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How Do I Report Child Abuse???

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An evenly paired boxing match between boxers is enjoyable to watch. A one-sided slaughter in the ring is another thing. Of course, with great granddad it was still bare knuckles. I gather his kids used to get battered around a bit when they got carried away. But it was probably a skill they needed in rural Norfolk nearly a century ago. Nothing like a good punch up in the pub now and then.






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Obviously a certain amount of aggression is needed to get through life. Boxing, maybe all sport, has always struck me as an acceptable outlet. Of course some just like a punch up.

Never understood the British "pint and a punch-up" nights out. Being raised in the US *and* in the ghetto, a punch-up was serious and someone was getting seriously hurt, not laughing and having a beer in five minutes. Living overseas so long, it is still hard for me to make my Brit (and some Aussie) mates understand that. I need to walk away quickly when I see them going that way. Nothing personal, just an ingrained response. Fuck with me long enough, and you're *gonna* get hurt, no pulling the punches nor "fighting fair" here -- bottles against heads and knees in balls are the first moves -- then the beating starts while you're on the ground in pain...


Sorry, raised a ghetto boy and fights mean something, they are NOT recreation...


Back to the OP, had I had boy children, I would have taught them to get-it-on, but to hold their temper to the last second. I sorta failed with #2 daughter, as she'll get into a punch-up pretty easily (short fuse, that one). I'm a bit sorry I taught her some things, but she'll never get fucked with, which is important being a gorgeous but independent female. And has proven it several times much to my chagrin, including an in famous run-in with a moto-cy win at Patpong (in the daytime, plus had me for backup, she's not quite insane) LOL.

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Thailand does not appear to be one of the countries that has banned corporal punishment.







Hey, Hippy. What is your advice to the OP?




I have no idea how the laws THERE work, but if it were HERE, I'd report it, so if nothing else, it was documented. Let the asshole cops laugh, if it becomes a bigger issue later, they can be held accountable. AS for Thailand, I say find the proper agency and do the same...if nothing else, the OP knows he tried to help the kid.

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Combat vets have to learn to control their temper when they got back in the world. The Army doesn't teach you to punch with your fists; it teaches you to kill with your hands. I was seriously worried at first that I'd lose my temper and kill someone before I knew what was happening. I have several ex-Special Forces friend who won't drink in public to this day. Breaking bones and smashing windpipes isn't exactly approved of by the civilian authorities.


It goes away in time though. I have an ex-Marine buddy who said to me, "I was a tough little son-of-a-bitch. Nowadays, anybody could beat me." 'Nuff said. :dunno:



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