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Muslims should be banned from the skies


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>>Muslims should be banned from the skies <<


On the TV today at random I saw/heard the following:


Girls in school in afghan singing. The taliban believed the Koran prohibited woman from singing. The girls were still worried about singing.


The nutbag that killed Van Gogh for making a movie that condemned muslim violence against woman (honor killings). The woman who wrote the script (she was also a member of the parliament and a former muslim) went into hiding for a full three months. She resigned from parliament and is moving to the USA. Guess she will never know when one of the nut cases might pay her a call. There are 10 million people living in the country, one million are muslims.


A short clip of the riots after the cartoons were published and the calls for death to the artist and editors. Think these riots included moderate muslims.


Maybe the thread title should be "Muslims should be deported from western countries". Not because we don't like them. We just want our usual democratic institutions and principles to survive for the long term. And our airline industries.




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Thought I heard somewhere that El Al also had an armed Israeli army commando on EVERY flight.

Not sure if true, but that (or thinking it to be true) would certainly discourage hi-jackings.


and then there is this shite:




how would you feel if you were those two blokes?


maybe we have to ban speaking Arabic from the flights?


"They went to the front of the queue, went to the back of the queue, and then they went and sat down by themselves."


bloody suspicious that. especially that they sat by themselves.


poor blokes. feel sorry for them. detained and questioned for hours. bleeding hell!




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I just wish I could meet some of these guys on the streets of New York. I can promise you a very interesting discussion would ensue.


I monitor most of the anti-Israel and anti-U.S. demonstrations in NYC, but I've never seen anything quite at this level. The chanting of "Izbah Al-Yahud" ("Slaughter the Jews") is heard at virtually every demonstration because they think Americans don't understand, but nothing more vicious on a placard than "Crush Israel.


I heard the U.K. taxpayers have forked out nearly one million pounds to pay for police protection of the Finsbury Park crowd (the guy is hanging out of the window of the mosque). Here's an interesting interview with their current leader (the founder of mosque, Abu Hamza, is doing seven years in the can for inciting murder and racial hatred. Pay particular attention to his answer to the question, "Do you consider yourself first a Muslim, or do you consider yourself an Englishman and then a Muslim?" His take on jihad in the religion of peace is also very revealing.


Abu Abdullah


Got a feeling those tax pounds could have better been used on the elderly and disabled of London.





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Muslims tolerate nothing. It has to be their way, which is complete bull sh%t.


They want to make the whole world one big Muslim "paradise"...women dressed in the black bags, completely uneducated with zero rights.


I have spent many years living/working in the Muslim countries and I avoid doing business with them as much as possible.

Why? Everyday the do their praying thing and the rest of the day they lie, cheat and steal...as "normal" and "good" business practices.

I see this the norm in Malaysia, which is "Muslim light" when compared with Iran.


...but this is just me and 20 years of working around "them"... :confused:

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Muslims tolerate nothing. It has to be their way, which is complete bull sh%t.


They want to make the whole world one big Muslim "paradise"...women dressed in the black bags, completely uneducated with zero rights.



Exactly right. The goal of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Iranian mullahs, Al Qaida and countless others is to re-establish the caliphate as a step in the forced conversion of all non-believers. One world, under Allah, with oppression and Sharia law for all.


We can't live in peace with them because they'll never let us, at least not until there's the equivalent of the Protestant Reformation throughout the Muslim world and religion becomes purely a matter of individual conscience and not state duty. When Muslims give up thoughts of the Quran as their "constution" and embrace separation of church and state as embodied by the American and French Revolutions (also the more peaceful development in the U.K.. and other West European countries), then we can think about peacful co-existence.





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Such a crock of shit!


How is it that people with access to the internet, tv and all other forms of media can come up with such simplistic assessments of such a complex situation?


It's also kind of hypocritical, isn't it. Claiming that the Muslims want to convert us all.. and that is why we can't live in peace... and then going on to say:


[color:green] "When Muslims give up thoughts of the Quran as their "constution" and embrace separation of church and state as embodied by the American and French Revolutions then we can think about peacful co-existence."[/color]


So basically... there will be no peace until they become like the US.


You claim that the Muslims all want us to become like them while, as you read this, the US is occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and trying to impose Western ideals on them.


The situation in Afghanistan is quite ridiculous. There was no "French or American" revolution here, they have their own way of running their affairs, they have a Jirga system with tribal laws and norms. They don't desire a Western liberal style democracy, yet the West tries to force it on them.


Pakistan is learning slowly in Waziristan. They only managed to quell the situation in the area by convening a Jirga and talking to the tribal leaders on a level that they understand.


I think that the failure of many in the West to understand that maybe people don't want to be like them... don't want a separation of church and state and all you can eat buffets, is a huge problem.


Maybe America needs to mind it's own f**king business.



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