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Brink15 said:

Hi guys,



I'm still trying to figure this new game out. If I understand it correctly the higher your power level the more you are screwed due to this messed up programming logic for the rolls. On the other hand if I understand it correctly having armed troops increases your chances of victory. Now I'm really confused. ::


I seem to do better when I attack with sets of 5 APs and target either humans or elves. Obviously as I'm low man on the list so I have a lot to learn. :beer:


I am still trying to figure it out too. I think you are referring to the randomness factor when attacking. I don't think that you are more screwed by having a higher power rating, I think it its pretty relative because you are only allowed to attack and be attacked by those with +/- 50% of your power.

The difference that i notice in attacking within my current power group is the way people armour themselves. You don't get to se how many shields guys have unless you use a WSS. So number wise at first glance I should easily cream a guy but he instead defeats me, alot has to do with the randomness but alot also has to do with his defensive equipment and types of troops.


You will also find that you do well against certain races depending on your race.

XP wise I do well against Elves and humans. gold wise I do well against undead and elves. Enemy losses I destroy orcs and undead.


I alos notice that the acquiring more XP's seems to be contingent upon the number and type of troops the enemy has instead of their XP level. I get more Xp when I attack a guy with troop numbers closer to mine , especially Elves.

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Peter1964 said:

I am also trying to figure it out (I didn't play the last game). Btw, my link is :


- http://www.lordsoflegend.com/user_page.php?id=MjEtNTg4NDY=


Peter you should delete your account and open a new one using the link of one of the other players so that you both get additional gold every turn.


I wiil again post the newbie post on how to start the game and LL has earlier provided a strategy for starting the game to the best advantage.

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Here is a guide for LOL players. Do not give me credit for this, Bane_Star_00 from the LOL forum wrote it.


Welcome ALL to The NEW Guide To Play...... version 2


This Thread is designed to be a Guide to playing LoL, I have tried to Adapt each Entry for each Stage of play so That IF you are new you need only read the first entry, but If you have been playing a while, Scroll Down to Later Entries for more tips on playing...


Lords of Legend is a Javascript Program with minimal graphics... (Race pictures only at this stage) to be enjoyed by all.


Please Note: I am a player, I am not the creator, I wrote this for fun, and some of my numbers may not co-incide exactly with your own experiences, As stated this is a Guide, Not the official rules.


Part 1: Getting Started-


So ..So you Haven't joined yet, then the big question is...


WHICH RACE Do you want to be? Read up on each of the race stats, and determine the race that suits you...Are you more of an attacker(elves), or a defender(dwarves), a Gold Horder(humans)? Do you like your troops to Live(trolls), or do you want to take away your enemies troops(undead), Do you want LOTS of troops(orcs), Each of these questions refer to a given race (in brackets)

As at this time in posting, The easier Race is Undead or Humans, and many may choose one of them to learn how to play, If your after more of a challenge then the Harder Race is Trolls. These guys have a much better advantage much later in the game, and take a bit more effort to get them there.


Who Can you Ally With? You can only JOIN UP as an Ally for an existing player, If you are allready a member you CANNOT Ally after you are joined, but you can get others (who are NOT members)to ally to you. This gives you and your ally a Bonus for playing the game


Ok, Game Intoduction...

You are the Leader (WARLORD) of a small (but growing) army of warriors. Warriors join you each day (real time) based on the protection you can give them (the First building in your build list) you can train these warriors to become better fighters provided you can give them shelter (the second building in the build list). Specialist Types of Fighters, determined by race are sheltered in the 3rd, 5th and 6th buildings, determined by the building type

Each of these buildings cost 50,000 Gold to Make, and usually some prior building requirements... once again GO OVER the race details...



Part 2: What to do first-

Read the Forums? you?re here so your off to a good start. In the beginning its a matter of learning the game, testing it out, and getting a feel for what to do.. You start the game with 30,000 Gold Peices

and 25 Attack Points Your going to need to buy a building, but this costs 50,000 Gold. So you need to acquire the extra 20,000 gold.

