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What if we do nothing...?

Old Hippie

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OK so still no real predictions as to what might/will happen if nothing is done, and these guys get a nuke...any ideas how this could/will play out?

OH if I knew I'd go into politics, the situation appears to be irreversible. Lets create a scenario where Iran has nukes. They have no launch vehicle and no chance of making one. You can't test missiles with out alarm bells going off world wide, then the Israelis will bomb everything that moves. So they have to sneak it to the target, these things don't fit in someone's pocket, so that leaves a ship or land transport to get it to the US. Very, very difficult. My solution would be gradual withdrawal of American and other coalition armed forces word wide and a gradual withdrawal of Government funded support for Israel. OK, the threat here is the bad guys take over the Middle East oil reserves but they still have to sell them, if they don't there's no money for fancy mosques and beach houses for Imams. So you make some sort of deal, the Middle East runs it's own affairs and America keeps out of it. You also make some sort of serious threat, any nuclear attack will be returned a thousand times over. I can't see that these guys are serious about a nuclear threat though, with their money surely they could have bought a bomb off elements of the Russian military relatively easily.

And in the mean time you make a serious attempt to replace the slow combustion engine!


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Julian, what you're saying makes perfect sense. I'm sure the majority of people in the world would like to see things go that way.


The problem is that the people calling the shots have no interest in peace. The same goes for climate change. Now, I don't believe everything I read but when the majority of scientists say that our over-consumption is contributing to climate change, I"m inclined to believe them. I'd like to see something done about it.


The US on the other hand covers it up, tries to gag government scientists. Why? Because the people who call the shots are not going to be affected.


Sad really. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where the ordinary people call the shots?

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Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where politicians were honest and trustworthy and didn't go into politics trying to shaft the very country that voted them in.


I agree with your post Bust, but please...paragraphs...it's a formidable wall of letters on my monitor...

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Sorry Zombienation. That's the return button isn't it?....lol.


Wouldn't it be nice. Unfortunately we don't have honest and trustworthy politicians.I think we have a system of politicians that basically requires that you surrender your ethics in order to do your job. The whole system of "Iâ??ll scratch your back if you scratch mine" leads from "hey, this is something youâ??ve never heard of but itâ??s important to meâ?¦" toâ?? I voted for your legislation last week, you owe me thisâ?? and further and further away from responsibility for your own votes.


Letâ??s face it - there is no way anyone in any administration could have an informed opinion on even 20% of the legislation thatâ??s voted onâ?¦ but if you donâ??t vote, your next opponent will say you just not doing your job. Also, if you donâ??t help your friends with what they need, you canâ??t count on them to support your needs.


And at the end of it all - they face the public, half of whom don't understand why and what they are voting for and most of the rest canâ??t even tell you who the Vice President/Deputy Prime Minister is, much less what is actually going on with any particular legislation.


Now, none of this excuses the more egregious examples of lapse in ethics ( the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the plight of Sudan, the arocities in Rwanda) but it does set the path that lead us where we are.




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"...these things don't fit in someone's pocket..."


My understanding is, they can be made quite small...a bomb with "Hiroshima type power" can supposedly fit into a breif case of back pack...so I read (could be bullshit hype). So delivery may not be such an issue...could also be assembled in side a country such as Isreal or the USA) after being smuggled in in pieces...



"..."...who should do what, if the USA does nothing?"


That's the question OH. It looks like most people are sick of the whole Middle East and wouldn't mind too much seeing it obliterated. It could happen..."- Chuckwow


This is just it, most of us really wouldn't care, hell, most of us can't find it on a map anyway...the trouble is, we, the entire world (as in not just the USA) need this oil...agreed, we need to decrease our reliability on it, and develope other means, but bottom line is, we do/will need it. Hence, as I said it is to vital to be ignored...



"...The biggest problem I see is the American people are begininng to revolt against the USA's foreign policies. They are starting to see some of the lies and are becoming aware of where the money really is going. I fear the country is going to see worse civil upset then it did during the 60's and 70's.


After 9/11/2001, the country should have made sure such a thing could never happen again. Instead it sought revenge in Afghanastain.


The US should have spent its money on social issues such as making sure everybody has medical care but instead decided invading Iraq was a more worthy cause.



People should have realized what GWB was before they elected him. He was a draft dodger... plain and simple and now he wants to make appeasements by trying to prove to the world he is a real man..."-Bangkok Traveler



I have to agree with this. Our country is broken, and needs fixing, and we should put the effort into this, rather than Bullshit wars in Iraq and Afganistan...This Iran thing is debatable for now...BTW, I will again remind you all, we never elected GWB, the asshole cheated 2 times...I DO BLAME US (the citezens) for not demanding our other elected officials remove him...try him etc...



To the poster who said the USA had invasion plans for Iraq before 9-11...most likely true...but keep in mind, most countries have some sort of plan to invade other countries...in the event they are needed...What I don't get is, the best military advice from the USA Joint Cheifs and even some forign countries all told the chimp not to do it...yet he did anyway...and now look...

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"My understanding is, they can be made quite small...a bomb with "Hiroshima type power" can supposedly fit into a breif case of back pack..."[/color]


Back in the 50's and the 60's the USA had what was the Davey Crockett. It's warhead weighed 51 pounds and at that time was the lightest and smallest fission bomb the USA had.


Now, over 40 years have past, I think the USA and others have smaller and more powerful weapons.



After 9/11/01, the USA should have made sure such a thing could never happen again. As an indicator where we stand in that area, thefts at airports should be null but instead, thefts are a lot higher then they were before 9/11/01 which indicates security at airports is at an all time low.


The country could have turned to the citizens for help by trying to improve civic responsibility but instead have made up long shit lists of various citizens as possible terrorist which has pissed some people off.


The borders are about as secured as they were before 9/11/01 which means just about anybody can enter the USA anytime they want to.


With problems like this, it is hard to think anybody would want to go and pick a fight some where else.


Secure the airports.

Secure the borders.

Stop pissing off citizens but unite them should be the theme songs.



Attack because of your gut feeling seems to be the rule of the land instead of when a well defined threat has been established.

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OK, so what if we do nothing? what will happen? I want to hear predictions!



You mean what will happen about Iran getting a bomb? Maybe they have one or two already (from N.Korea, Russia, Pakistan) but can anybody prove it? And how can the Iranians ever prove they haven't?

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