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Ladyboy's are fags


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The below excerpt out of Wikipedia for gay pretty much sums up the situation:


Selecting the appropriate term


The term gay is used to describe both same-sex male and same-sex female relations, although it is more commonly applied to men. More rarely, gay is used as a shorthand for LGBT: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Some transgender individuals find their inclusion in this larger grouping to be offensive.


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No,no,no. I think we are wrong Old Hippie.

After reading the whole thread, it appears to be like this.


If a man sucks the following cocks, atached to the following humans, he is......


A big'ol hairy biker.....very gay


A guy who doesn't appear too gay but does employ the latest arse tickling dildos.....gay


A rather bent effimate chap, who doesn't wear a frock.....quite gay


A bloke who hasn't had any hormone treatment or implants but thinks he's a wench and does wear a lovely little cocktail dress.....not really gay


A 6 foot geezer dressed like a bird, big full-on silicone titties, who thinks he's a bird and acts like a bird on acid......not gay at all.


A famous kateoy, full-on hormone treatments but still has the meat and 2 veg and uses his only hole a pussy...... hell, completely ungay


A Post op, who has had his balls cut off..... as hetrosexual and the next man, indeed likely more hetro as the 'girl' is even sexier than normal women.


So by this same reckoning, sexuality is solely in the mind. If I wear and dress and call meslf Marketta I'd still be considered a man by the ladyboy lovers (cause I think I am male and I'd just be Mark in drag). If I were to kidnap Old Hippie,put him on a course of hormones and have the ol' boys nuts removed, it would be gay to shag him cause he'd just be a man who'd been castrated against his will (even though the old chao had a great rack).


So, in short, if the man thinks he's a woman, then sucking his cock doesn't make the sucker gay....it's what ther individual considers themself to be and this has no bearing on the chap with teh bad taste in his gob's sexuality.


In that case........I'm actually a full on pussy loving lesbian, I think.


I'll let the Arab chap know.


It's funny how far these guys will go to explain away being fruits. Even with an 8inch twodger in their mouths and a get doinked in the wrong'un...they still proffess it isn't gay.


Hey well.......and I though it was just Arabs


PS I don't mind gays at all. Indeed my best mate from school is one.I asked him this question and he looked at me like I was quite mad. 'If you like cock, you like men'.







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I find a few flaws with your point...or maybe not...hmmm...lets say, I decide I am not Old Hippie, I am now El Viejo Hippito, the red hot Latin lover from Madrid.


Say I die my hair black, my mustache as well, learn to Dance Latin style, I already speak spanish, but say I improve it...now, add to this, that in my disillusion, I begin to think I should have been born a Latino, and I consider my EuroAsian features as a birth defect, so I have surgery to LOOk Latino...I may even think/believe I really am Latino...the reality is, any broad getting into bed with me, is still fucking Old Hippie the fat bald prick from SFO...



Regarding Katoeys...to me, it is what it is, the guy knows it isn't a woman, and natural adversion would kick in in the case he found out a bit late...don't care what she looks like, when the clothes come off and the dick is there and "ready" A Non gay/bi would indeed bail...


Katoeys do not for the most part even look like real women, they have a distinct set of features that make them identifiable. SOme are not at all convincing. Like the Filipino one the guy here got involved with (back up a few pages and see what I am talking about) you could spot that one a mile away...


SOme of the excuses I have heard are just plain laughable...and oddly, not one of the admitted katoey shaggers has tried to explain why their excuse doesn't cut it for lesbians... ("...gay men only like men who look like men..." so what about lesbos? Do they only like girls in dresses?).


Oh well, too each their own...I will most likely never hear a katoey shagger admit he is gay or Bi, and I shall never understand the denials and excuses.

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So,if you are a latin lover then I can be my dog 'Bommer' and in turn my wife is into beastiality as she just gave me head. The fact that my physical form is a man, doesn't matter. Im a dog. Woof.


The best excuse I have read to date is that 'the clit is infact a underformed willy and so is shagging women gay also as they have an underformed twodger?'


LOL. To be that which you detest. My Arab mate is a closet batty boy and obviously hates what he is - it's forbidden, hence he likes his cock to be wrapped in a frock to make him feel beter about being gay.


It certainly is a funny, funny old world.


Being a straight man, albeit a dirty git, I just cant ever understand how a chap with a cock in his gob, jizz on his chin and another cock up his arse can claim that he isn't gay just cause the bearers of the cocks has a bit of lippy on and thinks they should have been born with a pussy and boobs.


But, as we have now found out the truth, what we are is solely in our minds not our physical shapes.


You're a latin lover, I'm a dog and this nutcase (who obviously isn't a nutcase) is indeed Jesus Christ. And the ladyboy lovers, well, aren't gay.


The End.



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"...Truely female...?" Or just female enough to "suit you?" :) Sorry, just had to go there!


"...And the ladyboy lovers, well, aren't gay..."-Mark


Right, the lady boys are gay, the guys who fuck them are not...yes, they are by just about any definition, except that of the guy actually shagging the lady boy.


Anyway, I am going to employ this denial next trip, and shag an elephant and a katoey...maybe a katoey elephant as well! Peace everyone! :)

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