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What Film (Movie) Have You Just Watched?


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There is factual correctness and outright lies.

I would imagine if the Brits made a Movie about the Moon Landings originating in the UK or Henry Ford setting up his first production line in Essex the yanks would be outraged, but that is what they do rewriting history, claiming historical events were US Centric when in fact they had fuck all to do with them.

Fiction movies, which have romance, action, car chases are just that, pure fiction, but when they start to rewrite history it pisses me off 

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You should still watch the movie, it's good.

Think of it as movie where some Brits went, and though derring do, landed and got some moon dirt back, but without attracting the attention of the world, or holding a parade in every settlement with a population of more than three.

Why three? two to be the parade and one to watch it.

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Spaceman [2024 Movie]
Half a year into his solo mission on the edge of the solar system, an astronaut concerned with the state of his life back on Earth is helped by an ancient creature he discovers in the bowels of his ship. Based on the absurdist Czech novel "Spaceman Of Bohemia" this is self indulgent art house that can seem exceedingly dull or bizarely unusual. Worth seeing when the mood for something odd beckons but ultimately meaningless.

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Baby Reindeer [2024 TV]
The story follows writer and performer Richard Gadd's warped relationship with a female stalker and the impact it has on him as he is ultimately forced to face a deep, dark buried trauma. This true-life story written and played out by the performer himself with a superb supporting actor stalker makes for some compelling viewing of this award winning psychological drama. The series took on a further life of its own as the real stalker has since gone public saying it’s all lies!

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On 5/14/2024 at 4:53 AM, Mekong said:

There is factual correctness and outright lies.

I would imagine if the Brits made a Movie about the Moon Landings originating in the UK or Henry Ford setting up his first production line in Essex the yanks would be outraged, but that is what they do rewriting history, claiming historical events were US Centric when in fact they had fuck all to do with them.

Fiction movies, which have romance, action, car chases are just that, pure fiction, but when they start to rewrite history it pisses me off 

You just reference damned near every John Wayne war movie ever made. The news show 60 minutes did a segment called “Ronald Regan the movie,” where in, they should how many times he referenced movies as historical fact, in in fact what he was referencing was not at all true. 
    There was an atrocity, one of many, that took place in the USA, referred to as try he Rosewood incident. Basically a white woman got beaten up by a guy. She was fucking around with and needed to cover up to lie with her husband, so she said she was beaten up by a black guy who tried to rape her. The whole town went on a rampage and went over to the neighboring town, and started trying to kill every black man and every black person. There’s been a few documentaries about it. Hollywood made a big blockbuster movie about it. That’s sensationalized the whole thing totally distorted the truth and of course the hero was a white guy. If that isn’t offensive, I don’t know what is. Then there’s the movie bridge on the river Kwai , and absolute slap in the face to the people who died building that bridge and the railroad. The list is endless. That’s why I pretty much just try to stick to documentaries these days.

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