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Yes - But I find it "typical" of the accusations thrown at PAD about their elitism.


It's a pity as perhaps many lower members of PAD don't think that way but when you read that the leaders want to stop uneducated farmers from voting - and then you read a "supporter" here repeating similar mantra - regardless what you say - it makes PAD look elitist to rural poor.


Anyone who has lived here for a while knows that Thailand has a very stratified society. I often wonder where it came from - perhaps a left over from Brama days?


I have had a Dep Minister say "Why teach the poor - they can't learn"


When I have to deal with that sort of attitude plus daily plus the usual racism within Thailand against poor and isaan comment such as "uneducated" doesn't help your PAD cause or this country.


People should be doing very thing they can to make those uneducated become educated.

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Thaihome ,


as I said before , I am trying to put things right on another forum where they are discussing Thai politics without having even less of an idea than myself . The difficulty I am having there is this one : to my opinion the activities at the airport are outright criminal and if I say so it leads to the assumption that I am a Thaksin supporter . While in fact the only thing I politically support in Thailand are Nok and the Singha Brewery .


You can find out what is crminal or not if you buy a book The Thai Law or other at Bookazine and after analysing all the paragraphs you will have a lot of hits . My point is exclusively that change of power in a " democracy " is up to the established legal process which has to be enforced by a state which has to have the monoply on power . If you start supporting user-defined bad mood as a sufficient reason to claim an executive-like execution of power as legal , you are giving up a basic element of a civilised society . Which is exactly why the current state of affairs makes Siam uncivilised , people do not acknowlege rules . Funny enough , nobody tells them to do so . Approaching shallow water , finish now .

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are based in agreeeing with their uneducated GFs opinion' date=' not their's? If they took the time to understand the real issues facing the country, and were not selfish, they'd have a different opinion?


Just a thought...






Intelligence is not in education. Someone is intelligent or is not. Education is a tool to shape and focus that intelligence so someone learns how to use those braincells. So Suadam do not judge someone by the paper that stipulates the education someone has had. Judge someone by what they do and how they act.






I have just written and deleted a monster post in response.....


Maybe it was best that I reconsidered before posting......


Farking hellllllllllllllllll





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The Thai constitution has the following provision:


Section 69. A person shall have the right to resist peacefully an act committed for the acquisition of the power to rule the country by a means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution.


The PAD feel that the PPP is trying illegally acquire power by amending Article 291 which would have stopped the legal process of dissolving the party and leading to the return of Thaksin as PM.

In their minds, they are doing what the constitution allows them. They also feel that they have the right to defend themselves against attacks, such as when the police fired HE tear gas grenades directly at people on 7 Oct or the grenade attacks that are almost nightly features these days.



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Thank you TH for having the decency to read what I said and interpret it correctly.


CTO, using your logic, the next time I need advice on satellite communications, I'll ask Old Hippie. And for jet engine details, I'll ask you. While you are at it, ask TH about the minutiae of the physics of light while asking me about being a general contractor in Thailand.


Why, we have no need for any experience at all, cuz everyone knows it all about every subject! Happy days indeed!


This political stuff is no different...making your argument emotional rather than logical.

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Do you think overpowering Parliment and Airport was peaceful?

Yes. It was nothing more than a sit-in. And could have been broken up by the police if they chose to do so, without violence -- we're talking a bunch of grannies here: pick them up and put them into a paddy wagon, as they do in the West. But the police chose not to.


Forget all the guns/bombs etc they did to eachother - just those two points

You mean all that shit, the shootings & grenade attacks, from the red shirts, where the police did nothing, forcing the yellow shirts to defend themselves?

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Listening to my uneducated GF, she tells me she does not understand how the PAD can occupy government house without the police smoking them out, as they would in my country of origin where a 1km radius around government's buildings are off limits for demonstrators (I guess this is because one can not tolerate a government to be locked out from performing it's duty)


The same comments goes for occupying both airports, cripling the country.


It was stupid and foolish to do so.


From being pro-Taksin she understood his wrongdoings and advocated heavily against him in the village, which made her a paria.


During the last 6 months she slowly turned against PAD (on her own, without my influence this time).


So let Thailand have new elections, without vote buying(?) (she claims last December voting in the village was without vote buying) and see who wins.


Don't think the PAD has any sympathy left around here.

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