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Where have all the posters gone?

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I also feel that because many of the expats have met many other expats here, their wives/GFs are friendly with each other, board names are known to other friends, expats and visitors, and that we have had a few dickheads who read a post from a married guy and then they are called cheaters and such, that many of the married guys here just do not post their exploits, and even the unmarried guys with GFs that others know do not post the same due to this closeness that has evolved over the years.


I feel many here should sign up alternative user names and not reveal their identity to get around this possible 'lack of privacy' some may not like when posting intimate details of their experiences in the bar scene and out of the scene with GTG's. MANY members and former members are still having experiences it would benefit the board to read about, but most have stopped due to this lack of privacy and the few total 'moralising' morons who make it unpalatable for some to post here now they are too 'well known'.


An alternate ID would be a good way to go.



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SHhyguy - the "Bar with no name" is named that way at the request of the owner/manager who doesn't want publicity. It's not our secret - but his request.


Anyone who comes to a Friday get together and doesn't know the name will if he asks!


Cent asn SD - As I mentioned before the Internet isn't what it was.


I remember ASFO and everyone would meet if possible - great "Conventions" etc.


Trouble was the Internet isn't that secret - and hence if people as SD said posted what they do - some arse hole will start with "Hypocrite" and even attempts to out the person at work etc - See Stick and other events closer to home here.


As the internet isn't so secret - people don't tell about the fun things they did. Why should they if they are only going to get flamed or have anon calls at their work?


This place is franky better I think sometimes as many here are friends/cliques


We get together for parties - out of towners are always asked and made welcome.


To be very blunt - and by nature I am a shy person - I have never seen anyone not made welcome on a friday. If you come and sit and don't join in - don't expect people to talk to you - if you come and join in - you'll have a good time/

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SHhyguy - the "Bar with no name" is named that way at the request of the owner/manager who doesn't want publicity. It's not our secret - but his request.


Anyone who comes to a Friday get together and doesn't know the name will if he asks!


Cent asn SD - As I mentioned before the Internet isn't what it was.


I remember ASFO and everyone would meet if possible - great "Conventions" etc.


Trouble was the Internet isn't that secret - and hence if people as SD said posted what they do - some arse hole will start with "Hypocrite" and even attempts to out the person at work etc - See Stick and other events closer to home here.


As the internet isn't so secret - people don't tell about the fun things they did. Why should they if they are only going to get flamed or have anon calls at their work?


This place is franky better I think sometimes as many here are friends/cliques


We get together for parties - out of towners are always asked and made welcome.


To be very blunt - and by nature I am a shy person - I have never seen anyone not made welcome on a friday. If you come and sit and don't join in - don't expect people to talk to you - if you come and join in - you'll have a good time/









True, and we have seen some problems from a couple of nutcases here over the years on this 'privacy' issue. That is why I think many of us should have alternate ID's that we share with no one. Many know you as CTO, myself as Cent, and we meet people all the time at the Friday meets, not all of who may be sane and reasonable people. Virtual strangers we all invite into our circle of friends we have met over the years here and online on this board. All are welcome and are made welcome at the meetings and parties, but I do feel many here need to protect themselves by isolating some of their more private tales and adventures to a more anonymous user-name as well.


ASFO was fun, and the 'reports' by many of the guys going to a weekend meeting were always fun and at times very interesting and informative as well. Many of us had met earlier on ASFO and other boards (Thaipussy.nu) and knew each other before coming to Nanaplaza.com eventually. The problem is there are some weirdos out there on the net (and in real life as well) and we do need to take some degree of control on our own privacy. But I do think this would be a good way for some to retain their privacy and still be able to report their sanuk and further make the board a lot more interesting and informative and fun.


"To be very blunt - and by nature I am a shy person"


Yeah, about as shy as a Sukhumvit katoey streetwalker. 555555555! I know what you are saying though. ;) :thumbup:


And I do agree the 'cliquish' behaviour at times is a pain, as well as the constant 'challenges' some seem to make on many posts and posters. Some need to lighten up, or get their anger issues resolved, and hot headed replies deleted or moderated by KS and the mods more I feel. A welcoming friendly attitude is best for a board such as this. No one needs to be flamed or taken to task just because one does not like what they read. Don't like it, move on and read something else. There is no need to constantly challenge every post you/one disagrees with. It gets boring and tiresome to have to defend or explain yourself all the time.


This board is supposed to be fun and interesting, not a battleground.


I do feel the sponsors should also use the picture posting option more often on the general board and posts too. Would add more to the posts and be visually interesting at times. Just remember everybody the 'no nudity' rule on/for the general board areas and everything should be cool. Nudes are confined to the sponsors area, and really, being a sponsor is very cheap to do as well.



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Last I heard of Mai Mark, he was wandering around San Francisco's skid row, drunk and babbling in Spanish. From what I could make of it, he had found work on a cruise ship, and ended up in SFO.


He bummed a few bucks off me, finished his bolle of MD-80, and stumbled on his way, babbling something about "...an all lesbian cruise ship next time..."


He was a good guy, but I live in fear that he may show up on my door step some day wanting lodging...of course he would be welcome.

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Do I have an answer on how to turn this around? No.


Off course you do. Turn back the clock. Change the focus to what it was before, on the nightlife. Get rid of all the boring subforums that cater to old hands but have no place on a nightlife board. Change the meets back to a bar in a nightlife area. Kick out the old hands who talk about nothing else but US politics, football, fishing or what else you have.


But my main guess is that you wanted to change the course of the board because you got married and don't have an active interest in the nightlife anymore. Not that I criticize you for that, after all it is your board.

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To those who bemoan the fact that this isnt a 'nightlife' board any more, I seem to recall that we had a board member ('frede' was just one of his tags) who did his level best to post the grittiest details he could. He also did his level best to rub everyone up the wrong way.


There is a certain ego component that goes with the need to tell the world that you just banged 20 girls in every possible orifice, and it pretty much precludes anyone else's view of the world. When the sun shines out of your butt, everyone else rapidly becomes a whore or a fool - in my case, I've been both. Problem is, I dont particularly enjoy being *told* that by someone who seems to be hellbent on emulating Naughty Nigel, one of the more controversial bareback riders ever to find his way to Thailand.


OK, I have to get back to the whoring - the boss will be in soon, and he likes his pound of flesh. ;)

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