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1001 ways to con a farang


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Is it a bad idea?


I just cant't see how you could possibly fill a whole book with this stuff and make the subject interesting. Quite frankly its complete clap trap and anyone who hasn't got the ability to see an obvious scam coming is a fool.


I think people should figure this stuff out for themselves just like the rest of us, it makes for a far more interesting life experience.

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Lets face it most punters visit LOS for the cheap sex. So who are the real scammers here.........



Sharp on point! They just have learned to fight back and try to get from YOU what 500 others have promised her before!


The listing of the OP is missing the must importamt point! These girls might not be the brightest stars in the sky but they truely know how to make a man feel bigger than them!


That's why we hear all these heart breaking stories from them, they always try to make us feel bad for them, which triggers the protector instincts in us and which gives us the feeling to be way stronger than them and we would not expect a con from a weaker person!


I never heard a girl saying:"me stop bar and you give me money"


I usually hear the blokes saying: " I really like you, why you don't stop working bar and I take care you"


One more thing about the scam:

You give a ST hooker money to stage that she likes you for a short time!


You give a LT hooker money stage that she likes you for about 12 hours


You pay for a certain amount of time, 1 hour, 12 hours or 1 month! You will always pay, a hooker is no scammer for taking money, she is a hooker and she is selling you an illusion! Men are idiots when they can't tell the difference!


Disappointng thread, only 5-6 valid points and not 1001 like promised in the title! The thread title is scam!


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Been this way for 1,000,000 years.


Sure pure biology, men want to spread their sperms, women want to find stupid men who are willing to support and protect them and their (not necessarily yours even if you believe that) children. :cool:

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Yes, it is biology, men need to fuck, women exploit this need...so who is the real victim here?


O.k. something that gnaws at me a bit here...to all the guys who cheer the girls, say "...oh good for them etc..." o.k. I see your point to a certain point, then you are just off.


In saying good for the girls who lie and get cash through deceit...I'll ask how many of you have been had by a woman? I know, Never, it won't happen to you right? Well guess again.


I know plenty of guys who live in their own denial thinking they cannot not or will not ever be scammed in the heart. Plenty of guys say "...not me..." yet write a check to their "girl friend" (a whore they paid and fucked a few times on holiday) and swear "this one is different." when I hear all these guys praising the girls, I have to think these guys put themselves above the other punters...but arwe they really? How many of us walk away from this game 100% unscathed?


True, the girls sell illusion, but sometimes that line gewts blurred, if the girl doesn't reel the guy back, then she is indeed lieing, and deceiving, and that is wrong, plain and simple. And despite what many think, it happens to all of us at somepoint. Remember that you all praised these girls when it hapens to you.

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I think the best way to approach the subject is to put aside the question of whether the scams are right or wrong, and just talk about the scams (I'd use a nonjudgmental term, but nothing comes to mind right now) themselves because (a) it provides useful information and (B) it's interesting. (Sort of like another subject where these aspects of the subject get lost in some arcane moral calculus.) Or maybe think of them aesthetically - as works of art?


When you consider some of the scams some BGs are able to pull off, well, they are almost like works of art. When you get to know BGs as friends - yes, this can happen - they will start telling you some amazing stories about their friends and Farang boyfriends. BGs are girls, well most them anyway, and like most gals, they are catty. Because they are catty, they will reveal some rather startling information about their BG peers when you get to know them. And, quite frankly, some BGs take considerable pride in their ability to scam Farangs.

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O.k. something that gnaws at me a bit here...to all the guys who cheer the girls, say "...oh good for them etc..." o.k. I see your point to a certain point, then you are just off.


In saying good for the girls who lie and get cash through deceit...I'll ask how many of you have been had by a woman? I know, Never, it won't happen to you right? Well guess again.



I have told you before, and the Rest of the board who were prepared to listen, I Have Been There, Done It, Married and Divorced a Bar Girl, 91-99 was lived in denial, 00-01 was lived lived in the bottom of a spirit bottle, 02 on has been thinking with the big head.


I like Playing the Game :smirk: my biggest fux ups were also my own questions. I belive any one of us guys may have been had to some cetain extent and some given moment in time, not specificialy in Thailand, realising the fact is the positive of the learning curve.




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