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80% of Mobile Clinic Results HIV Positive!


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The information could be true.

My wife's brother (who is a police officer) claims that when the police were making raids in the lower suk area, the girls who went to jail would be tested and their HIV positive score was close to 100%.


Of course the results were off. The ladies who could pay their fine were not tested. Those who could not come up with money were tested. Also, the ladies were picked up off the streets which one would assume would have a higher rate of infedtion.



No offense, but how deos he actually know? I am guessing he is being told a figure, and encouraged to repeat it.


When I was a medic in the Army, guys used to ask us about the "Black clap" and other infamous deseases..."...was it really true that the U.S. government had a quaranteen station in the P.I. and Panama (fill in other countries) where they sent soldiers to die, so the wouldn't enter the USA and infect others?" crap like that. The official line was (maybe IS) "...yes, there is no cure...so don't fuck..." Rediculis...but we were encourage to instill these myths...

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Agreed on that 100%. I posted about a popular greeter girl from a popular SC bar who died of it. She WAS still working. Other guys mentioned itas well, and told other stories, some of us know the various other girls being discussed. So yes, we should never forget they are out there...as are punter with infections who insist on barebacking...

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Well, I ran into a doctor from Italy, oddly enough at Annies, who told me he was with an AIDS project, and he said Thailand did a decent job of educating people...but it still existed, but not in the high numbers quoated. He also said transmission rates are lower in female-male transfers (forget the technical term he used).


Additionally, my orthopedist here has gone to Thailand, he says AIDS stats in Asia and the west are way off...yet, the reports are here in SFO, it is on the raise...hence, I see a need for condoms and common sense. Yes, it is out there, nieve to think it isn't.

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If I've understood the figures correctly from Wikipedia, a man has a 1/2000 chance of contracting HIV during one sexual encounter of vaginal intercourse (without condom) with an HIV+ woman. For a woman having vaginal intercourse with an infected man, the odds are twice as high, at 1/1000.

This is to be compared to eg a 9/10 chance of HIV infection if receiving infected blood via a blood transfusion, or a 1/20,000 chance for insertive fellatio and 1/10,000 chance for receptive fellatio.

Answers.com gives the chances of contracting syphilis from an infected person in the early stages of the disease during unprotected sex as between 30â??50%.

So these figures give some perspective as to the chances of heterosexual HIV infection, which seem small, but are nevertheless present.

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"No offense, but how deos he actually know? I am guessing he is being told a figure, and encouraged to repeat it."



Only repeating what my wife says. Her brother is a higher ranking police officer (name occasionally gets in the paper) and appears to have first hand knowledge about such things.



I look at it that if you go into a gogo bar, the rate of AIDs is almost zero but if you go out on the street, the rate increases.


The girls who were tested were picked off the streets and were the ones who had no money so could not pay there way out of the mess. If you are out late at night on lower suk you must have seen some of these girls. Some of them are scary. :barf: These are the ones that are close to 100%. When I look at some of them, I would agree. Another place that must be near 100% is the shit that lurks around Tai Pai Inn in Chinatown.




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