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is it true you can shoot a cow with a bazzuka in ?


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FIGJAM said:
chuckwoww said:

Yes the tether is definitely a factor. But I think the issue would be the same if the cow was loose. They just stand there you know while you take aim. Stupid animals have learned to trust us.

In other words you are now saying that killing a cow is more cruel (and it's psychotics' stuff) because it trusts us! :rotfl:


Why don't you just accept the fact that the bottom line, for both hunting and blowing up cows, is killing animals for fun.


Establishing which one is the cruelest way doesn't seem that big of an issue to me...

And even if it was I would argue that an animal desperately running for its life and finally killed in a trap or biten to death by the hunters' dogs or shot or a combination of the three, suffers a greater pain than a totally unaware cow being instantly blown by an RPG.



No I'm saying it's too easy and can't be considered hunting. But that's just one reason. And I never mentioned cruelty at all. You keep getting sidetracked. I just think anybody who ENJOYS killing defenseless tethered domestic animals has a problem. But hey it's just my opinion.

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What a sickening thread. There is little doubt that those who take *pleasure* in hurting or killing people or animals are mentally sick. Try it in most places, and you will rightly be locked away.


The parallel with hunting is fallicious. The "pleasure" in hunting comes from the "hunt" NOT the "kill". It is the satisfaction from "pitting yourself" aganst nature or whatever and any hunter who gets "pleasure" from killing will rightly be looked at as a psycho. Again, try tethering an animal before shooting it in any "hunting" society and see how much applause you get....


People do kill animal of course. For food, for other reasons, control etc but to say it is pleasurable is plain sick.


One can understand the "pleasure" of firing an RPG, but to *need* to have a cow at the end of it to get you "kick" is just sickening. This is not a "PC tree hugger argument" its a "humanitarian" (in its broadest sense) argument.


To those who draw parallels with forced or indentured sex, again a fallicious argument. Nobody condones forced/indentured sex on this board (at least not for very long).


Again, if you cannot see the difference between "fucking" and "killing", you have some serious mental problems.


and lastly


>This is the clear difference between psychotic freaks and perfectly normal and well balanced individuals: the tether


No. The psychotic freaks are those who think its OK to get pleasure from killing animals, tethered or not and can't see that its simply wrong.


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Here is the thing, hunters usually hunt for fun AND food. As forthe guys who just blast to hang the head on the wall, I think that is a bit nuts also, usually, someone eats the meat on the hunt or in the villages I am told. The skin, head what ever are also used. Blasting itwith a L.A.W. or RPG destroys it to a point of not much left, so more less a compleate waste.


"...I too dislike it. But since it doesn't directly harm my and other peoples' well being and freedom I say DO WHATEVER ROCKS YOUR BOAT..."


Here is the thing...one could argue, that it does harm you indirectly or maybe directly. Figure in a buddist country, where arbitrary killing is considered wrong (in theory anyway) then just destroying an animal might be considered bad. Enough farangs do it it, and we all get a bad name and lumped into the same group of money wasting drunken drunken whore chasers...face it, we all ready have a fairly bad rep in some parts, because of the actions of a few...


"...I will put it as simply as I can: why is it perfectly OK to fuck "for fun" poor farmers' daughters forced into selling themselves by their poverty and it's so wrong to kill animals for fun (think about hunting)?..."


I am in the camp that says these girls are not "forced" into this by poverty alone in most cases. Thus it is ok to fuck someone who has made this choice. A girl chained to a bed crying her eyes out begging you not to is another story. And yes, killing a cow that is chained up, just for the hell of it, is wrong in my book...as I said, it is a compleate waste of a valuable resource in a poor country.




The moment I start to impose my moral standard on others I must accept that they will, in turn, try to impose theirs on me.

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rchapstick said:

I've got a fly here and I'll let anyone pull its wings off for 10 baht.


Come guys, show yer manhood!


There is movement here in OZ to allow tourists to hunt and kill crocodiles in northern Australia....up to 25 per year.

A hunter will be backup for the tourist/hunter.

Steve Irwin and others are trying to get it stopped before it gets going...

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OK - so the cows don;t run, so tethered or not it's the same, when not pay a bar girl to chase after them with a stick so they run and then that's hunting, hopefully you'd miss the bar girl too, but plenty of those anyway huh?



PS What happenedd to ggood old cow tipping where you just sneak up on them in the night and tip one over?

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damen said:

If it costs $200 to blow up the cow, I'm guessing you can fuck it for about 100 baht. Those would be some pretty interesting pictures to bring home :yay:


Did the AK47 thing once and wasn't all that impressed. I can think of better uses of my $20, but at least now I can say "I shot an AK47", whoopdee doo! I believe you could toss a grenade in a pond and kill some fish too. Wasn't offered the cow, but if you do blow one up, I'm quite sure the meat wouldn't go to waste-yuch!



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josh_ingu said:


What a sickening thread. There is little doubt that those who take *pleasure* in hurting or killing people or animals are mentally sick.


Well said, and I am amazed that this thread got this far before someone made the observation.


This man is obviously sick in the head and if he does carry out his disgusting fantasy, what next? maybe a trip to Columbia to kill a child and pick up a few snuff movies while he is there? The blase attitudes of some of the other posters here with their "whatever turns you on" comments is also quite shocking and unexpected.

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What happend to tipping cows?.....am i just too old fashioned or something?


Blowing cows up, fucking cows....next thing you know people will lying naked under the cow waiting for it to deficate (shit).


You are all perverts I'm going to report you to the RSPCA. :onfire: :yikes:

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emmitt said:

What happend to tipping cows?.....am i just too old fashioned or something?


Blowing cows up, fucking cows....next thing you know people will lying naked under the cow waiting for it to deficate (shit).


Funny you should mention that. I think that's called a Wisconsin Steamer and for 25 baht....err nevermind ::

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