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Seh Daeng 'to lead the battle'


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Sorry for the late response but I haven't been on Thai360 lately. I did leave Thailand 18 months ago, with 4 children (3 of which are step children and were 18, 14 and 11 years old and spoke little english). I couldn't have picked a worst time to come back, October, 2008, during the economic meltdown. Its taken 18 months to see my business in the U.S. go from nothing to slightly better than nothing, but showing improvement in the lat 3 months. I didn't realize that my wife would miss Thailand as much as she has. She went back with our son for 5 weeks last summer and will likely go back to Chiang Mai for 4-5 months next winter, so the 3 year old can go to pre-school and still experience Thailand (hopefully, in 6-7 more years, the wife and I and our son will move back for good and we will deal with his education at that point). I'm not looking forward to the long seperation from my wife and son. The easy thing for me would have been to stay in Thailand, keep the children in their Thai-Chinese school and hope for the best for their life after school. In coming to the U.S., I have given my children a much better education (particularly the step-son, from whom not much was expected in school but,hopefully, the light bulb finally went off this semester and he has a solid "B" average), the ability to speak both Thai and English fluently (the oldest also speaks Chinese) and probably dual citizenship (Thai and U.S.), which allows far more job opportunities than what they would have had living in Chiang Mai. Personally, do I regret moving from Thailand? Absolutely. Did I make the right decision, moving to the U.S. (at least for our family)? Absolutely!

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Hi Dean, my kids quad lingual, daughter has been to English school in Bangkok up to grade 2, son to kindy, so language not a issue as I read them books and they read English books every day. Interesting she is now in grade 5, 2 years younger than the next youngest kid in her class, solid B's also. Means little as I hope she'll take a year out of school at some stage before high school.


LP I was just visiting, but Safron Walden is a pretty nice town!

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Lively discussion in here. Have kids and left Thailand with great satisfaction. Definetely didn't have the kids with a thai mother so can't relate to the issue of having a half thai family but I would definetely judge Thailand quite a lousy place to raise children. As of upcountry education, even in western countries it's a little dodgy, kids are the best in upcountry schools, parents and teachers feel they are geniuses but than they crash when competing against students from good schools in the main cities or so it seems.


As of why getting interested in the thai situation despite not having any influence in it, well, if I go to the circus I definetely can't change the show, but it is still very entertaining !

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I second this. The people are hardly the problem, if so I would have long time left. The issue are the racist and restrictive laws towards foreigners which should revised a long time ago. Most normal Thais are even not aware of the disadvantages foreigners face here. TIT

Ain't that the truth. As I point out the inequality things I face, it pisses off Mrs LK moreso than I. I'm resigned to it, I guess, while she is still young and idealistic.

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it amazes me how upset farangs are over this red shirt stuff

As has been mentioned, if had you armed militia and razor wire in front of your office, and have shouting idiots throwing diseased blood around a block away from your home, then you'd understand why we are so upset about it!

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