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GTG? What defines her?


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>>>I would correlate this behavior to lack of self-discipline, or a lack of common sense or just not plain smart<<<


smoking is the ability of appreciating the better things in life. same like a good coffee (not very healthy as well), a good bottle of wine (ohhh, alcohol...), some excellent meatdish (CHOLESTEROL!).



>>>Now i actually think twice of minimizing my time in bars due to proven secondary smoke dangers......<<<


that sounds always funny for me - someone who lives in bangkok (renowned for it great air... :rolleyes:) who is worried about second hand smoke in bars...




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Says flyonzewall:

>>>People start and continue smoking initially for other reasons than pleasure. <<<


well, than i must be one of those rare peope who started smoking because of pleasure. i always liked to smoke, and i do not want to stop smoking.

you have not only cigarettes for the short pleasure, you have the more advanced arts of smoking, like the cigar, the pipe, or the shisha.

smoking is a culture.




Let me balance your post by saying that smoke KILLS, and that I quitted because it nearly did.........


Up to you :)


Cheers !

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Let me balance your post by saying that smoke KILLS, and that I quitted because it nearly did.........


Up to you


I feel that this thread has moved from "What is a GTG" to preferrences in a gf by the smoking stuff.


I don't like fat girls myself, but I wouldn't list that as a quality which excludes from the "GTG" term here.


Maybe it all shows how stupid the term is...



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Just to add a few more baht to the discussion.


Prostitution does effect more than just the woman. Prostitution destroys the image of the community that surrounds it. In the case of Thailand, the image of the country has been tarnished severely by it. Should image matter? That is another question. Honestly speaking, I would be rather distraught by the fact that my country's image in the foreign mind was that of a big whorehouse. I suspect some Thais have this feeling. The fact that prostitution is rampant in Thailand is a sign of societal failure. No person dreams to be a prostitute (except straight men). A society that lacks the framework and opportunities to give women an income to live a decent life is a failed society. In my opinion Thai society has failed in this regard. The fact that so many women are working as prostitutes says something about the general interest that the government and the society has in its people. Implicating the reasons why prostitution doesn't seem to vanish in Thailand is worth opening a discussion on.


On a last note, a good thai girl is not a woman who benefits financially from prostitution via advertising. A GTG, in my opinion obviously, is woman who makes her money honestly. I'd much rather marry a whore than a "new economy mamasan".

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This is not directed at anyone in particular.


Why is making money by having sex bad?

IMO it isn't



A 25 year old virgin could be as evil as they come and a BG reformed or not as sweet.


Personaly I would never get romantically involved with anyone who as linksto the scene. But that does not make them bad people.

There are millions of bad people out there who have bad characters and have never been near the sex indusrtry.


o link occupation with the content of one's character is bullshit


Doctors are better people than bin men?


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Had to chime in on this. So prostitution affects the community at large... Well you have to look at every thing in the community and point fingers there too. From those who throw waste haphazardly into the street to those who sell drugs. Everyone does something that rubs joe neighbor the wrong way. Just because a female does something with her body and a customer does something with his body does not make it any worse than the person who dumps garbage and creates a hazardous living condition for those around them. Much less worse than drug dealers who invariably shoot other people with thier stray shots in gun battles. Prostitution has been alive and well for eternity. I think the Bhuddist nature of the Thais make it much more acceptable than those in the West and various other cultures in the East (Arabics and Catholics) It is seen as something that just is. I agree with you about the framework of the government and society perpetuating the problem however. Just because they make their money on their backs does not mean they cannot be a GTG. They are Thai right? Does prostitution preclude them from being good? I have met squeaky clean straight girls who can be the worst prostitutes in the world. As usual you don't pay now, BUT YOU PAY LATER!!! Ask divorced men in the west. I don't know if I would marry a prostitute but you do have it right about these new economy mamasaans. Nice term you coined...



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I believe you that you began smoking out of pleasure. There are some smokers like you but believe me they are a minority.


Concerning my comparision of the moral of BGs and smokers: This is my opinion! But it doesn't mean that I think that smokers or bargirls have a bad character.


My point was only to show that if one applies the same strict rules of moral which are often applied here on this board concerning bargirls, most of the people would be bad people.


You can compare bargirls with the businessmen who sack thousands of people but earn millions of dollars, with presidents who promise to do the best for their country but just fill their pockets, with priests who abuse the religion, with girls who hunt wellknown men, drug dealers (what is philippe morris?) etc.


And last but not least I consider the "customers" of the bargirls as bad as the girls themselves. (I include myself of course :: )


Best regards



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[color:"red"] I don't like fat girls myself, but I wouldn't list that as a quality which excludes from the "GTG" term here.




Hey if fat girls are not GTG then many of us 20 lbs above the ideal weight is "BAD mama", including your Jasmine here. On second thought, may be I rather want to be "Bad Mama" !!!! :neener::D


Hug :bow:

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"Concerning my comparision of the moral of BGs and smokers: This is my opinion! But it doesn't mean that I think that smokers or bargirls have a bad character.


My point was only to show that if one applies the same strict rules of moral which are often applied here on this board concerning bargirls, most of the people would be bad people. "



To me this is a very weird moral code. Maybe its used to put off kids smoking in their early teenager years, but I honestly didn't think grown ups went for this. :neener:




P.S.: Non smoker myself, as my fiancee.

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