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Iowa third state to legalize gay marriage.


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Guest lazyphil

I'm not anti gay marraige, i could not give a toss.it just cracks me up you try to be the protector of anything that the neo cons or whoever the fuck they are anti at the moment. america is so divided and fucked up!

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"Most are very good parents, from what I have seen. Probably the same percentage as for hetero parents. Probably higher, as gay couples tend to be wealthier (can afford better schools, etc)"


They are only wealthier for the most part because to date most do not have kids of their own to raise and support and send to college. ;) Also, most true gays are not paying any child support or alimony. This is one reason I do feel that gay marriage is the right way to go. Let them have the benefits, AND the minuses involved in the 'legal' contract of 'civil' marriage. It is a legally binding contract between two adult people (or more one day).


I imagine we will start hearing of (and we have already) gay couple alimony suits, child support lawsuits, divorce litigation, and child custody lawsuits. And that is how it should be in my thinking.


There are laws already on the books that will cover most contingencies likely to arise in these marriage contracts. The only laws needing changing really are the laws allowing these people their right to enter into a legal civil contract of marriage in a society of equals, the rights our western constitutions and bill of rights give all citizens (supposedly).


As long as they are good citizens, good parents, and pay their fair share of taxes I could care less what they do with their sexual organs, within the law (consenting adults), in the privacy of their homes, or, if having children in the home, in the privacy of their bedroom.





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They are only wealthier for the most part because to date most do not have kids of their own to raise and support and send to college.


That, and the fact that most gay couples are dual income.


I'd also argue they are better parents because they have to go thru so much in order to have children. Those that take on hassle REALLY want to have kids. Not very many "accidental" pregnancies in gay relationships.


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"That, and the fact that most gay couples are dual income."


Well, as are most hetero married couples I would think these past 20 years or so. :D


"I'd also argue they are better parents because they have to go thru so much in order to have children. Those that take on hassle REALLY want to have kids."


That may well be the case, much like heterosexual childless coupls wanting children but not able to have them. My experience with this has been with children from previous hetro marriage going to live with the gay couple for different reasons.


"Not very many "accidental" pregnancies in gay relationships."


55555555! True, very true! :rotfl:





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The only laws needing changing really are the laws allowing these people their right to enter into a legal civil contract...




I agree with this sentence up to this point. And, as I recall reading, a number of states have legislated this; not by some black-robed liberal zealots, but either by citizens actually voting/approving such a provision or a state legislature passing such a law.


I agree with the last part of your essay also. What I have trouble with is the "in your face" approach by the gay organizations and whinning to the courts every time things don't go their way. They really do come off as a bunch as pansies.


Call it a civil union. The butt-fuckers even want to have marriage applications changed from "husband/wife" to "spouse/spouse" :banghead:


OH..I think the male ice skaters in pro and Olympic shows/competition are quite lovely. I would never suggest that they be denied the right to purchase ice skates.




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Lesbian couples are into having children nowadays. They insist they have a right to be artificially inseminated (the same as a cow). This doesn't particularly bother me, except that it is discriminatory since gay guys don't have that option and have to adopt. If a lesbian wants a kid, why doesn't she just go shag some guy?


Wonder what the psychological effects would be on a kid brought up with two mothers and no father, or vice versa. I remember seeing a lesbian couple interviewed on TV back in the States. One "partner" had a rather pretty teenage daughter from a former marriage. The daughter spoke about having to break it her mother that she was heterosexual. She said her mother replied, "That's all right dear. If that's what you want, I can live it."



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