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NotStickman defeats Stickman


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Understood, but I can also understand RB's reaction after some of the replies he got to his original post.


RB's original post was fine (and I agree with his assessment on the threads, a lot of pathetic boistering by keyboard warriors (not so much here, btw, but a LOT of mangosauce)), yet some of the replies were less than courteous I thought.

Granted, RB should not have responded in kind, but I can understand that.


Hence my request for all parties to just relax a bit.




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:smirk: Don't you all see,


Notstickam is winning, he got what he wanted. Now he is winning by everyone getting all worked up over this. He has become the talk of the town.


The best thing to do is stop talking about it and just let all of this fade into obscurity.


This is exactly what Notstick wanted to be the center of contoversy and create a lot of shit.

Everyone is playing right into it.

Surely he is sitting back having a good laugh.


Surely every dog has his day. Stop fueling the fire.



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That's funny (and sad). Your comprehension of what I wrote is way off base. Maybe you need Stickman to tutor you in English comprhension. I hear he's has lot's of free time now.


The only thing sad is you. My post clarified why there is anger toward Galt and you still fail to see why. If you took more out of my words then is written there then it is you who needs to take the reading comprehension classes. The only "fool" here is you.


My post doesn't justify any "keyboard warriors". Hell I'd prefer it if they stopped hiding behind their keyboards and actually did something about it :)


But then again what do you call Galt or some little punk who feels the need to bolster himself by calling everybody who posts on this board all fools. A keyboard warrior maybe?


Who says somebody can't hurt somebody else hiding behind their keyboard? (Hello where did the stickman site go?)...


Let's try to get rid of the short term memory problem people.


This is exactly why things like this shouldn't "fade into obscurity". You are taught history to learn from mistakes. If you forget then you are prone to make them again.

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Hi KS,


It's the "a bit" portion of the phase. The definition of "a bit" can differ greatly by nationality. It's just like "one man"s stunner is another man's water buffalo. Believe me, I have seen some pictures of so called water buffalo....I mean, stunners. Plus, initially you used the "chill" word and then you said to "relax a bit" Believe you me, it can be pretty confusing, so maybe I should just go an make another drink.

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:smirk: Don't you all see,


Notstickam is winning, he got what he wanted. Now he is winning by everyone getting all worked up over this. He has become the talk of the town.


The best thing to do is stop talking about it and just let all of this fade into obscurity.


This is exactly what Notstick wanted to be the center of contoversy and create a lot of shit.

Everyone is playing right into it.

Surely he is sitting back having a good laugh.


Surely every dog has his day. Stop fueling the fire.






Normally, but I will say, I was out with some noted punters, who wished to remain anoynmous, (KHUN Kong, Mr. Pickles, Uniform Guy, and another bloke, who knew better than to give me his name) And we spent a total of 30m seconds discussing Stick man-Not stickman, and then moved on to more important issues, like what bars are showing etc...


...and no, just because we were in Starbucks near Soi 5, does not mean we picked the spot for Katoey spotting...That was Khun Kong's call, not mine, I hate starbucks, especially that one...

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[color:red]"...and no, just because we were in Starbucks near Soi 5, does not mean we picked the spot for Katoey spotting...That was Khun Kong's call, not mine, I hate starbucks, especially that one... "


Shit, I hope you hate "that" Starbucks because that is where I go!


What about the Starbucks by soi 3 and the one by soi 2?



Seriously, I got to agree with you that there is more important things in life besides the Stickman/NonStickman feud.


After covering the basics (food in belly, clothes on body, roof over head) the only other requirement for life for males is a piece of ass. The first three necessities do not have to be much, but the last requirement that is needed to sustain male life has to be provided in a regular dosages with an occasional over indulgences.


It seems we men are shallow in many aspects, but our search for a good piece of ass keeps our minds off of other things that might side track our search and then gratification over a good piece of ass.






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