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Palin Backs Anti-Masturbation Candidate


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One thing I've never adhered to whether its politicians or private citizens is the 'friends' thing.


We befriend all kinds of people. None of us have friends that have the same view on religion, politics, etc.


I have childhood friends that are now Nation of Islam, many very antiwhite. I have some that are antisemtic. Some that are ex cons, a couple that have committed murder and at least one serving life without possibility of parole.


I also have friends, non black friends who once were and are no longer or have friends and/or family who are racist against blacks, jews, gays, catholics, etc.


Malcolm X, Senator Robert Byrd and Mohammed Ali are examples of those that changed their prior racist viewpoints over time.


Unless you know the true nature of how that freindship started you really can't judge. I'm not condoning the racism or acts of my friends. Their wrong. I disagree in the strongest terms with their views. However, they remain my friends.


I'll give you one example. I know one older guy in my neighborhood who was a thug by definition. He liked me. Looked out for me. Made sure nothing ever happened to me. He wanted me to be better than the area we grew up in. He wanted me to go to college like a lot of folks. I can name at least 2 occasions that I could have been in serious trouble, quite possibly dead if it wasn't for his intervention. I owe him my life possibly. He's committed murder and is serving time for it. He deserves his sentence. However, he remains a dear friend. Its hard to explain to some and I don't expect many people to understand and read what I wrote as misguided bullshit. I completely understand it and wouldn't be offended if some thought so. To most folks he was a criminal but to me he was a big brother figure who risked life and limb on my behalf.


So I forgive politicians for the same. I don't know the nature of how some befriended certain folks who seem diametrically opposite of what the pol stands for. I know its very possible to have friends who are different than you are in very odd ways.


Palin, Obama and a host of other politicians tainted by the 'wrong' friends is not an issue for me unless the politicians themselves acknowledge an acceptance of their view. Guilty by association is not how I judge people. A red flag ought to be raised. I may even end a budding friendship because of it but if I have already gotten to know the person well enough and trust them, then I discount their past relationships or current friendships as I know those strange friendships can and do occur.


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With Obama - he had been going to the same church for years, listening to the preacher's anti-white rants, saying God damn the USA etc. That's giving your opponents needless ammunition.

Selected soundbites and creative editing can make anything sound like anything. The wingnuts are not beyond that: witness the ACORN thing and the Breitbart thing just recently.


I thought Wright's speech where he yes, does use the phrase "god damn the USA" was quite good, if you bother to listen to it in context and in full. It used to be on youtube, so look it up if you want to.

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One thing I've never adhered to whether its politicians or private citizens is the 'friends' thing.


We befriend all kinds of people. None of us have friends that have the same view on religion, politics, etc.




As I understand the fringe right like G. Beck use the "guilty by association" logic almost daily for to prove that Obama and his government are actually communist/fascist/liberal terrorists who want to destroy the USA.


And if the doesn't work their second strategy is to decribe him a the "Other" (Muslim, born in Kenya, anti-white racist, e.g.), as someone who isn't a real American, who doesn't understand Americans and who actually wants to destroy America. That's actually the more recent strategy.

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I believe that if Ali were healthy and had ever chosen to run for political office, he would have no difficulty overcoming any 'anti-American' transgressions of his past. :worship:


One thing as Americans we all love contrition and a good 'turnaround' story.


Ali certainly has become beloved and deservedly so. I respect people who can do that. He is the best ambassador for islam that I can think of.


George Foreman is probably one of the most unique turnaround stories as well. He was, by his own admission, not much more than a thug when he had fought Ali in that memorable fight in Zaire. He was not well liked and there was a reason for it. Terse, short tempered, etc. he has become the loveable, aged underdog in his later years and glad to see he had become rich.


Going back to the friendship thing I actually am more worried of the guy who has freinds exactly like him (ethnically, socioeconomically). Usually, not always, but usually, those are the ones that never traveled far and a bit more close minded. I am more impressed with the person who has a diverse, mixed bag of friends. It shows he's traveled, open minded, etc.


Many of us on here are so different but would I'd love to have a drink with many of you on here. We argue politics, etc. but at the end of the day I don't believe any personal animosity exists. The one thing I love about LOS at a beer bar is that I often find myself sititng and talking with the most varied of folks. I used to joke that world leaders need to come to Pattaya and sit at a beer bar, get a little drunk and I bet half the world's problems would be solved. Alochol and easy access to pussy softens just about anyone.

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back to Christine O'Donnell

1.she is anti premarital sex

2.she is anti masturbation

3.she is single

4.she is apparently the best Delaware resident to push for innovative government fixes


Christine O'Donnell apparently didn't realize she was risking votes when she denounced her witchcraft-dabbling past as a brief fling with "questionable" people. Now witches are furious. "She is defaming Wiccans," High Priestess Selena Fox


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I am curious as to how a person can shut off their natural biological instincts...such as horniness...? There has to have been a time or 2 that this bitch soaked her panties on the sight of a hot guy...is she still a virgin? why not? if so, what other issues are going on with her? I mean how the fuck can a person really turn off human impulses...? Other than by lying about it...

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back to Christine O'Donnell

1.she is anti premarital sex

2.she is anti masturbation

3.she is single

4.she is apparently the best Delaware resident to push for innovative government fixes


Christine O'Donnell apparently didn't realize she was risking votes when she denounced her witchcraft-dabbling past as a brief fling with "questionable" people. Now witches are furious. "She is defaming Wiccans," High Priestess Selena Fox



I'll forgive her for the witch stuff which was 14 years ago. There are tons of things I did 14 years ago that aren't relevant now.


The abstitence stuff is way to the fringe. If she's untainted by special interest and will address fiscal issues it goes a long way with me.


I've forgiven Ron Paul for other things (anti abortion for example) and I want to be fair to this woman. Paul is mainly fiscal. She is mainly social conservatism and there's a big difference. Paul's primary focus is economics, she seems to be about social changes. So, I can't support her.




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The TPM Poll Average gives Coons a lead of 53.7%-39.3% against O'Donnell. And just for comparison, the average for a Castle-Coons race gives Castle a lead of 46.4%-35.4% over the Democrat.


This poll also confirms the conventional wisdom that Republican voters threw away a certain pickup of this seat. Yeah TeaParty! Keep the crazy comin'!!!

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