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Obese have right to 2 airline seats: Canada court

Guy Himmaparn

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If you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight. Simple physiology.


This is certainly true in the long run. For a time, however, one can build up muscle faster than one is burning fat. A pound of muscle contains approximately one sixth as many calories as a pound of fat. If you are adding muscle at a rate of two pounds per week and losing one pound of fat per week, then you are burning more calories than you consume and yet gaining weight. This won't go on forever but it can last a number of weeks and cause confusion and disappointment to someone just starting a diet and exercise program.

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Hi All,


I consider myself to be F-A-T, fat, sometimes weighing as much as 110KG (it bounces around like my manboobs...) and standing about 6'2" tall, but I am astounded by the size of some of my fellow Australians. I eat whatever I like, whenever I want, but I now walk the 4km round-trip to and from my job and it seems to be helping. If you live in BKK, clambering up and down the Skytrain steps on a hot day is absolute gold - go for the burn ! :smirk:


Appearance aside, there are real issues with carrying 20-30kg more than I should be, and I cant imagine what it would be like to be nudging 200kg, but I see people of that size every day. Joint pain, asthma, diabetes - the list goes on and on, but still we chow down.


Whilst I accept that there are medical reasons in some cases, for many of us its the aforementioned food to exercise ratio and I dont see why those who do not need two seats should subsidise those who do. If you are that freakin big, how the hell are you getting in and out of a cab on Suk anyway ? I know this thread is about Canada, but I suspect that they have set a dangerous precedent here.



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When I went back to the States, I couldn't believe the SIZE of meals you get in restaurants. My first reaction was, "Is that just for me, or is it for everyone at the table?" After a while, I was cleaning my plate like everyone. No surprise that I put on about 20 pounds. At least in Thailand you get sensible portions in restaurants.





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Yup, my brother is damn skinny.


About US meals, I am a very big eater but I am damn lucky to have a metabolism which enables to burn calories very quickly.


People always ask me: "How can you eat so much while being so small and fit"....


Have a Spanish colleague who is 140kg but we don't consider him overweight, he just looks pregnant but that is all..

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