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Thai rak Thai? Yeh, right....


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Earlier tonight, around 10 pm, I was walking through the upper end of Siam... couldn?t tell you the precise location but it was opposite MBK just before the road bends taking you up to Siam soi 1. Lots of cheap street vendors flogging t-shirts, jewelry etc. I was gagging for a beer before my BTS journey and nabbed a Singh from 7/11, parked my arse outside and discretely skulled the cool can with a ciggy, standing in one of the numerous phone boxes while I text a mate. Whilst standing there, watching all the cuties looking at the clothes and waiting for my mate to reply, lots of Thai's are walking past.


Out of nowhere, a Thai guy walks past me and screams in pain, looks down at his foot, looks back up and then twats the woman walking in front of him on the back of the head. It wasn?t a punch - more like a bitch slap on the back of her head. But hard! It made a right old 'thwack' noise. For some bizarre reason, an image flashed in my head of a moody dog owner slapping his pet. The woman didn?t flinch, and just carried on walking... so the guy grabs her pony tail, yanks her head back and waves his right arm around in a circular motion several times, then slaps her fucking hard in the face. Full on, in the chops. Again, it was a bitch slap and not a punch, but fuck me it must have hurt. Then he throws her against a bin, and slaps her again - this time clearly drawing blood.


At this point, I felt a surge of excitement as I presumed that some of the Thais hanging around would intervene and batter the guy. Instead, the woman says something in Thai, spits (not at him, on the floor) and the guy grabs her around the throat and punches her with the inside of his fist three times.... I could hear the blows audibly, it was right there in my face, just 10 feet away.


The woman, bless her, would not buckle and stayed on her feet, defiant. She didn?t do or say anything to wind him up, and simply looked away with blood streaming down her face. I was dying to jump in and leather the guy, but I know better than a Fellang getting involved when Thais wont... it would have been far worse for me. Out of instinct, I dropped my Singh on the floor, walked half way over and shouted something, then looked around for support.. But nothing. It wouldn?t have been so bad if all the Thais were pretended to be ignorant to the event, but they just stood there looking...like spectators at a muay thai fight.


There must have been 20 Thai blokes and 40 Thai women standing watching this and at no point did anyone look like intervening. If it wasn?t for the shock of lack of support, I reckon I would have jumped in. Sitting here now, I regret not helping. I feel ashamed of myself...I am not the sort of guy to shy way from this sort of thing. I was brought up, like most of us fellangs, to stand up for a cause... and feel bad that I didn?t. I wish i could turn the clock back a few hours, as I regret not fucking the guy up. But there was something about the way everyone was watching and not helping that, I dunno, made me feel like I was missing something and shouldn?t get involved.


The guy new the woman, of this im sure - I could just tell. I don?t think it was a GF, as the guy was late 20's dressed well, lots of shopping bags and seemed affluent, and the woman was at least 40, fat and stumpy and dressed in cheap clothes.... but they were definitely together, I can?t say why I could just tell. Maybe bro/sis or something, I dunno.


The poor girl just squatted on the floor with blood streaming and the guy casually walked off. Only at this point, did anyone presume to make an effort... Thais surrounded her asking her if she was ok. But why didn?t they help out when she was getting a kicking? This guy fucked her man! Why didn?t anyone help!


I feel so sickened and ashamed of myself for not jumping in. I appreciate that fellangs should not get involved, but I can?t get the fact out of my head that I could have stopped the guy, but didn?t. If I seen the same thing on the streets of London, I would have been in like a shot.... but this whole Thai/Fellang thing prevented me from doing so tonight.


Thai rak Thai? Do they fuck. I feel gutted about this...horrible thing to see and I feel like a complete wanker for not helping out the poor woman.

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I think if you want to practice being a comic (a poor one at that) try and find a more suitable thread. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:




I had a thread a few months ago about rescuing a girl. Tough position to be in. As I was reading your post I'm visualizing following the guy and just thumping him when there's nobody around. Catch him off guard. Sorry you had to see that. Tough position to be in. Have another ciggy. :beer:


PS Now if Batty's Angels had been around.........................?

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Interesting story Batty. I don't know how I would have reacted. Much like you I think. For starters I am too old to be getting into fights with Thais. I think what happens with events like that is a kind of shock and paralysis....maybe the other Thais watching weren't so different from you? Just a theory.

