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Palin Backs Anti-Masturbation Candidate


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the tea party was originally a libertarian / Ron Paul leaning / organization.


the tea party was hi-jacked by the palin / beck nut case republicans.


activist tea party-ers do not represent the general electorate.

activists turn out for primaries & the general electorate turns out for the real election


the tea party is forcing unelectable candidates down the throat of the right wing of the republican party

the mixing of fiscal (true) conservatives & religious nut case republican base is like oil & water.

all the 'base' cares about is abortion & the tea party is focused on (errr, actually was, pre opportunist hijack) fiscal responsibility.


As I stood in the grocery line yesterday I scanned the magazines available at the check out line .. 100% lindsey / Angelina BS

the Lindsey / Angelina faction forms the republican base.


the most outspoken Say-raaah backer I know watches the amateur singing & dancing contests on TV (seemingly) every night on intellectually starved american broadcast TV + both she & her husband call in to vote on the 'amateur contest shows'

she said she thought Bristol would do very well on the dancing show. Levi says they never went dancing (horizontal bop?) during their entire relationship. .. specifically no dancing at the senior prom (what he said)


My friend bases her Bristol opinion the same as she makes her political decisions .. unintelligible fluff.

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obama is a huge disappointment ..

but he started in a hug hole.


until one considers the obstacles presented by the block voting obstructionist republicans.


bohner & mcconnel are 2 of the most despicable people in politics


2 un winnable wars started to please the dopey birther mentality republican base (thankfully birthers represent a huge % of the republican base)


+ Powell's "when we broke it we bought it" .. we walk from the disaster that is iraq the mid east will go off.. no doubt the zionist will resolve the issue quickly with 21st century american supplied weapons... cluster bombs for peace.


the health plan is the congressional lobbyists plan not obamas


tax revision is political not fiscal .. fiscal responsibility is impossible in this era of lobbyist agenda


frequent war is necessary ..

remember in the '08 campaign when for political points say-raah & mccain wanted to invade Georgia


RE: gays in the military .. if queens are allowed in the barracks so should women

a queen in the enlisted communal shower .. WOW!



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Good stuff Temfarang (but Bust runs a close second).

You're pretty much nailed it. Lobbyists make the laws or approve them.

So, the Republicans won the fight for the tea party or at least the activist fringe did. I'm not a big fan of either party's fringe. Both scare the bejeesus out out of me (dang, I have becomem my father --- bejeesus?!).

This country is so irroovably f**ked it isn't funny. It truly saddens me. The party power brokers are owned by the special interests. The few that aren't are too low on the totem poll to have any say or effect and are beaten down by the party if they step out of line which means voting your conscience even if its against the party.

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<< RE: gays in the military .. if queens are allowed in the barracks so should women

a queen in the enlisted communal shower .. WOW! >>



Maybe you haven't seen the new "quality of living" style military barracks. The old Beetle Bailey type barracks are rare to find nowadays. EM live in virtual apartments in brick buildings, usually 2 or 3 assigned to quarters with a separate bathroom, a small kitchen and a private phone line. Married EM can get separate housing regardless of rank - and married or not. I remember a female PFC who was given her own house because she had 3 kids. She had never been married and had the kids before she enlisted! Just why the hell did the Army allow a woman with 3 kids and no particular skills to enlist in the first place? :(


There was also a female E- 6 with 3 kids, each one from a different father and 2 of them bi-racial. This gal had never been married either. Nobody said a peep about her getting knocked up regularly. The Army just kept increasing her allowances with each illegitmate brat she popped out. So why did they drop the hammer on a male GI who was found to be a bigamist - with a wife and kids in the US and another wife and kid in Korea?




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Military "Entitlements" as well as the current tax laws baffle me. The more debt/responsibility you voluntarily take on, the more they pay you, Welfare works the same way. Yet, in most jobs, they don't pay you anymore because you got married and have 10 kids...


It used to piss me off that guys who were married and lived off base got paid more...why? That was THEIR choice, they should pay for it. The whole damned system needs correcting.

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You did kinda nail it, but came to the wrong conclusion. People said we want war (x2), and free drugs, and BushCo said, hey, no problem, we will just not put this stuff on the books, so see, it's free! Ya! Ice Cream!


Then the adults have to come in and pay for all that...


The ice cream bill is due, Cav!

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In order to get a sample of their writing - and see what I had to work with, I'd always ask my ANCOC students to write a paragraph or two about why they had enlisted in the Army. Maybe 1 in 5 would say they'd been out of work and had a family to support. The Army not only paid them well, but paid quite nice allowances for their wife and kids.


It wasn't all that rare to see both the husband and wife serving. I remember one lucky bastard who had a half-Thai wife, daughter of a VN era GI who'd married in Sattahip. She was petite and gorgeous, absolutely adorable. So WTF was she doing in the Army dressed in BDUs? And what kind of a douchebag would let his wife enlist, just to double his pay?


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