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1 hour ago, bust said:

Can somebody please remind me who was in the White House in 2019 :dunno:


As a potential speech write for DJT, let me try… 

“… am not at liberty to discuss all this that pertain to this matter, as commander and chief, I am bound by certain rules of conduct, almost sacred really, rules that honestly make no sense to me, as I feel America has a right to know, you folks know, I am the biggest lover of America, American freedom, and all it stands for, but rules are in place that I am forced to follow…and you know, I am no bigger lover of the law and following the rules, something I have preached for years, now maybe coming back to bite me who knows..? I suppose I could blame the Clintons or Obama, who may or may not responsible, I’m not saying either way, not my place to judge, I’ll let America decide, as they did in the last 2 elections, 1 of which I won, clearly and 1 of which I was cheated out of…really, I wasn’t so much cheated as America was cheated, that is the sad part really, I love America, no one loves America more than me, that is why I am still here, at an age when most so called “Americans” would have thrown in the towel, said “that’s it, I’m done” not me, not when my country needs me and not when so many fine people, AMERICAN people have said how much they love me and need me…no, not me, I’ll do it my way as Frank Sinatra once sang, no, I will do it as America needs…and we shall together, make America great again..!!!” How’s that?

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4 minutes ago, Mekong said:

The comic value of recent posts on this thread by OH are brilliant.

That is exactly what MAGAts do and will say and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry 

“…I’m just gonna say this, and I really don’t need to say this, because everyone knows this already, ask anyone, they will tell you, but my posts are the best posts, they are, everyone knows it…probably, and I’m not bragging they way sleepy joe would, but everyone knows that what I post is 100% true and the only ones who disagree are the kind of people who support DEI and illegals ruing our country…I know, I know it sickens you as much as it sickens the rest of us…which is why today, I’m sorry it was so late, but the liberals in the courts, the people who hate freedom, hate our country said I couldn’t do it, but I did anyway, because I love this country and that si what I need your help in reporting anyone who hates my post and therefore is anti American and anti freedom…” Damned, maybe I could get a job with him…not that these are that good, but most Americans are probably dumb enough to bury it…

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26 minutes ago, Mekong said:

The comic value of recent posts on this thread by OH are brilliant.

That is exactly what MAGAts do and will say and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry 

I’m trying not to cry…honestly, I don’t think it will be any worse than the first time…Biden sucked dog shit…but this is starting to look like a new level of shit never before seen…maybe if carter won a second term..?

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None of this is, or will ever be Trump's fault. The real responsibility lays with those who voted in him.

As the saying goes...."When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus"

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Somebody within the tremendous Orange-administration must have gotten the message through to the Orangeman that  tariffs are paid by the domestic importer and not the Mexican government and shall lead into an increase of prices, here the latest words of the greatest wisdom ever seen on earth:


Consequently the grocery-buyers shall jump with joy facing the PRICE because it will make America great again. Somehow.

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47 minutes ago, buffalo_bill said:

Somebody within the tremendous Orange-administration must have gotten the message through to the Orangeman that  tariffs are paid by the domestic importer and not the Mexican government and shall lead into an increase of prices, here the latest words of the greatest wisdom ever seen on earth:


Consequently the grocery-buyers shall jump with joy facing the PRICE because it will make America great again. Somehow.

The USofA does not manufacture much anymore, so yes, the tariffs will hurt the USA citizens far worse than they will hurt the country that is exporting the goods to here. We need them more than they need us…slightly maybe…? Some how, the Maggots will spin it to something other administrations did etc…wait till egg prices drip $.10 gas is already down, seasonal demand? No, it was the new Massiah deporting illegals that lowered the price!!

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