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Let us just think Emperor Xi from China blows a fuse and wishes to offer Emperor Orange a kick in the ass which makes him flying through the air for a considerable distance. Emperor Xi would simply pick up his telephone and order the Chinese Central bank to put US government bonds on the market in what we might call  trainloads. He would hurt himself as the value of the bonds would implode but the US would be simultaneously fucked. Because the US finance all their various galactic deficits by bonds which the world is buying because the worls trusts the US to pay. So far. US bonds are  in USD, so no currency instability and stable interests. Couple of days ago the BRICS countries were considering to replace the USD by something of their own design and Donald immediately started yelling at them. See above.

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7 hours ago, buffalo_bill said:

Let us just think Emperor Xi from China blows a fuse and wishes to offer Emperor Orange a kick in the ass which makes him flying through the air for a considerable distance. Emperor Xi would simply pick up his telephone and order the Chinese Central bank to put US government bonds on the market in what we might call  trainloads. He would hurt himself as the value of the bonds would implode but the US would be simultaneously fucked. Because the US finance all their various galactic deficits by bonds which the world is buying because the worls trusts the US to pay. So far. US bonds are  in USD, so no currency instability and stable interests. Couple of days ago the BRICS countries were considering to replace the USD by something of their own design and Donald immediately started yelling at them. See above.

The USA was fucked when Nixon opened the flood gates to Chinese goods. In doing so, a monster was created…one that may ultimately gobble another monster…

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9 minutes ago, Old Hippie said:

The USA was fucked when Nixon opened the flood gates to Chinese goods. In doing so, a monster was created…one that may ultimately gobble another monster…

Sir, people do not buy Chinese because they love the Chinamen. My own business is all Chinese because prices are a beauty and quality good if you are careful what you buy. The problem with the US in that market is that the US does not offer too many goods that are attractive to other countries. The trade balance Germany/China 2023 was 59 billion Euros ( US-billions) in favor Chinaman. Nobody worried because with other countries it looks entirely different ( USA / Germany 69 billion in favor Germany, Orange-man him angry too mut ) If you now try to stop this by tariffs it is like swallowing headache pills against brain cancer, the pain goes away but not the problem.

Gentlen, I am in the middle of a bottle of ( imported ) Red  and declare unability to continue with thoughts that make sense. Assuming I managed to do so before. Holy Lord, times are confusing all of a sudden. Prost!

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Just seen on the TV news Orangeman had a phonecall from the Mexican Chief no idea what her name is. All is fine again because Mexican Chief sends 10.000 warriers to the border to protect the United States from I think drugs. And other evil. In exchange Orangeman will cancel 25% tariffs which were supposed to establish a Golden Century for the US. What about the Golden Century now, Old Hippie you should know or Mekong come up with a detailed statistic saying something enlightening.

Back to imported Red. Why do these bastards not use real cork any more?

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1 hour ago, buffalo_bill said:

Just seen on the TV news Orangeman had a phonecall from the Mexican Chief no idea what her name is. All is fine again because Mexican Chief sends 10.000 warriers to the border to protect the United States from I think drugs. And other evil. In exchange Orangeman will cancel 25% tariffs which were supposed to establish a Golden Century for the US. What about the Golden Century now, Old Hippie you should know or Mekong come up with a detailed statistic saying something enlightening.

Back to imported Red. Why do these bastards not use real cork any more?

I believe the call went something like this:

Her: “…listen to me pendejo, I’m a JEW, I know money…probably better than you as YOU filed bankruptcy how many times? I NEVER filed…so listen up PUTO, these tarries are going to mean higher food prices, your people are bitching already! How much more can they take if they can’t take it now..? So NO tarries, I will send troops to help control the illegal flow of people and drugs, drugs that YOUR PEOPLE WANT, maybe try doing something about that? Anyway, we’ll help stop the flow of drugs and people and you, quietly, will pay us for that, ok Pluto..?”

rump: “…ah ok…BTW, ever Urinate on a rich man..?”


