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Guest lazyphil

let me tell you a secret. what he says changes nothing, makes their plight not worse or better. its just stupid words. i dont propose censorship on him at all, for what?.....this thread was about the disaster in haiti but so typically christian neocons and extreme american loons seep into the thread when it has no purpose to be here....voodoo is popular in haiti (i.e. extreme baloney), but so what?

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You're wrong. What Robertson says does have an effect. Rush Limbaugh is having an orgasm over it. He says Obama is only helping Haiti to get the black vote. Don't give them another cent he says. Personally I think they make themselves look like jerks but you can’t shut them down.


I know you think I'm just America bashing but I don't think this is off topic. Everything is political/racial in the US these days. You can’t ignore it. Who is accounting for the relief funds? What happens if US troops start shooting looters? I agree it would be nice if the earthquake didn’t become a major political issue but it will.


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There is no in-place structure or means to deliver the aid in an orderly, systematic way. If anyone wants that to be done, they'll have to research the means for weeks if not months.

The people need aid now. Will there be misappropriations of aid? Certainly. Why? Because there is no structure right now. Aid will have to come in by any and all means until a structure is in place.


Even in America where we believe we have a structure in place via FEMA and other agencies, I guarantee you, it can and will fail if the catostrophe is big enough or unique enough.


One simply can't account for all scenarios in a natural disaster. Its impossible.


The shame of it all, with regards to Haiti, is that any misapplied aid at the onset, until a structure is in place, WILL be used politically.


Both parties do this. We saw the Dems do it in Iraq. The war being wrong is besides the point, even if the war was justified, political points will be sought after by some.


As justified as WW2 was, Republicans made issue of all kinds of things with regards to the war effort.


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You're wrong. What Robertson says does have an effect. Rush Limbaugh is having an orgasm over it. He says Obama is only helping Haiti to get the black vote. Don't give them another cent he says. Personally I think they make themselves look like jerks but you can’t shut them down.


I know you think I'm just America bashing but I don't think this is off topic. Everything is political/racial in the US these days. You can’t ignore it. Who is accounting for the relief funds? What happens if US troops start shooting looters? I agree it would be nice if the earthquake didn’t become a major political issue but it will.



Rush is rubbing this in Oboma's face. This just shows you how some people do not like black folks.

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Rush does say stupid things obviously. What makes it relevant isn't that its said by that drunk guy at the end of the bar but by a person who is listened to by millions. As much as we don't like it, he does have an effect on the opinions of millions of people.

Strange as it may seem, I think Rush could care less about black, white or whatever. His thing is ratings. If he has to say nice things about blacks to get ratings he would. At the end of the day, Rush isn't about following some ideology but following the numbers of people that listen to his program. If he happens to not like blacks then so much the better for him. I may be giving him far more credit than he deserves but I have a suspicion he doesn't have a problem with blacks as much as he lets on. Its a hot button right now due to Obama's race. If it was Hillary in the White House it would be about women.


We've come a helluva long way in America with regards to race. Its obviously still an issue to some extent of varying degrees. The last thing Obama and the Dems want is for anyone to be reminded of Obama's race. I would imagine, for political purposes, the one thing the Republican heirarchy wants IS for everyone to be reminded about his race. Its not about race, its about politics and winning. The Republican party would love to have a black guy (or woman) as the party's man. There are Republicans much more qualified than Michael Steele. The man doesn't even seem competent at times to me. If there ever was the irony of getting a position based on race, its probably Michael Steele. The Republican's (weak) answer to Obama. He can say what he wants about Obama and not be accused of racism.


In the end its about power.


As far as Haiti, it was a mess before the earthquake and a bigger mess after it. Sarcozy wants a conference on bringing Haiti into the 21st century. Funny how no one called a conference before the earthquake. Its all for show. Sh*t will happen. In the end the Haitians will primarily be on their own to sort out their own problems. Everyone is broke. No country or group of countries have the financial resources or its public, the will, to really fix things. Can't completely blame them. They have to see about their own needs.

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There is no in-place structure or means to deliver the aid in an orderly, systematic way. If anyone wants that to be done, they'll have to research the means for weeks if not months.

The people need aid now. Will there be misappropriations of aid? Certainly. Why? Because there is no structure right now. Aid will have to come in by any and all means until a structure is in place.


Even in America where we believe we have a structure in place via FEMA and other agencies, I guarantee you, it can and will fail if the catostrophe is big enough or unique enough.


One simply can't account for all scenarios in a natural disaster. Its impossible.


The shame of it all, with regards to Haiti, is that any misapplied aid at the onset, until a structure is in place, WILL be used politically.


Both parties do this. We saw the Dems do it in Iraq. The war being wrong is besides the point, even if the war was justified, political points will be sought after by some.


As justified as WW2 was, Republicans made issue of all kinds of things with regards to the war effort.




You're wrong. What Robertson says does have an effect. Rush Limbaugh is having an orgasm over it. He says Obama is only helping Haiti to get the black vote. Don't give them another cent he says. Personally I think they make themselves look like jerks but you can’t shut them down.


I know you think I'm just America bashing but I don't think this is off topic. Everything is political/racial in the US these days. You can’t ignore it. Who is accounting for the relief funds? What happens if US troops start shooting looters? I agree it would be nice if the earthquake didn’t become a major political issue but it will.




Where to start...Yes, Rush and Pat and all the other toss bags do in fact have an impact. Robertson ran for president...he did pull votes, you can decide why he did it yourselves. These guys are popular and rich, because enough asshole Americans agree with them, and rely on them to tell them how to think, and what to do.


Regarding Haiti now, CS is right, they have no structure in place to distribute the aide. Neither does the USA, look at Katrina (anyone see the similarity, lots of poor black folk in peril?). It may well come down to military forces going in to secure a distribution point, and supervise the food/medicine etc distribution. But who?


Steve, I'll disagree with you about Rush not caring about Black/white etc...I think he is definitely a bigot/racist who is playing to his audience, which is made up largely or other like minded dumb fucks who want to blame others for their short comings.


If Obama is, as Rush claims, just supporting Haiti to get black support, was GWB just ignoring Katrina/New Orleans to get the white racist vote/support?


After awhile, I get tired of all these fuck wit politicians doing nothing for anyone, and the rest of us sitting around blaming sides, like it really matters. Want "REAL CHANGE?" I say cut all the politician's benefits. salaries retirements, and let them live in rubble in Haiti, and please, for the love of that long haired bastard (his parents were NOT married) and maybe gay guy named Jesus, take Rush and Robertson with them.



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