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Thanks You Idiot


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Why does there have to be such a double standed with this shit.


The Iranians stir a bit of shit and it's worldwide news.


The US slaughter 100,000's of innocent civilians in Iraq and it's all..... :closemouth:


The USS Cole was targeted to send a message. US government still aren't listening.


I hope this thread, which has a post condoning the killing of people as sending a â??messageâ? and thereby some how justified is closed soon.



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Gee, imagine that. This silly "speedboats of death" story was over hyped and doctored...


[color:blue]Despite the official and media portrayal of the incident in the Strait of Hormuz early Monday morning as a serious threat to U.S. ships from Iranian speedboats that nearly resulted in a "battle at sea", new information over the past three days suggests that the incident did not involve such a threat and that no U.S. commander was on the verge of firing at the Iranian boats.


The new information that appears to contradict the original version of the incident includes the revelation that U.S. officials spliced the audio recording of an alleged Iranian threat onto to a videotape of the incident. That suggests that the threatening message may not have come in immediately after the initial warning to Iranian boats from a U.S. warship, as appears to do on the video.


Also unraveling the story is testimony from a former U.S. naval officer that non-official chatter is common on the channel used to communicate with the Iranian boats and testimony from the commander of the U.S. 5th fleet that the commanding officers of the U.S. warships involved in the incident never felt the need to warn the Iranians of a possible use of force against them. [/color]


More at the link




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No no, they were/are ALL Al-Queda!



Regarding the speed boats...nothing shocks/surprises me anymore. Were I a sailor/soldier in that area, and saw an "enemy" boat approach, I would be nervous/scared. Were I an evil hearted politician with an agenda, I'd exploit all I could for my own gain... What is that old quote? "...the first casualty of war is the truth..."


The sad part is many more will die for nothing other than a foolish agenda with no real purpose. The economy/lives will suffer, more will be lost, the integrity of the nation (what little if any is left) will suffer, and in the end, nothing will be learned...in a short time, some other power hungry asshole will come along and repeat the whole thing over again.

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Reads like the U.S. newsies might have been embellishing the incident--especially in light of one outlet continuing to portray the event as one of confrontation and near engagement even after a Navy briefing disavowed such a scenario. Is this the same "mainstream" newsies that we base our conclusions upon? Hmmmmm..... Like somebody once said, "Believe half of what you read and nothing that you hear."



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