I have it on good authority that was the call. As for “The Golden Century…” Ah Maybe not, I think our run is coming to an end fast… I blame Richard Nixon for “recognizing China” and opening what would become the flood gate that ruined American manufacturing. Regan started the union busting that lead to lower pay and benifits, changed pension laws to allow companies to basically NOT pay what was earned (happened to me you may recall) and generally fueled unprecedented greed which grew under Bush2, then rump and well the democrats did nothing to stop it and also got rich. We are now a nation run by Oligarchs, no different than Russia maybe a few more basic rights, for now but that’s about it. 

     Post WW2, the USA saw its infrastructure, which remained intact, boom, everyone made a great living and the sky was the limit! My “parents” generation saw an economic boom like never before and thought it would never end…CEO’s (there really was no such thing) were rich, but not the insane gap you see today while workers suffer. So what happened? Well, no one watched the store…they let government slowly turn up the heat, slowly chip away and the “greatest generation” took the attitude of “We worked for it!  We got ours, go get yours if you don’t you are lazy!” That bunch had it all practically handed to them, and didn’t give a shit about the future…mention recycling or the environment to my deceased adopted father and be ready to hear a long dissertation on how it is related to communism, homosexuality and a plan for global domination…” They all had their’s and “…that’s good enough, don’t make waves…” and knew their place.

Drugs in the USA…J. Edgar Hoover, COINTEL PRO and a host of other conspiracies to kill off blacks, there is your answer. We never had a drug problem in the USA until one of the Kennedy kids and a few other prominent kids got caught and or OD’d. Regan saw “the war on drugs” as a diversion from is destructive path and ran with it. More enforcement meant higher prices, higher prices meant more people wanted to get into the game…fine and dandy when it was in the black ghettos, but now that rich white kids are hooked, it’s a problem. Pretty drug offenses mean more people in “prisons for profit” and it goes on and on…I’d rant more but I have to go to work and “slave for the man…” 

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Bashing Mexico and Canada for the Fentanyl problem but who caused it in the first place?
Corporate America. Doctors dishing out opioids such as Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Norco) and Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet) like candy to all and sundry.

Doctors were happy, getting their backhanders off drug companies, investors were happy as share prices in drug companies were skyrocketing, but it was creating an opioid time bomb.

Once the problem was recognised the Doctors stooped prescribing the opioids and basically forced the consumers to go cold turkey.

Black market Vicodin pills are $5.00 each compared to Fentanyl at 50 cents, even with prescription Vicodin is $142 per 100 or $1.42 a pop so obviously an addict is going to go for the cheapest option. 
Rather than flooding the USA with illicit drugs as claimed, foreign countries are helping the USA keep the cost of addiction down, rather than imposing tariffs on other countries wouldn’t the USA be better off insetting up proper detox clinics for the problem which it has caused itself 

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12 hours ago, buffalo_bill said:

Sir, people do not buy Chinese because they love the Chinamen. My own business is all Chinese because prices are a beauty and quality good if you are careful what you buy. The problem with the US in that market is that the US does not offer too many goods that are attractive to other countries. The trade balance Germany/China 2023 was 59 billion Euros ( US-billions) in favor Chinaman. Nobody worried because with other countries it looks entirely different ( USA / Germany 69 billion in favor Germany, Orange-man him angry too mut ) If you now try to stop this by tariffs it is like swallowing headache pills against brain cancer, the pain goes away but not the problem.

Gentlen, I am in the middle of a bottle of ( imported ) Red  and declare unability to continue with thoughts that make sense. Assuming I managed to do so before. Holy Lord, times are confusing all of a sudden. Prost!

Sir, pre Nixon and maybe even into the late 70’s, The USA did actually make stuff here, shitty cars being one of them. Senile Ronnie loved the idea of “competition” of the finest and ran with it all. More cheap stuff coming in, in some cases, decent quality. You are correct, Americans did not buy it because they/we loved the Chinaman” but because it was cheap. In some cases insanely cheap, didn’t matter if it was good quality or bad quality, cheap was good enough in many cases.  As for little xi wanting to cause a big problem for the USA of A, he could do so, against his best interests, which I doubt he or any other current leader is dumb enough to do…well maybe rump is dumb enough..? However, at that point, being game over perhaps, the USA could simply really screw everyone and just print enough money to just pay off the debt, the money would essentially be worthless to any and all, but it would clear the tab and basically really fuck every one, including/especially the USA, but we might have the last laugh. Rumour abound about how rich and or powerful China really is…as no one really seems to know, I’d advise we plan accordingly. 