There are three distinct ways to do this;


1. Wait it out.. Every 30 minutes you earn your Base gold (approx 60 Gold) and 1 Attack point. Each Day you also gain Troops that decide to join you, They decide this based on the size of your fortifications, If you are well defended more will join (more on this later). If you wait until you have the 50,000, you don?t have to worry about your opponents becuase New players Are INVISIBLE Until you make your first attack. This Takes a few days, three in fact. If your not going to log on for 3 days Maybe this is a good plan.


2. ATTACK!, The Most dangerous way is to attack outright, BUT tis game is risk vs Reward. If you can get 50,000 Gold with your starting attack points, And buy your building fast enough, Your off to a great start, BUT if you don?t get to the 50K, then you?re a sitting duck. People will see you with all this money and you?re an easy target. They will attack you and take it all away!! (see further down on how to attack!)


3. WAIT and then ATTACK, So You?re invisible, you leave it for a few hours, or your reading this forum, or chatting on the IRC with me and others. Then come back and attack, This gives the advantage that you get a bit more starting cash, and a few more attack points, If your ready to battle but want better Odds, Try this starting strategy.


One Last Point: Go to the Support LOL link, and check out some other sites, This gives you 1 extra attack point per site you visit, up to 5 sites can be viewed a day, you don?t have to stay at the site for very long. But the AP?s are worth it.


Part 3: Preparing for First Attacks-


Click on the Attack button on the right side of your screen. you will be presented with a list of all opponents who are within your battle range. These warlords are of Up to FOUR times your power, or Down to HALF your power. Have a look through the many pages, look for someone with alot of gold. Personally I wouldn't settle for anything less than 30,000 Gold Go for someone with too much money to care about.


In the early days, Attacking an opponent of equal Rank is a Risky Business, If you win, you'll be ahead of the game, If you lose.... Ouch, you got a few days of being behind the 8-ball.


IF your Opponent has enough Cash for your attention, Click upon his Name and you will see some more information, This usually shows opponents Allies, you can see, not only who your attacking but possible enemies that may retaliate, Personally again, I attack those with allies, They get enough cash bonus so they shouldn't mind if little old me comes and takes some gold


Next you might have a choice of How to Prepare for Battle. If you have a Warlord seeing stone, You may choose to use one of these, This allows you to see what your opponents army consists of, what troops he/she has and what weapons he/she is armed with. But be careful, you get these stone rarely, so use them wisely.


Have a look at the statistics of your opponent, what?s his power level and what?s his army units, If his power is greater than yours but he has less units, you have a chance, Or Vice versa, but if both are greater be careful, if both are less go for it, but I'm quite sure that attacking a lesser opponent rewards less cash and less experience... Its risk vs Reward, attack a higher player and IF you win, the reward is fantastic, but you'll lose more often and lose troops as well, You may win More often with the weaker opponents, but you still lose some troops and the rewards are less

Its a risk vs Reward Game


Once you have picked your opponent by the defences he/she has, and the units he/she has and the cash your going to take, ATTACK....


Part 3 section 2: The New Players Bonus-


One of the Newest Features, and I think the best is the Newbie Bonus. As a new player, your combat wins seem to be more successful, when you do win, you receive BONUS GOLD, and If your Low on attack points, and your still haven?t hit 50,000 gold, then you MIGHT get extra attack points for free. This improves your chances of getting your first building.


NEWBIE INVISIBILITY REMINDER: Until you attack you are Invisible, So prepare your battles wisely, and when you do initaite you attacks, you must get 50,000 as fast as possible, and BUY that first building as fast as possible, If you are caught out in the open, someone will see you and you Lovely Gold, and ATTACK, and you might end up in Newbie Limbo, like many seem to have done...

