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Good girls asking for money...

Old Hippie

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Guest lazyphil

Yes rather, I've met Tom Sharpe quite a few times old bean, jolly nice chap too (actually he is), quite a timid fellow in reality, last time I saw him he had a mad English bull terrior :topic: anyway, must dash.....darjeeling waiting for me


LP, literay genious

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Guest lazyphil

Yes I drive past his rather nice house to work, jeoffery archer is just up the road too, even you, np's very own bad boy,dont come close to this cads wild ways, he should be your mentor ::

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all the GTGs i know ask me for money ,large amounts too.

they figure that all farangs are stupid .

because there are al ot of stupid farangs out there sending them money for apparent good and sensible reason.

word gets around and they all want a piece of the action. its easier than doing the lottery ,the odds are good if they beg enough farangs ,a sucker will soon appear .

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"even you, np's very own bad boy,dont come close to this cads wild ways, he should be your mentor"


One of them indeed, along Brett Easton Ellis, Cyzia Zyke from "Oro"and a few more. But need to water down the posts in NP with the re registering issues and stuff... My e-mails and short stories (like... one every two years ::) are actually quite a bit more alarming...

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jasmine said:

May be some of this money can go for starving children.




Surely you jest!!! UNICEF and the thousand other "save the children" type charities already have this coverd.already has this covered. Besides I don't care for jids too much, enough laws have already been passed for their sakes that infringe upon my lifestyle! Screw the little buggers!!

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Old Hippie said:


While it is common knowledge here, that JJ has "...money to burn..." (as he has told us) (He does in fact heat his house with stacks of 20's he keeps by the furnace), for most of us, $500 is a decent chunk to just toss away. Might be wrong here, and I am sure he will correct me in short order, but I doubt evem JJ would just toss $500 at some girl he wasn't really involved with, especially if it was clear to him she wasn't intereted in anything but taking his money (as in not fucking him, or giving him any priority when he is there).


Actually my boy I don't use a solid fuel burning furnace. I use good old natural gas to heat the home. I trade contracts on the commodity exchanges, hedge my exposure with derivatives and even take delivery. Why use cash these days; it is so old fashioned!


You are correct I don't throw $500 or even $5 away or simply "give" it to anyone. I work hard for my money and for one to acquire it from me there has to be some merit or need in the situation either on my or their end. Not simplistic really but there is a cost for everything. I will state again $500 is peanuts in the greater scheme of things. That would be a solid night out for me here in NYC at an ultralounge and not even getting a sniff or pussy, maybe a mobile number and a little kiss or two with a promise of more to come at a later date.


Shit, I have blown $500+ a night in in BKK. You do know that some party girls in BKK (GTG's- gasp! shock! horror!) have acquired an expensive habit for high quality E/X/EX/XTC in their European and Western travels? Do you know how much that shit costs? Thank God I only indulge in affordable booze! If a guy can't find an extra $500 in his budget then he needs to look at the way he spends or makes money. Simple as getting a part time job or downsizing the BMW and driving a Honda Civic.


Leasing a piece of ass for 20,000bt per month is a freaking bargain compared to what one spends on a night of partying and dating here.


Heck an ex- Thai gf I was hooking up once explained to me when I was quibbling over her 8000bt per month apartment. She said "you spend that every night to stay in a hotel! You will save more money if you pay for my apartment and "WE" will always have a place to stay together!". I did the math and she was right. Not sure about the "WE" part though.




The problem is, there is an abundance of guys who will just toss money at these girls, and that ruins it in the long run for everyone. It has gotton to the point where they expect it from farangs. We have spoiled these girls, and the effects are spreading to "mainstream" Thai society for sure...but well, topic for another discussion I guess...


Sorry OH "WE" did not spoil shit. Incomes and market globalization are on the rise in Thailand. The cost of pussy has just gone up, simple as that. I think a beer @ Nana is now close to 120bt (not sure because I have not been there in ages).

Head over to the Emporium on your next visit and tell me what they are selling and at what prices. Go take a walk around the better BKK universities and tell me what types of shoes, handbags and mobiles the young ladies are wearing. Last time I looked BKK had a ton of Mercedes and late model cars in the streets. All paid for by farang who "spolied" the girls which in turn has infiltrated the "mainstream" No freaking way!

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walletss said:

It's not too hard to work out if $500 US per month (20,000 Baht) is enough to send the girl.

A government employee makes about half that and has to live in Bkk on that salary. Many people earn 10,000 baht and survive.

Stating that $500 US per month is peanuts is absurd.

It might be peanuts for the guy who wants to send it but in Thailand if spent wisely it can support 6 people.


Yeah and we have millions of people in the USA who survive on US $13,000 a year but who the fuck wants to simply survive!?!


I sure as hell know that I could live decently on govt wage of $50,000 a year in Pennsylania but why would I want to? I make well above the average American wage and I fucking love it!! I want to make way more!! My lifestyle demands that I bring in a certain minimum income. I am not satisfied with what i make and I think I make fucking peanuts to be quite honest. Sure I know a couple of American familes could live well off of my income but that don't mean shit to me. So why should a Thai lass be content with making or recieving the equivalent of a Thai govt employee? Simply because some economics report says she is doing better tha the average!


Shitty logic guys have and it explains why many members here just don't get it when it pertains to sponsoring or spending money on a chick outside of a pure P4P transaction of LT/ST.


I hear this average income argument quite a bit on this board but why question is which one of you guys just wants to make the fucking average? Speak up!

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walletss said:

" IMO you can't even survive on twice the minimum salary in Paris, and no difference in Bangkok."


I can't surivive on it and I guess you can't either but the fact of the matter is that they can and do. you have to compare apples with apples.

If a recipient of this sum is telling you that she cannot survive on this money then she is seeing a cash cow not a relationship.

It's up to you if you want to send $500 or $5000 but imho if a girl is telling you that your $500 is not enough then she is in it for the money.

if you want to send her more because you want to give her all the luxury you can then that is admirable.

By the way it's not just low rank government workers who earn 20,000baht or less a month.


Nonsensical argument that you make here. I think you know why it does not hold water. Everyone has a different price point and set of wants/needs averages don't have shit to do with it. Love and finance are 2 distint things yet people always seem to twist them together and use one as a measure of the other. In some cases it is true in some cases it is not. I guess it simply depends on what someone values more.


I understand in relationships they both come into play but I would never utilize them as a weight vs counterweight. A woman can love me emotionally to her last dying breath but if the finances are not at a level that provides her with a certain comfort zone then it would never work relationship wise and vice versa. In other words one is not a true litmus test of the other.

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