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Thousands in Los Angeles protest gay-marriage ban


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Here is something that is interesting. What about incestous marriages? Illegal of course but in a discussion with someone about this whole gay marriage issue, incest was brought up.


Is it illegal (marriage) because its a medical/health issue (high incidents of genetic problems in children from incestous relationships?) Moral issue? Relgious issue? I'm not for it obviously but the argument made to me was if you think gay marriage is a constitutional rights issue and should be legal then why wouldn't incestous marriages as well?



If you by into the Adam & Eve story, then you must wonder how many incestous combination there must have been. Have you noticed, when people screw their mother, etc. they are the first to pass laws telling others they should do that. Most people have enough common sense not to do such shit but the religious nuts, out of fear of being found out what they have been doing, start their fanactical crusades on the very topic they are generally guilty of.

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I've always been told that 2nd cousins marrying was acceptable in the US. Had a lot of that happening in the 19th century and earlier, when there weren't so many folks to choose from. A genealogist told me that when trying to find an ancestor's wife, look within an easy walk or horseback ride of his home. People married neighbours.




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Too little too late, but still, good on them. From some students at Princeton:



11/24/08--Princeton, NJ


A group of students at Princeton University would like to eliminate the right of freshmen to walk on campus sidewalks. Stating that they would like to "preserve traditional sidewalk values" that define a sidewalk as a "pathway for sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, faculty, staff, and other members of the university community," the group, which is acting in support of a measure termed "Princeton Proposition 8," is now entering its second successful week of demonstration.


The students emphasize that they are not "froshophobic" and that some of their best friends are freshmen, but they maintain that freshmen on the sidewalk degrade the sacred institution of sidewalks, and jeopardize the validity of upperclassmen's own perambulation. It also makes some of them uncomfortable. They are very excited that California's Proposition 8 has set a clear precedent for a majority to eliminate a minority group's civil rights, and they see it as a perfect opportunity to utilize this development for their own gain.


The demonstration, which has featured signs, chants, and original music, has collected almost 500 signatures for a petition in support of Princeton Proposition 8, including those of many professors and even University President Shirley M. Tilghman. A video report of the protest produced by the University's 'Daily Princetonian' has received 21,000 views on YouTube in just two days. It has also been featured on dozens of regional and national blogs including Campus Progress Action's Pushback, DailyKos, and Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish. The organizers of the demonstration have also begun outreach to other universities.


The demonstration will continue at the plaza in front of Firestone Library on the Princeton campus between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Monday 11/24 and Tuesday 11/25.


The Princeton Proposition 8 campaign aims to secure the definition of Princeton University sidewalks as a means of pedestrian transit for sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, faculty, staff, and other members of the university community, but supports the elimination of the right of freshmen to walk on sidewalks.


Only walking on sidewalks by sophomores, juniors, and senior students is valid or recognized at Princeton.






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I recall Rush Limbaugh (as well as others) say that academia are liberals. He and other conservatives complained (and they site polls about the party affiliation of professors) that the professors at the elite schools like Harvard, Yale, Chicago, etc. were by and large likely very liberal.


If the smartest are liberals then doesn't that give credence to the left that their ideology is reasoned and logical?


I'm not left or right. I've just been struck that Rush and others claim to have the intellectual argument with regards to ideology but can't convince the smartest ones of that. The counter argument is that the professors are smart about everything BUT politics, and for them politics is emotive rather than rational.



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I recall Rush Limbaugh (as well as others) say that academia are liberals. He and other conservatives complained (and they site polls about the party affiliation of professors) that the professors at the elite schools like Harvard, Yale, Chicago, etc. were by and large likely very liberal.


If the smartest are liberals then doesn't that give credence to the left that their ideology is reasoned and logical?


I'm not left or right. I've just been struck that Rush and others claim to have the intellectual argument with regards to ideology but can't convince the smartest ones of that. The counter argument is that the professors are smart about everything BUT politics, and for them politics is emotive rather than rational.


Two points, choco:


1. You're left.


2. You've made a complete hash of the subject of academia being leftist.

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Two points, choco:


1. You're left.


2. You've made a complete hash of the subject of academia being leftist.


Agreed, I'm left of you. 99% of the country is left of you so that's not saying much. :smirk:


As for the second, you may not be able to comprehend the subject matter and so you are projecting to cover your shortcomings. hehehe

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