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Soi Cowboy report


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if it's your opinion - that's fine - but pigeon holing is silly - different women react different to different situations.


My point all along is that you can't say a absolute about any woman - only the one/s you know.



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Fully agree, all women are different, as are most men. Variety is the spice of life and all that!


English is my third language.


My first is bullshit...I speak it well, fluent in it, in fact!


My second consists of grunts, moans, umms and ahhs and the occasional clearing of my throat to dislodge phlegm. It is universally understood, no matter where I am.


Just thought I'd share that.


Don't know why.

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My point is women are not of a single vanilla variety - many want things different from others - pigeonholing them is stoopid - which is what I see Piggy and bust doing.

How is giving an opinion based on your experience pidgeonholing? I have been visiting asia for a long time and had my first trip to LOS in 1994.


From my experience the GTGs I have associated with including the 2 years I lived here in Sydney with a thai girl look down on the bar scene and associate it with whores, ugly farangs and pure disgust. Note...that is their opinion not mine. At the same time I have met TG's who have an interest in the bar scene on a clear curiosity basis with a couple even willing to barfine a girl for some rumpy pumpy. But they are the minority and believe meet I have met a lot of thais over the years.


I am not posting in absolutes CTO so not sure why you get so fired up when others opinions differ from yours....you are beginning to sound like ..


Sure you live in LOS and I don't but that does in no way make my opinion any less valid based on my experience.


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I'm not sure "pigeon-holing" is the best word for what CTO means -- maybe 'generalizing' is more what he's after, or at least a better description of what Bust and KS were doing. It's nearly impossible to discuss any issue without making generalizations. In other words, to say "Russian men drink a lot." Then if someone says his uncle is Russian and he doesn't drink at all, well, you see the problem. The real issue is whether the generalization is fair. It's not really reasonable to establish some rule that generalizing is always off limits, just because exceptions exist.


When someone says "Thai women..." they really mean most Thai women, or Thai women in general. This kind of generalization is standard in any language or culture. Again, I could say... the American public elected Obama president. "But my cousin voted for McCain, so that's not exactly correct." No it is correct. More voted for Obama. "American public" doesn't mean EVERY American person, it means MOST American people.


So the real question is whether the generalization is correct or not. CTO seems to think it isn't, KS and Bust disagree. I'd say I disagree too, which I've said. Unless we conduct a professional quality survey of a representative cross section of Thai women, we can't really know for sure who's right.


by the way, what the hell ever happened to SD? Why isn't he down here in the mud?

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PPS Simie, agree on the part about Thai women buying sex from men. I used to live close to a place that catered to this. Interestingly enough bargirls make up a large part of their clientele from what I have been told.



interesting story, when I was last in Thailand with my now ex-girlfriend we were in a pool bar on soi 4 when a girl she knew came in and played pool with a young farang. Out of the blue my girl tells me that the girl gets money from farangs and then goes and pays for sex with thai men. she was a pretty average looking girl but even so the comment blew me away. My girl wasn't a bargirl and not prone to just random lying (she was pretty good as far as thais go for being reasonably honest).


Thailand is very strange indeed.

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