Take note: The newbie Bonus seems to expire when you hit 50,000 Gold. Don?t get caught like a lot of people and keep attacking, your wasting attack points, and people can see you now, your no-longer invisible. More importantly They ALSO see your 50,000 Gold, The vultures will swarm in and attack you, so QUICK build your first building (see further details on building choice in posts below).


Part 3 section 3: Attacking your opponent-


At first when you view you opponent you have limited Information. Beyond using Seeing stones, How do you get More information... You must attack, with 1 Attack Point. Have a look at this information: what level bonus do they get, what weapons bonuses and defencive bonuses do they have and what fortification defence do they have, you need this info to judge if your 'really' going to attack them or not, With this information... DO you ourank them, Do you over power them, Do you have More Troops than them, and Do you have more attack bonuses than thier defence bonuses...If ALL of these are a YES, then if your attack is more likely to be successful a second time, ATTACK again with 5 or more attack points, if you have hundreds of attack points spare... Go for Broke... all 10.... BATTLE CARNAGE DESTRUCTION yeah yeah


Obviously if your out ranked and out classed here, Back off, and fight someone else... unless you want the bigger money, If you are hopelessly outclassed but the Random value means that you win, The CASH you get is Phenominal.... I cant tell you how many times I've scored 20K+ or 30K+ wins from enemies of equal or greater rank, and usually its more than half of what they have....

Judge your odds, attack with less attack points if you want to see the odds values more, attack with more when your confident....


Last Point at this stage: Be Nice... dont make enemies, there is plenty of time for this later;


WHY? you ask.... well If you want another reason its this:

When a player has alot of cash you WIN alot of cash, but after 2-3 attacks from you, they have less cash, BUT probably close to the same defences and Troops, So the Risk you take Rewards you less....WASTE OF AP..


Also they may have friends and Allies who will gang up on you to keep you down.... but thats all part of the game.


Part 4: Playing Lords of Legend


So The Idea in Lords of Legend is to rise up the ranks and claim First Place, This may seem difficult at first, especially when your starting power is 24, and first place is in the tens of thousands. But by following this guide, and using your skills, you can rise in the ranking faster, even claiming a top 100 placing before the reset, and then After reset, you will have the skills to claim and hold the top 15.


When You play, ask yourself a key question; How do you play. Whats your goal.. Are you the type of Player that wishes to: win more cash or More battles or are you More interested in defending your Castle from invaders

or do you want to Rise to the Top of it all.


Winning More Cash & More Battles

relies on getting the best combat Odds that you can, getting a broad range of Troops to cover all the angles and equiping all your units with the most weapons that are available.

For Newbies: Get your Troop house & your armoury as fast as possible. Make calculated attacks on weak and rich enemies, keeps your losses down and your wins high. In each Race, There are 4 troop types, that get a weapon/Armour, When choosing Units, Choose those that use weapons Twice as much as the other Units. Buy weapons for your Units as soon as you buy the units, buy Base troops by the 10's and stock up thier weapons, A.S.A.P, dont fall behind on this, seriously!!!


Heres an extra Value here, Buying weapons increases you combat values BUT does not increase your Power rating, So you are still the same power as people around you, but SOOOO much better in battles, your Chance of winning is Boosted and you can start taking on warlords of a GREATER Power than you and still win often, with the Risk vs Reward Theory you'll be 'RAKING' in the cash Oh the Power Oh the Money.. EEeee hehehehe

Defending your Castle from invaders


This relies on getting the best defences as fast as possible, Your 'Defencive stucture is your first priority, and then Sheilds and all 'defencive armoury' is the go, Change the structure of the Army, you should go for Those that Have Armour or sheild troops twice as much as the rest, and remember to stock up in these defences as fast as you buy the troops. Now NO-ONE will be taking your cash, and they are wasting thier attack points even trying... of course the best way to not lose cash to opponents is NOT HAVE ANY.. spend all you have and then some, Get a loan to round off the needed 50,000 or 100,000 to buy that building, and then at the end of any turn, spend all your cash, and when you cannot spend any more, pay the last little bit into your loan... no-one bothers to attack a penniless warlord. But remember your not going to be online 24/7 so buying defences & sheilds is the Crux of this strategy


