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Thailand faces years of unrest, say analysts


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Looked at 10 major EU newspapers this morning...

Thailand is on the first page


What a beautiful, lovely and peaceful country

LOS = Land Of Street fighting ???



Anyway, let's smile and see the positive side.

Missus (yes her again) is currently at Central Bangna, shopping with some friends.

Will then eat Fuji with said friends, she complains it is a bit too hot today but otherwise a quiet day.


good thing, less shoppers so less crowded and thanks to the riots she didn't receive water today yet....


"Always look on the bright side of life..."







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CNN just had thaksin on. All he wanted to do was rant on about "real democracy" but avoided answering any questions about why current gov was illeagal or his own legal issues. When asked if he would go back to lead his "revolution" even if it maeant going to jail, he just stuttered a bit. The CNN interviewer seemed to have a good idea of the issues and asked a number of good questions.


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my university educated wife


This is hilarious. A thread about revolution on the streets, and then the old "my university-educated wife" trope drops in, as on every thread on every Thailand forum. Thank you for the laugh. And of course nothing against you or your wife.


As for who is and isn't a Royalist, too bad we can't talk about that on this forum. If you know of a convenient other forum, I'd be happy to go there. (I'm not in Thailand right now, so I'm limited only by the online venue.)


What Thaksin has managed to do is convince many poor upcountry folks that those who "have" are somehow responsible for their poverty. They expect some sort of socialist programme, which the multi-billionaire Thaksin and his cronies is sure as hell not going to give them.


You don't think that those at the top of Thai society willfully and consciously hold down those on bottom? I just can't comprehend how someone who has ever been to Bangkok can fail to see this startlingly obvious social fact. (But then, I also can't comprehend how those on top in Bangkok don't realize that if you kick a dog over and over for a very long time, it will one day bite you, and hard.)


As for "socialist programme," Thaksin did a lot of very good things for the rural poor. Whether he's a billionaire, whether he did these things to advance his own interests, etc, etc, is completely immaterial to a mass of people who saw their material existences rapidly improve (and then deteriorate).


Maybe of more relevance to this forum: if the Red Shirts get their way, there may be more options for village girls than picking rice and sucking fat farang cocks. Quick, to the barricades!

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