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Anyway, there is really nothing to add, I still love her but I have to move on as when a person is too damaged you can just help her to repair herself but you can not do it for her.

Without disrespect, but who here is the damaged person ? Have you considered that it might be you ?


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Yes, and where is that clueless, annoying self righteous person to condemn him for speaking bad about a woman "...just because she does sex work...?"



Was wondering about that myself....must be a case of....Great minds think alike .... :grinyes: :hubba: :dunno: :hubba: :grinyes:


Heard on the "Grapevine" that he's gone into retirement.....pulled the pin on "things Thai" and now is concentrating his spare "energies' on GCG's...(Good Chinese Girls)....lol


He tells me that there are umpteem million GCG's currently attending Uni .... and lots of them are very interested in learning the "Western way" of doing things........ :hubba: :hubba: :sex: :hubba: :hubba:

What he also finds very "interesting & different" is that many of these GCG's come from quite affluent backgrounds and their families do not have buffalo's that require medical attention... Usually when their transportation requires "medical attention" they just drop it into the local BMW or Buick dealership for service................ :grin: :grinyes: :grin:


Seeing that you enquired about his whereabouts, I will endeavour to make contact on Sunday when I arrive in Shanghai and report back with an update :grinyes::neener::grinyes:


That is, if I have sufficient spare time between "lectures" :elephant::chili::yay::chili::elephant:




Cheers DS


P.S. If you see Ramon, tell him I got the photos....beautiful job.....the Surgeon was obviously an artist :grinyes::neener::grinyes:


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Some people become addicted to the drama of being with Thai bargirls. I think Drogon is a drama queen. He says he's never fallen for a bargirl yet he hangs out in soi 33 and he used to write on his avatar 'loving a former bargirl'. There are tons of non p4p girls out there so why not go with them?

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"Some people become addicted to the drama of being with Thai bargirls."


I also think a percentage of punters do get off on the drama. Some of the BGs are good actresses and know how to play with a guy's head and heart (those foolishly susceptable to this sort of crap). Plus they gain a lot of drama acting tips daily from the damned soaps they watch religiously! :shifty: :smirk: I've seen guys so hung up in the silly games it makes you want to shake them.



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When someone spots as nickname a soi 33 bar....


Obviously you have something behind your head and I do not like too much what you imply.

I usually have no problem with board members telling me I am a dumb cnut, a madman or whatever.


"He says he's never fallen for a bargirl yet he hangs out in soi 33 and he used to write on his avatar 'loving a former bargirl'"


Hanging in soi 33 and G clubs is it so different from going to nana, pattaya or a beer bar?

(I leave the MP and oily massage apart even if some are crazy enough to fall for a massage girl)

When I say I never fell for a prostitute through my mongering years (Europe, US, Asia or LOS) I mean it, neither did I buy any sick buffalo story.

(and this specific lady never tried a "my mother is at hospital" story as she knows it would be an immediate turn off)


May I ask you where you hang out when in Thailand?




Are you new to the LOS? When you mention "many non P4P ladies out there", did you try to establish a long term relationship with a regular TG?


If yes then you might wish to get more samples as you will quickly find out that on average they are not so different from their sisters in the bars,

and they are really as naive and boring....

(at least the BG are put in touch with foreigners when working in a business catering to foreign people), plus the usual problems when you bed and later break up with a regular TG.


If you never tried some relationships with regular Thai women then you should not talk without having experienced it.


I already had enough problems trying to understand why I fell for her and currently trying to figure out if it is worth sticking with her.

-> I do not mind being called names but I do not appreciate what you imply.

Thanks I tried my share of regular Thai women and found that P4P is a better value and less headache as long as you do not fall for a prostitute.


By the way, could you explain to me what a drama queen is exactly? If these are women saying "mother is dead", buffalo escaped or even if their real life is shitty then I can do nothing for them except treat them well, fuck them nicely and pay them well....

I do not have money to spend on bullshit, money serves my needs or to build my happiness.




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Some people become addicted to the drama of being with Thai bargirls




Remember that a lot of guys (but not all of course) that go to LOS to partake of bargirls are social losers and losers with women at home in Farangland.


Being involved in a "drama" or "pseudo-drama" opens up a door to them that they can feel important and special and can try and be a knight in shining armour for their beloved BG and get some sort of ego-boost out of it.


They girls probably know this and play on it to their own advantage.


Fair enough.

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...they are not so different from their sisters in the bars,

and they are really as naive and boring....


Totally disagree with that.


Bar girl conversations get boring *very* quickly... same shit, different day. Time after time.

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