clear to me from the start what kind of girl I have started a relationship with, she will not be happy without completing her education and getting a good job.



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[color:"red"] i got my highs, i got my lows, but i am still as free as i want to be. [/color]


Stop it, I am envious, ok?


When you know what you want and need and you can pursue it and not hurting people, it is wonderful!!


I am turning green with envy here and I am wearing a fuchsia dress and white jacket (that is when I left home this morn. anyhow).


Cheers! :D :D


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[color:"red"] It means extra work for both of us, as we want a family as well. But we will also benefit from it financially later [/color]


Yes, it means lots of extra work but the growth is worth it. Financially, it is good but what I think mostly for me was, the feeling of accomplishment and contributing to the society and independence (if need be).


Now, caution, not all males feel comfortable with the wife's growth outside home. It depends on both of you but some people change so much that home is not the priority.


Cheers and good luck!!!

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[color:"red"] that's 98% of them. Your acquaintance is in the other 2%. [/color]


Well, a marriage is a chance to be and grow together. I do want my spouse to be there close by but a distance for a period of times, does not mean disaster.


Having something good to occupy the times may help some women. Believe me, my friend, I know what being restless is.



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Jasmine say

"it was hard at work (working with Europeans and Americans) and at the German protocol and manners"


not to talk bad about thai labours but they do tend to drag their feet when they work, wouldnt give em a nickname "Flash" or someting like that, its diffrent in Europe and scandinavia, people do work alot and are dedicated in a diffrent way to the work. this is said and not meaning i am pulling all Thai´s as same, maybe its the lower class workers that are that way not sure just what i got the impression when i saw them work, and theres so many of them everywhere to do a just one thing, but labour is cheap and the thai culture must see to that all can have a work and be useful i guess. should be fun how Thailand is like with no tourism at all providing income or jobs for the people

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