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Harder To Find Real Hotties?


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ok so you have shares in a bar and you dont want people to come and verspend willingly?


OK - I didn;t say it before but you thought I did, but


Your in the wrong business!


OK - 2100 girls SO WHAT - there are MILLIONS of them, MILLIONS, 2100 out of what 5-10 million girls aged 18 and 28


. . . . .


You dont get out much, I thoght you did, but now



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ND you are forgetting one important point. Nobody here has addressed it so I will...

CT is the newly self-appointed EOALITKAT (Expert of all there is to know about Thailand). Some people are not content to share their experiences with others. They have a need to hold court.

He is simply the new pretender to the throne...

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Nobody here has addressed it so I will...

CT is the newly self-appointed EOALITKAT (Expert of all there is to know about Thailand).


hahaha lovely :)

Well I thought it is you who has chosen the name Doc Thai and uses a Siegmund Freund picture. I am talking about Pattaya and BGs in particular that is rarely Thailand, lol. No worries Doc, you are not even scratching on my surface!


And ND

if I haven't had the little clinch with your friend Old Hippie would you have said the same? Oh I guess not. Since you have nothing to back it up so why don't you come and proof me wrong when I am back in 2 weeks and say the same things into my face after you know me and my business? I guess you won't come because it is easier to say things like that from the underground, isn't it?


Now tell me where exactly you find the millions of girls and what makes you think I am in the wrong business? Because I don't appreciate assholes? I guess nobody who runs any kind of walk in business appreciates an asshole. I am not depending on it and therefore i rather do good instead of worse!


It is funny you state it twice that I don't get much out of it, sounds it would bother you if I would! Nah I don't think so, but someone could think that!


Now seriously, since you claim there are millions of girls, please tell me where I can find a million girls, I pay you 20k baht for every stunner that signs an employment contract with me! According to the knownledge you provide that would be enough to retire! Fill me in smart Dog!




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I know a shit load of very fit working girls...i just don't use their services as i'm out of the p4p scene, but we talk etc...let me know the details...i'm out and about on sunday, i could talk to a few...but i'd need to be able to sell the idea of a move to them...so what kind of renumeration package they'd get, where they could stay etc....i'm sure given the choice of working in shitty BKK or by the beach, many would choose PTY.

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