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Will 'The Galt' go to jail?

Central Scrutinizer

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Not only is this a train wreck, it is a slow-motion train wreck. And we are all (myself included) rubber-necking at the scene by dropping by "The Galt"'s site. Glad to be of "support" ...


I'd love to be a fly on the wall when "The Galt" tells the Thai judge how the law should be interpreted.

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ok..so...after reading his site update I'm starting to think he wanted to go to jail. Why enter court knowing you may have to pay a bond to stay out of jail without the ability to pay said bond?


With a bit more fanfare he could draw in a major media outlet and get the whole notstickman vs. stickman story published to the mainstream. Think about how the mainstream media can twist and turn, quote from a site out of context and simply put the screws to someone running a site about Thailand's naughty nightlife.


This is going to be a disaster.

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Here is the official announcement. This is to confirm that I was in fact in jail. I was there for 48 hours. This was a result of a requirement for bond that was in excess of my immediate ability to pay. So it took a couple of days for my friends to arrange and guarantee the payment of this bond. I am not convicted of anything, but a judge has determined that I must stand trial for a second case involving slander on the Internet.


I contend that this moving forward is in direct violation of Thai law -- but I'm not allowed to talk about details in the case. Let's just say that I believe a debate will ensue as to how the law is interpreted and applied in matters such as these. If the laws are in fact so open to subjective interpretation, then I would have to say that all internet publishers could be in danger of being jailed. I expect that in months to come, some more definitive guidelines will shake out on how Thailand is going to handle these types of cases -- especially when a farang is suing a farang.


So -- you may be wondering -- what was it like.


It was a lot easier than I expected it to be. Of course for the first 48 hours I felt much more like a visitor on a camping trip rather than a prisoner. I was very much into the experience of it and the new perspective that I have gaining on the Thai people as a whole.


Had I been there much longer and if I had felt more cut off -- then I'm sure I would have been more eager to leave. I was actually looking forward to ordering special food tomorrow with the money that had been in my pocket upon arrival. (It takes 2 days to process moneys into the voucher system so you can buy creature comforts). I was looking forward to treating the boys at our table to a decent meal (because let me tell you the food in this place was horrendously bad).


Many thanks to those of you who are following along. We had 500 drop by on Sunday and 721 today.




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He Who Represents Himself Has A Fool For A Client. :devil:


I think, from memory, that the full phrase is "He who represents himself in court has an idiot for a lawyer and a fool for a client".


In 1887 the Alabama Bar Association in its code of conduct attempted to ban lawyers from representing themselves however, this was deleted on constitutional grounds, with one proponent saying "it is an American privilege to make a fool of your self and is guaranteed by the American Constitution.


I also understand the genesis of the phrase has not been determined.


I like the phrase "People who love sausage and people who believe in justice should never watch either of them being made" Otto Bismark

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