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Norwegian beaten into coma in Pattaya

Ed Zeppelin

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Joking aside. I have to ask this. With the thousands of falangs in Pattaya, what percentage are indiscriminatley dragged and beaten into a coma? I'm not saying I think the thais are innocent or not, just that it just doesn't sound right to me. It could very well be that simple. I'm not willing to say as yet and my gut instinct says there is more to the story. My gut is sometimes wrong but mostly right.


All I can say about what I know about inner city neighborhoods is that its Darwinian for the most part. Everyone isn't tough. Almost all are street smart.

We have been there before (read the old "mythical" thread about the violence in LOS?) but we are talking about completely different things here. Someone here is NOT recognizing those guys as *THUGS* and it's saying that there can be perfectly "GOOD REASONS" for 4 local guys to beat a foreign tourist into a coma, dump/hide him behind a bush and simply go away...


...AND, we are not talking about some obscure inner city ghetto, we are talking about an international tourist destination heavily promoted the world over by official Thai authorities (and officially endorsed Thai tour operators) as a "family beach resort" and "world class meeting center" AND most probably the 4 men were scum coming from other parts of the country (incidently, attracted in PTY directly or indirectly by the very presence of tourists -which means MONEY- like the one they sent into a coma) NOT "ghetto born and resident" locals.


Steve, you are talking about apples while it's oranges we are dealing with here.


This incident is just the umpteenth proof of what I have been arguing in the aforementioned thread.


BTW, given how Thai society is, people think and act and the police and judicial system work, someone's daugther better be the tough bird he says she is since I (and any other smart, wise and learned "farang") wouldn't raise a finger to help her in Thailand (just like the average Thai would unless there is a chance to gang up against a foreigner) but would (and according to my homecountry's laws even MUST) help her in farangland at the very least calling right away the police who, funnily enough, would actually come and do the work they are supposed to do...


People's abysmal ignorance and utter stupidity favorably comparing 3rd world shitholes' societies and their political-socio-economic dynamics with first world countries' never cease to amaze me.

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"...We have been there before (read the old "mythical" thread about the violence in LOS?) but we are talking about completely different things here. Someone here is NOT recognizing those guys as *THUGS* and it's saying that there can be perfectly "GOOD REASONS" for 4 local guys to beat a foreign tourist into a coma, dump/hide him behind a bush and simply go away..."



I can think of several good reasons to beat a person into a coma, regardless of what part of the world it is in. My reasons and justification for this would be the same in a 3rd world country or a 1st world country. Among the reasons would be child abuse/rape, beating an elderly person, rape of a woman and or family member, threatening my life, or that of a loved one, especially if a weapon was involved...


"...People's abysmal ignorance and utter stupidity favorably comparing 3rd world shitholes' societies and their political-socio-economic dynamics with first world countries' never cease to amaze me..."


Hmmm...not sure here...on one hand I agree, on the other hand it seems to be what you are doing as well...er sort of. Somewhere one has to ask the question "how should I look at this?" We Are NOT Thais, we are Farangs, so it only stands to a fair a mount of reason that we look at Thai things with a farang perspective, Much the way Thais look at farang things with a Thai perspective, odd how we often forget this fact.


Again, I'll ask, is there anymore info on this guy? how is he?

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I can think of several good reasons to beat a person into a coma, regardless of what part of the world it is in. My reasons and justification for this would be the same in a 3rd world country or a 1st world country. Among the reasons would be child abuse/rape, beating an elderly person, rape of a woman and or family member, threatening my life, or that of a loved one, especially if a weapon was involved...

4 on 1 means that you can very easily stop a person from fleeing and bring him to justice.

"Private justice" is something civilized people don't do and frown upon, it's a criminal offence in civilized societies and it's something my mother and father wouldn't do and have taught me not to do... IOW, people who seek "private justice" ("justice" in their own eyes) ARE thugs.

The fact that we often feel that our judicial systems are too "soft" on certain crimes is an entirely different matter. I for one think some infractions/crimes are punished far too harshily while others far too softly (and I am all for the death penalty for certain crimes). Private justice isn't the right answer since it opens even worse cans of worms...


Not that the above has anything to do with this umpteenth tourists' slaying, of course. Or is anyone here really believing that those 4 Thai thugs have beaten the Norwegian tourist into coma because he was "abusing/raping a child, beating an elderly person, raping a woman or a family member"?

As for "threatening my life, or that of a loved one, especially if a weapon was involved..." they were 4 on 1 and they hadn't found any arms near the Norwegian tourist's body so most probably he wasn't armed (while on the other hand they WERE armed, read further below).


Hmmm...not sure here...on one hand I agree, on the other hand it seems to be what you are doing as well...er sort of. Somewhere one has to ask the question "how should I look at this?" We Are NOT Thais, we are Farangs, so it only stands to a fair a mount of reason that we look at Thai things with a farang perspective, Much the way Thais look at farang things with a Thai perspective, odd how we often forget this fact.

Ganging up and gathering family and friends IS the Thai way, so from their perspective it IS OK resolving matters this way.

What I was referring to is Westerners FAVORABLY COMPARING such kind of things to what's the OK way of resolving matters in the West.


That's no way to do justice since that way the strongest part, NOT NECESSARILY THE RIGHT PART, prevails.


Again, I'll ask, is there anymore info on this guy? how is he?

This appears to be an update: http://www.pattayapeople.com/default.asp?Folder=16&IdArticle=9188


It seems the 4 Thai gentlemen have robbed him at knifepoint behind the Wonderful Bar on Second Road and felt the need to also beat him into coma...

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Figjam, you're right in spirit that its the 'civilized' thing to do. If some guy harmed a friend of mine's little daughter or tried to molest his child or something to that effect, I would do the uncivilized thing and join 3 other people to beat his ass if we could tell there wasn't enough proof to prosecute him. Its wrong as you say but in certain circumstances we all would either do or contemplate to do the 'uncivilized' thing.

Technically you're right though.



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You are right on the one hand, but in a situation where you just "lose it" and passion or emotion takes over, that is another story, and rational "civilized" people may well lose it in certain circumstances. Example: you walk in on a violent crime and you and your friends beat the guy. That is my point. But yes, you are right.


Thanks for the update on the guy, sorry to hear he is not doing any better. It does now seem that some witnesses or such have come forward and given more information to gather that it was a robbery?

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