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Former Italian president: 911 was carried out by the CIA and Mossad


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Its quite simple, the Saudis did it, and we need to take out Saudi. No-one wants to face up to it and deal with the consequences.




Not quite that simple. Some Saudis did it and 'taking out Saudi', whatever that means, would cause a whole new mess with much bigger consequences.

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My half a brain at work here. We can prove things easier to cover up like water boarding etc, in Git-mo but no one can prove conclusively something of such a major event as the 911 attacks as being masterminded by the CIA and Mossad?


The number of people needed in that kind of planning and coverup is so huge, some of you will have to excuse me if I find it a little hard to swallow. You would need BOTH parties involved. There is no way just the Republicans could carry it out. Or could they? I'm no fan of the current administration but its still a bit rich for my taste to swallow something like this.





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Indeed, and they have control of the commodity we are dependent on,OIL, the consequences of really getting to grips with Saudi, who are harbouring and sponsoring a global network of jihadists through the mosque building strategy and supply of non native speakers as immans across the globe spreading a hostile message toward infedels needs to be addressed.


Any western leader could easily produce the evidence to support a case for challenging the saudi establishment and forcing a change of policy and direction, Saudi Arabia is a nasty place, we've read repeated stories of human rights abuses towards their own people, they need a clear message that we won't tolerate immans acting as saudi apologists across the globe and spreading the islamicist conflict agenda.

Thats started to happen on a small scale with local muslims communities who realise extremism is'nt in their interest getting rid of their immams.


I'm sure the Saudis understand just as clearly as we do military action is not a 1st option but that does'nt give them a free hand and they remain significant suspects in this 'war on terror'.



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Forcing a change of policy and direction in Saudi Arabia? Good luck with that. The imams and the royal family are so tight as to be inseparable. Plus you'll be up against big oil and juicy arms contracts.


I believe there was a plan on the books at one time to separate the Saudis from their oilfields, by force presumably...not a very bright idea IMO.

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My half a brain at work here. We can prove things easier to cover up like water boarding etc, in Git-mo but no one can prove conclusively something of such a major event as the 911 attacks as being masterminded by the CIA and Mossad?


The number of people needed in that kind of planning and coverup is so huge, some of you will have to excuse me if I find it a little hard to swallow. You would need BOTH parties involved. There is no way just the Republicans could carry it out. Or could they? I'm no fan of the current administration but its still a bit rich for my taste to swallow something like this.








It is maybe a case of people just not wanting to believe it all? or maybe the truth is just so rediculis that it can't be believed? As Shyguy said, the problems stem from the blunders that were made in handling the intelligence reports, and how people were pulled off the surveillance. There were/are "cover ups and denials" in this, to what extent, who knows?


As to how you keep people quiet? you kill them, or else you discredit them. Or, you don't...you let them run their mouths and then just deny it with other credible sources and lies and denials...done often.


There was/is a DVD put out about 911, and the supposed inside job. Forget the name, but Ed Beagley Jr. is one of the hosts. O.k. they make a good argument, rationally presented etc...then take a look at the sponsor of the production, and obvious nut job with a booze problem (takes one to spot one). Hence, any rational argument presented can be discredited simply by pointing at this guy. Helps to have someone credible to discount the theory presented as well...whether the counter point lies or not.


Fact is, most Americans simply cannot or will not admit their government can be or is at all evil. Hence, not much trouble in keeping it all in order. As I said, there are still tons of people who believe Oswald acted alone, despite proof to the contrary.


Add to that, that despite all the bitching by non Americans, none will really stand up and demand anything, and no government has the balls to try and tackle the USA...so well, any lie is possible if presented properly. All I say is don't trust the government at all. ANY OF THEM!

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And in case you wonder about motivation, there's this:


[color:blue]Last week, both houses of Congress approved the conference report on the Fiscal Year 2008 Defense Authorization bill, H.R. 1585. The bill includes $506.9 billion for the Department of Defense and the nuclear weapons activities of the Department of Energy...The amount of Cold War lard is truly astonishing, especially given the fact that the military itself is hollering from the hilltops that it can't be responsible for all of our national security needs and that today's problems just don't have military (read "Cold War weapons systems") answers.


...Keep in mind, today's defense spending is 14% above the height of the Korean War, 33% above the height of the Vietnam War, 25% above the height of the "Reagan Era" buildup and is 76% above the Cold War average


In fact, since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the annual defense budget â?? not including the costs of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan â?? has gone up 34%. Including war costs, defense spending has gone up 86% since 2001.[/color]


That's a lot of loot going in some folks pockets who would not have been getting it otherwise. Make ya go "Hmmmm"...




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