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Thai rak Thai? Do they fuck. I feel gutted about this...horrible thing to see and I feel like a complete wanker for not helping out the poor woman.
This is not unusual. In a Western country, someone would have likely intervened or at least said something or called the police. Here, it is mind your own business.


Every notice how there is substantially less private charity here in than in the West? When a charitable is act done, it is generally about face. That there is substantially less effort to or interest in maintaining a common areas (if you own a condo here and a number of your fellow condo owners are Thais, you'll know exactly what I mean).


Look at employment or evironmental practices around Thailand. International companies, particularly Western ones, will not only meet local standards but generally go beyond them by applying their own, more stringent, international standards. Local companies will bribe their way around the lower local standards - and not because the local owners are poor. Indeed, they are usually much wealthier than their Western counterparts; they just don't care.

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Batty said:

The poor girl just squatted on the floor with blood streaming and the guy casually walked off. Only at this point, did anyone presume to make an effort... Thais surrounded her asking her if she was ok. But why didn?t they help out when she was getting a kicking? This guy fucked her man! Why didn?t anyone help!


I feel so sickened and ashamed of myself for not jumping in. I appreciate that fellangs should not get involved, but I can?t get the fact out of my head that I could have stopped the guy, but didn?t. If I seen the same thing on the streets of London, I would have been in like a shot.... but this whole Thai/Fellang thing prevented me from doing so tonight.


Thai rak Thai? Do they fuck. I feel gutted about this...horrible thing to see and I feel like a complete wanker for not helping out the poor woman.


No sympathy from me mate. Your using the Thai vs farang thing as an excuse for your cowardice.

You most definitely should feel like a wanker if you viewed another human being get throttled and you felt compelled to do something yet chose not too. To reduce it to how can "Thais" let a woman get thrashed is callous and ignorant on your part. Would you have run to the aid of the chick if she was white skinned, blond haired and blue eyed? If you would have then you really have to ask yourself what sort of person you truly are.


Personally I would only get involved in an altercation only if I think someone is going to be truly hurt in a brutal sort of way(there is a big difference between a beating and getting smacked around) other than that it is not my business. I can give a shit what the ethnicity, sex or nationality of the people involved are. If I can prevent a severe outcome without great risk to myself then I will intervene.


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Gadfly1 said:

Thai rak Thai? Do they fuck. I feel gutted about this...horrible thing to see and I feel like a complete wanker for not helping out the poor woman.
This is not unusual. In a Western country, someone would have likely intervened or at least said something or called the police. Here, it is mind your own business.



What a load of hogwash! I've seen plenty of women get smacked around by dudes here in the States and no one said shit, they just watched from a distance! I've seen guys get stomped in parking lots after party's and no one did squat, except watch from a safe distance. To reduce it to a "Thai" thing is complete ignorance on your part.

Simple human nature to not get involved in violent acts between other people.

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JJ, isn't it easy to dish someone for not helping when you yourself were not there?


At least Batty had to balls to tell us about it and tell us he felt ashamed of himself. Something I am certain you would *never* do.


Futhermore you are calling him a coward for not intervening and then go on to say that you "would only get involved in an altercation only if I think someone is going to be truly hurt in a brutal sort of way(there is a big difference between a beating and getting smacked around) other than that it is not [your] business."


So, why is Batty a coward, but you would not be if you had been standing there?



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Hey he posts it and I comment. Sorry if my comments don't fit your "let's give each other a hug" group therapy.


Why did I comment the way I did? Easy.

1. He admits he wanted to do something but he didn't. He calls himself a wanker for not getting involved.

2. He purposely chooses not to do anything yet he gets angry with the Thais and scorns them for not getting involved as he did.

3. he admits if it was in England he would have most assuredly involved himself.

4. He reduces his non-action as a Thai vs farang conumdrum.

6. He chose to not assist another human being on silly ethnic/nationalistic/cultural rationales.


All that adds up to COWARDICE in my book.


Sorry KS in your bleeding heart world just cause a guy says he is ashamed of himself does not make him a sympathetic soul in my eyes. It merely points out that he chose not to do what HE views as the RIGHT thing.


Now if I was in the situation I probably would have assessed it differently. Maybe a thrashing to him is a mere smack around to me and not worth intervening. And yes I have intervened in physical altercations where I did not know any of the participants because I felt things were getting into a serious point of no return zone.

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