Rising to the Top of the Pile


The much harder strategy, Both Offence and Defence have strategic values to get this goal, set your idea 60/40 80/20 and stick to it, but in the race for power, there is a Third way, Economic Acheivement. If you just want your power to increase, then you want to get more troops which = more money = more troops etc etc, and troops with a higher individual rating, Winning battles is secondary, Use your AP's only for VERY HIGH CASH opponents, Its How much CASH you win from your battles that count, and Losing the least number of troops to those battles (they cost to replace). So just spend all your money on the best troops you can, and nothing else, log in often and buy more of that troop, Log in after the midnight 'tick' and take out your maximum loan, buy the troops you can, before the next 'midnight tick' pay off that loan, Paying 10% interest will spoil your plans. Allways buy twice as many Base units as you train, ... the fast way to increase your power.. oh and getting new people to join as your ally, friends, relatives, enemies(challenge them to get better than you).

My Personal Strategy


Its a combination of 70% attack 30% defence & Economic Style of play.

If your average opponent has a base level 2, he has base defence of 50, You want to be able to 'ignore' this base defence, so you want at least 50pts worth of weapons, level 3 is 400 and level 4 is 1350, so Getting those weapons is REALLY worth the money, secondly, anyone reading this thread that starts doing what I'm doing is going to be having nice Wepaon bonuses, so now you need to buy Sheild Bonuses to offset the advantage they have... and the ARMS race continues... lucky we dont have Nuclear weapons....AHHH Hahahaha Evil Evil I say....


Part 5: What to Buy, and When


Typically this comes down to personal choice. But the best advice I can give is to set your mind in order first. If your going to get all of the Units in equal amounts, with 50% armed forces, then stick to it. Choose what you want as an end product, and choosing the path to get that is the easy step. If you DON?T, you?ll end up having no path, and you?ll end up somewhere, but who knows where..


I?ve frequently said in the past that I don?t know everything, but I can take educated Guess, and There is Logic. Logically, Archers should damage your opponents troops more, but they always seem to cost more too. Base troops bring in more gold, on the average, but their life expectancy is low. War machines reduce the defencive bonuses of your opponent. But More personal defences might be in order? It?s a game of Strategy, Choosing an opponent by their defences, and taking their gold. Battling for supremacy


Part 5: A. Troop Purchases

Each Race consists of 5 Troop Types, The Base troop, The Warrior, The Archer(ranged) The Power Troop(or mouted) and the War Machine.


Choosing appropriate troops gives your army both strategic and playability factors. From the little that I have gathered, Troops can affect the income you get, The gold you take from your defeated opponent, The power you wield, the reduction to your opponents defences and many smaller factors.


Each Troop type has more chance of surviving battle than the one above it in your list, So buying lots of low power troops is cheap, but more of them will die in each battle.


The Idea of Whether to Arm your Troops or not is another contingency, Later in the last stages of the game, there are less and less mercenaries to purchase, so if your constantly training up, you will run low on base troops, DO you WANT EXCESS WEAPONS?


Strategy for Buying Troops.... Simply enough, Buy First Attack second, It?s the most economical way. Choose an opponent, attack, if you win, go buy more troops, you replace lost troops from battles and you gain more power for the next attack, increasing your combat odds.

Buy and Buy often, Log in when you get up and buy troops, takes only a few seconds. The go to work/school, etc, the minute you get home, Buy troops, then go do your homework/cook tea. When you normally log on, THAT?S when you do all your attacking, buildings, forum chatting, and last but not least, just before you go to bed, Take out a loan and buy troops


Part 5: B. Loans are they worth it

HOW TO PLAY ... How to Use Loans...


Who Uses Loans? I don?t anymore. Well almost, The only good reason to get a loan is to get that LAST FEW GOLD PIECES to buy the building. You?ve spent all your attack points, and you only just got 48K, it happens all the time? rather than losing it all to the vultures, you make sure your loan is still empty so you can borrow the remainder and Buy that building.


