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can I afford her?


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To all,


A little reminder here that this being the Relation forum, sensitive issues are being discussed, so language and serinity are to be considered.

Also, please stick to the subject at hand, and add to the discussion without sniping at posters.


Everybody is most welcome here to add positive things here. keep it that way.


Cheers - BB - mod

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"Farang always beautiful".


Holy shit TTM, You don't really buy into this, now do you? Farangs are not especially beautiful to the majority of Thais. Just look at the TV or the majority of ads. All the big stars are predominantly Thai, even Look Kreungs are not that fashionable anymore.


So a dozen or so BG's told you they think "Farang always beautiful." So why is it that the majority of them, while being so lucky to be able to sleep with us Farang sex symbols, choose to have a thai boyfriend on the side? Ever thought of that they are telling you this because they want to please you because you are a Farang?


Since when are German Beer Guzzlers with a beer gut and a bald head have become sex symbols? Maybe I have missed something in the six months since my last visit. Please tell me so if it has. In the meantime, don't take everything some BGs tell you as gospel.





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I'm not sure that I can agree with you on this. Although I will admit that every person is different, I think that the mother may be happier and may adjust better if she has her child with her. It's gives her something familiar in a strange place, gives her something meaningfull to do everyday, and is one less thing for her to miss about being back home. I think that both mother and child can adjust better if they adjust together.


In my case, my wife's original plan was to come to the USA alone and leave her toddler son behind in Thailand for a year. Two reasons - she thought she could adjust better without having to worry about him, and she and her family want him to absorb more 'thai-ness' before he starts becoming Americanized.


She has since changed her mind and they will come together in another 2 months. She has realized that she would miss him terribly and will do nothing but worry about him if she leaves him with her parents for a year. She isn't going to adjust to me and America very well if her mind is on her son back in Thailand. The three of us are best off adjusting to our new lives together.




phoenix said:



re the suggestion about the child staying in Thailand or coming to England, I agree that while the mother is still very uncertain about her future in falangland, the child will probably be better off with family in Buriram. Re-asses the situation after six months or one year of marriage.


I personally tend to believe that a child is generally best off being brought up in close proximity to its mother, irrespective of culture, but in this case, the mother is going to need all her energy in the first year getting adjusted to living in falangland and in a new marriage, so i think she'll be better off not having to deal with the cultural adjustment problems of her child as well. Later, that maybe less of a problem.



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She did ask me to send 6000 baht to support the kid when she comes over here, I thought this was a bit too much


What are 6000 baht/month for a farang?


1) the phone bill

2) 2 dinners in a good restaurant

3) 7 hours work

4) health insurance for one week

5) go out 2 times

6) 2 concert tickets

7) the bill for your smoking habits

8) 5 hair cuts


How can you afford to invite your gf to your country if you can't even afford to send 6000 baht to her family?!?

How much costs the flight?!?


that I am not well off but that I can take care of her and the kid

And how much does it cost to take care of her in your country? 30'000 baht per month? But you can't send 6000 baht home?!?


You could afford your gf, but you don't want to!!!


Best regards


P.S.: Give me your buget and I will tell you where you can save this 6000 baht.....

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Calm down! No need for language like that.


IMO, DrNick didn't begin to flame..... And his counterattack wasn't exagerated.

And TTMs reaction was excellent, IMO. :: (far better than his first statement)


Best regards

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