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christmas morning church service


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I find this an interesting comment, KS, especially since opening such a pandora's box could lead to all kinds of religious comments. In years past, I attended protestant church services regularly. I didn't quit going because of disbelief, but because I got tired of the sense of constant conviction (even pre-sanuk). I gain so much from reading scripture, but feel so convicted, that I seldom do it.


I too, in years past, wondered why anyone in their right mind would want to visit Church on Christmas/Easter whilst at no other time. The only conclusion I could come to was that they enjoyed the cultural event; the actual ceremony, lights, and spectacle. They may profess no ascension to Christian doctrine at all. I personally would find it refreshing to hear some of the old hymns I haven't heard in a while. It may also give me a bit of insight as to what is going on in Christian circles in BKK.


As far as hypocricy goes, I seem to have a different definition than most others. I don't see such an aforementioned person being a hypocrite. But if they criticized others for attending, THEN attended THEMSELVES, then, yes, I would see that as hypocricy. If I traveled down the wide fork in the road, then fell into quicksand, then found myself yelling to others to "go back go back", I wouldn't expect the other travellers to call me a hypocrite--I'm trying to spare them my misery. But, if I went down a road, and found nuggets of gold, then yelled to others "keep away--this path is a trap", then, for me, that would be hypocricy.


Gosh, sounds so heavy. If you could read my body language KS, you'd know that I mean this in a "nicely-curious" way. No hard feelings. :hug:



Later, :up:

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"I find this an interesting comment, KS, especially since opening such a pandora's box could lead to all kinds of religious comments."

I guess so, but then again I have long ago lost any faith in religion (any religion!) as I believe that they are all corrupt and full of hypocrisy.


Too many people sitting in church every Sunday, figuring out who they can fuck over on Monday. And as for compassion and love thy neighbor.. Well the less said the better.



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"Protestant church on Suk soi 19 ?"


Is that the grace baptist church near the sukumvit end or is there another on?




Yes, 50-60 meter into the soi coming from Suk on your right hand side, I passed it many times going to class a bit further.

Not being from that faith, I never really looked nor remembered which church.




I did study religions a bit, specially comparative studies, and once a very learned rabbi told me that expression of faith is very personal and not even needed to be done in public or in groups, if you believed in God - any God - then He was in your heart...... that is enough for me to believe.


Cheers !

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.....It would be awesome if someone performed Handel's Messiah--a Christmas tradition in the US. I guess I'm not going to find that anywhere around here......



Handel's Messiah was performed about 2 weeks ago on 3 nights at three different locations around Bangkok. Excellent performance by a chorus of about 150 people and several talented soloists. I suspect the soloists were/are professional singers. The level of performance must have required months of practice and I came away quite impressed. There was an overflow crowd at the performance that I attended and at least half of the audience were Thais of all ages who seemed to enjoy it.

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Well let me tell you all something here, I am an Ordained Minister, not shit, no lie. Universal life Church in Modesto California. A leagelly recognized church. Have a license number etc, (offered to preside over UPSer's wedding, oddly he hasn't returned any of my emails since?) Can do anything a minister can do. That said, I have spent time in churches and synagauges (mixed parents, mixed up kid/adult), and go go bars. Given the choice, I'd take the bars, the people are more honest there.

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lazyphil said:

remember the big guy himself never lauded over the prostitutes--take a leaf out of his good book!!


True, however it does state in Jack 6:6:6, "It is better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore then to have spilt on the bathroom floor"


We are all hypocrites, God bless each and everyone one of us :beer::devil:

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I am totally a hypocrite. I attend church regularly and will fornicate like the dickens and troll the Sois of Pattaya. However, people that know me know I NEVER judge them. Well, I'll take that back. Generally accepted rules of morality that are common to religioius and non-religious people alike such as hurting someone and some lies (lying to me personally as opposed to lying to the Mrs that the trip to LOS is a business trip which is your own business) I will give a lecture on. But what you do is your own business and as long as you're respectful to me, you've got a friend.


Interesting, though, some people I've met in the past, who I never judge, treat well as a friend, have treated me differently after finding out that I do attend regularly as if I was secretly judging them all along when nothing could be further from the truth.


So in deference to those that do attend. Isn't calling someone a hypocrite by attending, judging them? And if you are allowed to do it and its wrong for those that attend church to do it, then what is the difference?


We're ALL hypcorites in some form or manner. Its how we treat each other on a one on one basis that I consider important. Some of the best people I've ever met have never been near a church, temple, mosque or synagogue. However, I would have to include my parents as some of the best examples of those that do attend. Salt of the earth. Never heard them say a bad word about anyone. Never told me don't play with that kid because he's Jewish or White or Catholic or Gay or whatever, all they asked is that the kid behave themselves and be respectful when at our house. I've always been able to invite anyone to Christmas dinner and have. All types of folks and I did it with an easy mind knowing my family will accept them based solely on my accepting them which is good enough for them.

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I guess the question is, why do you attend church? If one actually believes in the teachings of the bible etc, then I would think one would not go half way around the world to seek the services of sex workers. I have a bit of a problem understanding this sort of thing. I work with a guy who is always very beligerent in his bible crap, but then asks me if I have any porn to lend him. A different bible thumper goes to Thailand (He is from Burma) for sex, because "...I work hard all year..." yet, he will condem me for not going to church or not believing in Jesus. His defense is "...even JC hung around with a prostitute, Mary Magdelin..." Sorry, but if you buy the ticket take the ride, either go to church and stay out of Pattaya or go to Pattaya and stay out of church, you just can't honestly have it both ways.


As for EVERYONE being a hypocrite, I'll disagree. How can someone be a hypocrite when he or she fesses up to what they do, and never tries to condem someone else for doing as they do? A nun once asked me why I went to Thailand so much, I replied "...to drink and chase women..." Her reply "...well use a condom, no sense getting sick or dying..." Is she a hypocrite also? Or is she just advising me as she sees fit? To much of a gray area here, and to easy to let yourself off by saying everyone is a hypocrite to an extent, if true, it still doesn't make it right!

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I attend church because I am a Christian. Perhaps not in practice but the bible never said you wait till you are acting perfect then you attend. Also, out of habit, actually a variety of reasons some 'legitimate' biblically and some not. Whatever the reason, I attend. So what? I have admitted my hypocracy and am very honest about my own faults, etc. I don't hear the same thing said about a BG who goes to Temple. I may not know much about the type of buddhism practiced in Thailand but I am fairly confident the the things done in a bar isn't one of the tenets of the faith. Why can't I have it both ways? To tell me I can't or this and that is to me the same as a bible thumper telling those of you on here what you can or should be doing. My hypocracy is not hurting anyone, therefore what is the big deal? I'm a bit confused at the point perhaps that is being made.


We are all hypcoritical about something. That I disagree with. There are a number of things I do or think that I know is not 'right' but I do. I am not saying its right, it makes me honest about my own shortcomings. So what? I never said going to Pattaya and going to church is right. I'm honest about the difference.


You may have had met hypocritical Christians, Jews, Moslems, etc. fine, but as I said in my original post, I take people one on one. Your experience with others in the faith seem like you're possibly transferring to others.

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