In the Olden Days, the Loans worked different, and you could buy enough troops to off-set the Interest, made it worth while to be up to your eyeballs in debt. But game wise it was broken, There are a few races with a few slight differences that still makes this a viable option, But I?ll leave that up to you to research


Part 6: Clans & their functions


Another New Feature is the Clans. At 5th Level you may purchase a Headquarters, This allows you to Create or Join a clan, If you Create a Clan, you must find at least 1 new clan member within a given time frame (5 days I believe) or the clan will automatically disband. Small clans May Need extra members to survive in time?Or Join another clan, find a clan you want to be in, and ?ask? into the clan, Or ask on the forums and the clan leader will invite you in.


Why would you do this you ask. Well there are some coming features, but here are the two most important ones;


Clans are a community, you have a Clan leader, you can see who is in a clan and where they rank, Clan leaders can communicate with the clan to relay battle plans and attack orders, Many Clans have distinct enemies, and Major Wars happening while your reading this. If you have a lot of friends playing this game, or introduce a lot more, not only can you have them join you as friends for the extra bonuses, You can also ask them to join your clan, and really become a powerful Warlord.


Clans can make Markets, If you have a clan, you can build a Market. The Clan member ?trade goods? in the background, This means a Bonus 50 Gold for you, and a further 8 gold per clan member that also has a market, This is best used for clans above 15 members. But even better you can upgrade your Markets, Bazaars, Trade Fairs & the like, They give even better gold per turn and more bonus to your Clan members


Part 7: The Way to win...


What, you actually think I'm going to tell you this... This is for you to find out....

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jjsushi said:

Peter you should delete your account and open a new one using the link of one of the other players so that you both get additional gold every turn.

Any suggestion, whose link to use?
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Most prolific attacker award goes to:



Nov 27 2:15 AM Yehtmae Dragonwarrior 10 6,572 1 2

Nov 27 2:14 AM Yehtmae supernova 10 5,718 1 1

Nov 27 2:13 AM Yehtmae rohanajz 10 4,119 1 3

Nov 27 2:13 AM Yehtmae rohanajz 1 491 0 0

Nov 27 2:12 AM Yehtmae Shithead 10 2,977 1 2

Nov 27 2:12 AM Yehtmae Shithead 1 503 0 0

Nov 27 2:11 AM Yehtmae Nexus 10 2,913 1 3

Nov 27 2:11 AM Yehtmae Nexus 1 472 0 0

Nov 27 2:09 AM Yehtmae GodTom47 10 2,298 1 2

Nov 27 2:09 AM Yehtmae GodTom47 1 635 0 0

Nov 27 1:56 AM Yehtmae LordParadaisa 10 2,914 1 2

Nov 27 1:55 AM Yehtmae LordParadaisa 1 716 0 0

Nov 27 1:55 AM Yehtmae EKIM543 10 4,363 1 1

Nov 27 1:55 AM Yehtmae EKIM543 1 397 0 0

Nov 27 1:54 AM Yehtmae ladieslove343 10 3,254 1 2

Nov 27 1:54 AM Yehtmae ladieslove343 1 258 0 0

Nov 27 1:53 AM Yehtmae mattman1 10 6,025 1 2

Nov 27 1:53 AM Yehtmae mattman1 1 732 0 0

Nov 27 1:52 AM Yehtmae Slawa 10 6,419 1 2

Nov 27 1:52 AM Yehtmae Slawa 1 306 0 0

Nov 27 1:52 AM Yehtmae UnholyMithrill 10 4,921 1 2

Nov 27 1:52 AM Yehtmae UnholyMithrill 1 566 0 0

Nov 27 1:51 AM Yehtmae Nexus 6 1,453 0 1

Nov 27 1:50 AM Yehtmae deathassassin69 10 3,742 1 3

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