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I Never Thought It Could Happen To Me!!!


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>>I came to the conclusion not to take advices, but i read them highly interested.<<


As far as people telling you to forget about her, agreed you should make your own choices. I'm sure if friends and family knew you are in love with a hooker they would look out for your best interest (as they see it) and try to dissuade you. Sometimes you go with your heart (or more accurately you have no choice).


Just a short scenario that may come up with you and your girl. She calls, says she has no money for rent. What to do? the girls often come up short when its rent time.


CT sticks to his guns and says I told you no money ever. CT's girl now has to get a customer, any customer. Even if it means after her bar closes staying out on sukhumvit all night every night waiting for one (or several).


Her friends say: "Your boyfriend no good. He does not love you. You are stupid girl to leave german man. Forget about CT and find a good man who wants to care for U."


Will she be able to resist the advice of the people looking out for her best interests? Will her friends advice be wrong?


Someone pointed out already, being inflexible may be the undoing of this. If the usual BG/farang false starts don't mess it up before that.

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>>> or maybe all TG are bad! I am on my way to find it out!


All bad? Certainly not.

I just wonder how you will pursue this then?


I live with an ex-bg in LOS for almost 4 years now, she's all but "bad", except from some useful standpoint (sex)


Unless you plan to live with her I don't see how it will work out.


And money is always an issue.

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Tiger Moth said:

Seems like you consider your money more important than your feelings and that you would not sacrifice some money for romantic potential. I don't approach life this way. Just wondering why you do? What is your thinking? Perhaps I could learn a good leason.


why would you say that?

my money is not more important than my feelings, but why would i spend all my money because of her? I wouldn't do that with a local girl, i won't do it with her!


If she considers life's a party on my expenses than she will not stay my girlfriend for a long time. If she chooses to go on working on the business i have showed her she will be independend far away from bkk bars. Right now she is all excited about her new business, she calls me every hour and verifies her ideas with me, next week monday she gets her first payment and she already made more in 10 days than her sponsor was giving her for 1 month!


If i teach her that spending MY money for useless crap is cool than she will learn that very fast. I don't intend to spoil her!


My cousin is HAPPILY married to a thai girl he met at patpong. He said"sometimes you have to treat her like a little child and tell her the most obvious things over and over again but you gotta give her some credit, she comes from a country without a lot of perspectives for the future, but if you show her how she can go her own way and she realizes that listening to you brings her forward step by step she will have a great girl"


I want to know how she will treat me when she makes enough money for herself (not in bar,okay ;)) when she can send enough money home to her family and when she has enough money to send her daughter to school. She hates bangkok to death, she will go back home next week, the money she makes is already enough to live a better life in Isaan, let's see if she gets lazy over that or if she tries to improve her income!


I find that all extremely interesting, and maybe i consider this too much of an adventure or an experiment, but it kinda seems to work for her, I really like this girl, it is too fresh that i could talk about love, but if it doesn't work and she keeps on doing what she is doing right now it will keep her away from the bars and she can live with her family!


Tiger Moth said:

From your post, "you can exploit my feelings but not my bank account " . Wonder what the thinking is behind this. Why not, "you can't exploit me or my bank account" or "you can exploit me and my bank account a little bit, but, if you go to far ....." or "you can exploit my bank account but you can not exploit my feelings".



i said before: i want security for my own life first before i take the responsibility for another life and children!!!


I can fix a broken heart in a year or two, i can't fix myself when i am bankrupt!


Besides that I am a hopeless romantic and want to love someone with an open heart and enjoy all the good times!

If she exploits my feelings i have bad luck! If I don't give myself into this relationship how am I supposed to get her into it?

If I want it to work i have to 'invest' myself into that. If i build a wall around my heart she will feel that and not risk her own feelings!

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MaiLuk said:



Just a short scenario that may come up ....


CT sticks to his guns and says I told you no money ever.


...Her friends say: "Your boyfriend no good. He does not love you. You are stupid girl to leave german man. Forget about CT and find a good man who wants to care for U."


Will she be able to resist the advice of the people looking out for her best interests? Will her friends advice be wrong?


Wow thank you very much for this scenario, you give me a great opportunity to express what I am thinking:


If this happens: SO BE IT! That scenario would be the BEST CASE SCENARIO for me

it saves me time, pain and money :)


I will know right away who she is!

Her "friends" are already jealous enough that they keep on telling her: "he is a butterfly, he has girl in every country, he wants to sell you in his own country ;)"


Like explained in my previous post above.

She is already making more money from my advices than from her old sponsor.


#1 she is extremely proud of herself that works!

#2 i told her a few things about her sponsor (the control freak without confidence) she said, "OMG i thought you just talk bad about him, but he is exactly like you said"

#3 I told her, if you want to do this new business, you have to do follow my instructions and you will make money in no time!!


in point #2 and #3 she knows that she can trust me when i tell her something important. She listenend to me and she is doing awesome. I think she won't listen to them because she knows that she is doing better right now. I don't believe she will be short on rent, besides that she will go home to her family and there is no rent to pay :)


I am sure if she wouldn't have the chance to take care of herself without the opportunity i gave her, she would say:"fuck him i need money, i am looking for someone who is paying me"


but her own words are " it is so much better to know i can care for myself than asking customer to give me money"


:) :) it makes perfect sense to me!

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thalenoi said:

>>> or maybe all TG are bad! I am on my way to find it out!


All bad? Certainly not.

I just wonder how you will pursue this then?


I live with an ex-bg in LOS for almost 4 years now, she's all but "bad", except from some useful standpoint (sex)


Unless you plan to live with her I don't see how it will work out.


And money is always an issue.


I am happy to hear that! 4 years is a decent amount of time, congrats!

I plan to live with the woman i love, time will tell if it is her. If she doesn't give me the time i need, it won't happen!


good luck!

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ChristianTroy said:
Tiger Moth said:

Seems like you consider your money more important than your feelings and that you would not sacrifice some money for romantic potential. I don't approach life this way. Just wondering why you do? What is your thinking? Perhaps I could learn a good leason.


why would you say that?

my money is not more important than my feelings, but why would i spend all my money because of her? I wouldn't do that with a local girl, i won't do it with her!


If she considers life's a party on my expenses than she will not stay my girlfriend for a long time. If she chooses to go on working on the business i have showed her she will be independend far away from bkk bars. Right now she is all excited about her new business, she calls me every hour and verifies her ideas with me, next week monday she gets her first payment and she already made more in 10 days than her sponsor was giving her for 1 month!


If i teach her that spending MY money for useless crap is cool than she will learn that very fast. I don't intend to spoil her!


My cousin is HAPPILY married to a thai girl he met at patpong. He said"sometimes you have to treat her like a little child and tell her the most obvious things over and over again but you gotta give her some credit, she comes from a country without a lot of perspectives for the future, but if you show her how she can go her own way and she realizes that listening to you brings her forward step by step she will have a great girl"



Hope you can train her to your liking, and it's a comfort to know that if she does not turn out to your spesification you will dump her imediately.

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AF16 said:

Hope you can train her to your liking, and it's a comfort to know that if she does not turn out to your spesification you will dump her imediately.


Not training her, she is not a dog!

I give her options which she can choose for a trial period or not!

Up to her! The thing is that she is eager to try new things, she asks me everytime how i would handle the situation, i never give her an advice without beeing asked for one!


I still have the motto: "if it feels good - it is good"


If that is going to change i will dump her, i would dump every girl from every country if i dont feel good anymore!

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