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WARNING: Ekkamai shakedown!!


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maybe some people like to just give away 10,000 baht and say oh well. i got screwed on that one. they are the people who get conned all the time. i stand up for myself.


ok hows this. i disagree with the cops (politely). i tell them i want a lawyer. i get chucked in the slammer. after 24 hours of no lawyer no nothing i think fuck it ill pay the cunts this isnt working. then i pay them and i humbly eat my words.


But, there's another scenario. i insist on speaking to a lawyer and become a problem case to them. they give up and let me go for nothing or a much more minimal fee (ie the cash ive got on me or something small to let them save face).


either way, YOU KNOW THAT AT ANYTIME YOU CAN GET OUT OF THIS SITUATION ITS JUST A MATTER OF HOW MUCH MONEY ITLL TAKE. If things get serious and these guys clearly arent going to let you off then you bite the bullet and pay BUT NEVER EVER THE AMOUNT REQUESTED. YOU PAY AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.


im sorry in advance. im back to being humble again.

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Now I've got something else to worry about.


How does one carry the prescription with them. In my country, the pharmacy keeps the piece of paper (the prescription).


Any legit medicine I take/bring with me is in official container from pharmacy.


So, I guess, I will have to bring/take an empty legit container and place my "V" in that one.

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"Which is why you are still posting here and frede is not."


Lol! Just when I've told mates to log in and check this forum because of Frede's colourful style...it seems it regulated itself to its usual old dull routine again...


So, how much the ladydrinks nowadays in Soi Cowboy?

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maybe some people like to just give away 10,000 baht and say oh well. i got screwed on that one. they are the people who get conned all the time. i stand up for myself.


ok hows this. i disagree with the cops (politely). i tell them i want a lawyer. i get chucked in the slammer. after 24 hours of no lawyer no nothing i think fuck it ill pay the cunts this isnt working. then i pay them and i humbly eat my words.


But, there's another scenario. i insist on speaking to a lawyer and become a problem case to them. they give up and let me go for nothing or a much more minimal fee (ie the cash ive got on me or something small to let them save face).


either way, YOU KNOW THAT AT ANYTIME YOU CAN GET OUT OF THIS SITUATION ITS JUST A MATTER OF HOW MUCH MONEY ITLL TAKE. If things get serious and these guys clearly arent going to let you off then you bite the bullet and pay BUT NEVER EVER THE AMOUNT REQUESTED. YOU PAY AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.


im sorry in advance. im back to being humble again.


Please...no need to be sorry. As well as being humble, it would appear that you are also very learned in the intricate ways of the Thai Justice System... I salute you!!

It also seems you really know how to get the maximum "Bang for your Bucks"...again I salute you!!...


Perhaps you would be so kind as to help me make the most of my next visit...it will be my second trip to LOS and I won't have much cash to throw around....


I was thinking that...If I buy a cheap bottle of Vodka Duty free, I cud take it to the Bars with me and just pay for "mixers"....that way I'd save money and be able to select a "gem" from the Nana carpark every 3rd or 4th nyt...


What do you think would be a "fair & reasonable" Corkage fee to pay to the Bar???


Cheers DS


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whats the penalty for carrying a ? class 4 narcotic? is it more or less than 10,000 baht?


Something like 1-6 months in prison I guess.


A friend of TGF was living with a man selling cannabis, he gave her 1000 baht for buying food and so she did. As the bill was coming from a undercover police agent buying the narcotics - 18 months in prison.


Calculate 1 month for each yabah tablet.

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As I see it, the fundamental problem here is the existence of broad laws that Frangs will likely violate that can be selectively enforced for financial advantage or to settle a score.


I am not sure if there is a law that requires you always carry your passport, but if there is such a law, it falls into this category of fundamentally dangerous laws. Let me give you another example.


Technically speaking, if you attend a business meeting in Thailand, you need a work permit. And a "business visa" is not a work permit.


During the TPI fiasco, an Australian director of a local consulting firm was charged with violating Thai work permit laws on the basis of board of director minutes he signed for a meeting that purportedly occurred in Thailand.


The problem with these laws is that many, if not most Farangs, would not even realize that they were violating the law. Take the passport example. Up until the MiB started demanding passports, the websites of several embassies here suggested that you keep your passport safely in the hotel safe.

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I have no sympathy with the op either handing out 10kB, though this hasn't ever happened to me, but isn't there a public number one can call to complain about police scams? Or even the tourist police?


I recall yrs back road traffic police scams were all the rage? Until enough Thais called in to the complaints line. Isn't there another choice in this case? Carrying the drugs the op was hardly committing a serious crime, if any, and the blatant police scam here and how to avoid it should be emphasized rather than everything else that has been said on this long thread should it not?

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