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20,000 baht a month...


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20,000 baht is considered by Thais to be a lot of money anywhere in Thailand ? and most can live very comfortably on this amount. It is not about preventing people having enough or not ?allowing? (your word ? not mine) people to have a good standard of living. 20,000 baht is plenty. Sure, if people wish to give more, great ? but it is unnecessary, at least in terms of every day living.


I?m surprised that some people have got so worked up about it. Had the figure been 10,000 baht (which is doable and many people live on this amount) then I would understand, but really, 20,000 baht is more than fair.


I like what Jimmie Blonde said about buying a person. I could not agree more. One can create a very dangerous precedent by sending a lot of money.


If I was in the countryside myself, I wouldn?t expect to spend 20,000 baht per month myself.

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In a way, it sort of is like buying them In that you have to give them more than they make, and make the offer tempting enough for them to give up the life...agreed, this is not a good basis for a relationship. I do know a few women who have said they turned down offers of long term support or marrage simply because they made more in the bars. Short sighted to say the least. In the end, a long term happy relationship would probably be better for everyone involved...when I see some of these older women (40+ so they look) still trying to sell it, I have to stop and ask how many turned down one or more good things along the road to this destination?

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"Personally I think that stickman has probably destroyed a number of relationships because of his advice. He may speak Thai and is familiar with the small Thai middle class, but he is still just a young, naïve, unsophisticated kid that really hasn't been anywhere in Asia but Thailand (I think he went to Singapore once for the weekend) and knows almost nothing about real world people and their relationships. "



That is a ridiculous statement.

Advice comes from many quarters and varies enormously according to personal experience , socio economic background,and cultural perspective.

A relationship will not founder based on what others think or say rather it will falter because the foundations of the relationship itself are not solid.

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"Personally I think that stickman has probably destroyed a number of relationships because of his advice. He may speak Thai and is familiar with the small Thai middle class, but he is still just a young, naïve, unsophisticated kid that really hasn't been anywhere in Asia but Thailand (I think he went to Singapore once for the weekend) and knows almost nothing about real world people and their relationships. ""


Yes you are probably right. He has ruined a few relationships. Maybe some good ones, but in my opinion he may have ruined a lot of shit relationships that the women was pulling a fast one on a naive guy. Trust me there are alot of lonely guys in Thailand and I have met many who have spent their retirement fund on thai women. Actually I personally know a few guys who have spent their entire lifes savings on thai women and no dont have a pot to piss in. Maybe someone should have warned these guys years ago. Or are you willing to support these guys at 20,000 a month. It really is not alot of money for you. I can send Bank Account and swift numbers to you if you are interested.


Just wanted to let you know that i have worked or visited the following countries/ territories in Asia : Burma, Loas, Thailand, Indonesia, East timor, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan ROC, PRC, Hong Kong and Cambo. This seems to make a difference to you.

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"This seems to make a difference to you. "


Not in your case, you don't host a web site spouting advice to the lovelorn.


"Actually I personally know a few guys who have spent their entire lifes savings on thai women and no dont have a pot to piss in. Maybe someone should have warned these guys years ago."


Warned these guys what? Not spend on all their money? They need stickman do that? They got bigger problems.


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I think you are quite right, what people do with their money is their own business. To a lot of farangs, especially more mature gentlemen 10 000 baht or indeed 20 000 baht is insignificant on the grand scheme of things. If they want to send someone they care about money, why the hell should anyone else be interested.


Similarly most farangs sending money will I am sure be aware that their honeyko is out having a good time.


It seems the only people to get rattled by farangs sending money are the a certain class of farang, seems like sour grapes to me.


Would these farangs get annoyed by farangs who threw a lot of money the bookies way?



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"To a lot of farangs, especially more mature gentlemen 10 000 baht or indeed 20 000 baht is insignificant on the grand scheme of things"



But as a farang sitting outside of thailand, would they not want to know what is the fair wage and what would provide a decent thai living? After all most of them only know one or 2 thais well enough to gage what a thai lifestyle is like. Maybe they have never been ina thai house not have spoken to a thai outside of the tourist area.


As for 20,000 I dont know any working class thais who would spend near that. But somepeople I know would spend that on a daily basis.

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>As for 20,000 I dont know any working class thais who would spend near that. But somepeople I know would spend that on a daily basis.


Not replying to anyona in particular.


When I lost my job in November 2003 and still had to pay rent in Farangland 28K baht per month, my gf said I should come to Thai and live with her in her hometown while waiting for work. The price she quoted was 3-6K per month if I drink and smoke.

However, she did not forget to say it would have to be in the "survival mode", just a tad above that.


If we stayed in BKK and retain her room (10K p.m.) we can easily live on 10 extra K, even if going out to eat at 30-60B per meal places.


But, that's a lifestyle she conducts and I am not far from that.


One thing important for discussions like this could be - imagine youself in a relationship and working as a sailor who comes now and then for 2 weeks.

What would one think about how much his wife needs and where the limit is?


But, I mean real relationship or at least sponsoring an eager student.

In an non-relationship (or in a single sided one), it all falls into the domain of one's purchasing power and his motivation to send money. Any figures are just arbitrary. IMO.

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