     Interesting enough, Bill Maher made a very good comment the other night on his show. He basically said the recent Chinese AI event which upset the stock market, was a “Sputnik moment.” It was basically one of those moments that showed Americans “…we aren’t first, we aren’t number 1 at this and we’d better step up our game or suffer as a result…” I tend to agree…. Enjoy your wine, aspirin before drinking, during and after, can help with avoiding hangovers…

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5 hours ago, Mekong said:

Bashing Mexico and Canada for the Fentanyl problem but who caused it in the first place?
Corporate America. Doctors dishing out opioids such as Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Norco) and Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet) like candy to all and sundry.

Doctors were happy, getting their backhanders off drug companies, investors were happy as share prices in drug companies were skyrocketing, but it was creating an opioid time bomb.

Once the problem was recognised the Doctors stooped prescribing the opioids and basically forced the consumers to go cold turkey.

Black market Vicodin pills are $5.00 each compared to Fentanyl at 50 cents, even with prescription Vicodin is $142 per 100 or $1.42 a pop so obviously an addict is going to go for the cheapest option. 
Rather than flooding the USA with illicit drugs as claimed, foreign countries are helping the USA keep the cost of addiction down, rather than imposing tariffs on other countries wouldn’t the USA be better off insetting up proper detox clinics for the problem which it has caused itself 

Americans love drugs, period. Weed and acid in the 60’s, cocaine in the 70’s and 80’s, alcohol through out or the hard core crack or heroin or meth addict, we love getting fucked up. The problem is our almost insatiable love of drug consumption of one sort or another. Blaming Canada? Ok, that makes no sense, but then it came from the mouth of the rump, blaming Mexico might seem to make more sense until you really look at the bigger picture, that being, they wouldn’t be selling it if there wasn’t a market for it.  Opiod Addiction makes no real sense to me, I have taken them over the years for severe pain, the last time being for a knee replacement…I hate them, they do not make me feel “high” rather they give me a head ache, constipate me, cause nausea and while they may help curb the pain a bit, they don’t really stop it and the trade off just isn’t worth it. I got through a knee replacement with out them after the 3rd day.  Around here, Vicodin supposedly sells a lot higher than $5 depending on the dosage and fentanyl, pure fentanyl is pretty much lethal. The current trend is to take heroin or coke and cut it with fentanyl for a more super high, of course this stuff is maybe not mixed very well and thus the number of fatal cases here is always on the rise. I have witness 3  (1 fatal) and now carry Narcan bursts (nasal spray) in my car. No idea what the answer is, the war on drugs was a big failure, “health education” in schools doesn’t seem to work, better medical use of pain meds doesn’t seem to help etc…So what is a nation to do..?

     Not to defend the rump, but the southern border has been out of control for years, even on his first watch. People who are fat as fuck show up at the border saying they walked from Honduras, El Salvador Southern Mexico for 6 months with no food or water etc…some try through proper channels to get in, others arrive in “caravans” paid for by who knows? And bum rush the border, once over, some will report and seek assylum, others will not. So will find “under the table employment” and live decent lives in hiding, others will turn to crime either as an alternative or it was their first intention. Others will get stolen IDs, Social security numbers etc and commit ID fraud/theft and get jobs, pay taxes, file and live as legitimate people…who knows? Others will arrive on airplanes from China, Europe etc, and either pay someone to marry them (as a certain former board member bragged about doing), or have a baby here etc…so the methods are endless I suppose. What astounds me are the people who show up at the southern border from Africa, the Middle East, Russia etc…claiming one reason or another as to why they want a life here…poverty being one reason…and I’m like “…dude, you had the money to get on a plane and fly to Mexico and pay a cartel to get you to the border…so where did that money come from..?” Will trump stop any of this? No. 

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