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Mia Noi Allowance


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Guest lazyphil

<<I can easily blow and have blown countless times 50k in one night of partying in BKK>>


Are we talking US$??--if so then I'm...lets say gob smacked!--if you dont mind could you do a breakdown on this please ;)

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You damn well know I was quoting Viet Dong!

I only take US$50k to Vegas to donate to my favorite casino.They in turn give me something more valuable than a kept woman does. I get a free limo I never use, free drinks I never consume, free food I never eat and a free hotel suite I never spend time in!

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the only thing that baffles me is why a uni educated girl with a great job feels the need for pretty substantial amounts of money per month for the sole purpose of keeping herself exclusive to her man (just plain greed?).


It seems that for many of these thai young women, the attentions of a man are more important to their self-esteem and upkeep than striving in college. The thai "system", also, does not quite give women their equal share in the professional arena, at least she gets to feel a bit special and attended by her man. + revenue that excels entry level in the job market, and after also, usually.

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Well... thanks for all the input fellas.


After careful consideration i think 20k baht p/m (plus fringe benefits) is enough... 30k for those that can do it. Anything more is madness in my book - unless you damn sho what she up to when u not around and that she has yo best interest in mind.


20k plus benefits amount to 240k+ per year. The whole extended family working their asses off all year in the rice paddy cant come up with that figure. Uni graduates would be dancing in circles for that kind of salary.




WARNING: I met a gal claiming 70k from some italian bloke. Comes to thailand once in a while. Next time out i c her with her second husband (swiss fella) - so proud to have a GF not in the business - what a joke... This is a dime a dozen fellas - that means if u ho is not in your line of site at all times - an you sending her money - u better know what u doing. This is no joke.




Now then... advice on the house up country. Its a fools chore. Why should i budget to build a house for my GF when i wont be spending any time in it? Let her brothers find the money... why should i bust ass and sacrifice so some lazy bastards up country can reap the harvest.


Look everyone wants a nice house, and better standard of living for the old foggies back home. But since when is it my responsibility. If she wants to put in a new floor or blah blah blah let her save it up like the rest of us - handing it over is simply irresponsible and near sited.


Now i am not a bad guy... what i can do i will do - but what is beyond comprehension IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION. When GF tells me she wants to build a new home or remodel the current one i say "gee, i would like to buy a new home in BKK as well - what a concidence! I am saving - are you?"




Onto blokes that are paying 20k +. If the only thing new you see on her or in her place is clothes - an shes not spending her money on school or constructive - then she is gambling yer money away or giving it to her thai boyfriends... u kin take that to the bank.

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most uni graduates would not be dancing in circles for 20k a month! That is an expected salary! If they get less, 15k then they have underperformed, if they get 30k then they have done extremely well!!!!!!


note: this is talking about the private sector and not government offices! Government offices would be around 7-8k per month!



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"Now i am not a bad guy... what i can do i will do - but what is beyond comprehension IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION. When GF tells me she wants to build a new home or remodel the current one i say 'gee, i would like to buy a new home in BKK as well - what a concidence! I am saving - are you?'"


ROTFLMAO! Yer new to Thailand aren't you? 5555555555 While what you said makes perfect sense, it is not reality in LoS, especially when dealing with BGs or kept women.




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O.k. my turn, say you had a girl who worked in a bar, and could make 30,000+ per month? think you'd get her out for 10,000? not sure, depends on the girl I guess. But assuming you paid for things like school, clothes, apartment, and were seriously commited with a long term intention , then what would the norm be? I'm asking for a friend of course...

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>After careful consideration i think 20k baht p/m (plus fringe benefits) is enough... 30k for those that can do it.


A bit low, IME. 50-70K for initial setup (fridge, TV, bed sheets, deposits....) and 25-30K per month after that is more realistic.

The apartment (included in the above) should be 6-10K, that means certain level of comfort and presentability that you will enjoy too.


Certainly, you can go above that and many do. What BuffaloBill said is plain realistic.


Disclaimer: the above may work for a bg that wants to quit. Real high-flyer mia nois - have no experience with but could easily go far above.


Japanese sponsors: they are not on that good money. Example: English teachers are on 2500US$ per month and it is reasonable money there. Software engineers 4K US$ per month.

It's Japanese ability and eagerness to save and save that makes them have "disposable" income.

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