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Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals


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I would think that even you would admit that sending a few National Guard troops to the border by Obama would never have happened without the Arizona law being passed. Obama is finally (and very selectively) listening to public desire: secure the border before even thinking about amnesty for wets. Once he has a couple of thousand "non-combat" Guardsmen along the border, he will utter those famous words "mission accomplished"; deem all well and good; proceed to annoint every fucking wetback with U.S. citizenship. Of course, the fact is that these faux citizens will then be elibigle for all sorts or "entitlements", including medical care and food stamps, subsidized housing, social security, supplemental social security. You know: the shit that we can't afford now and maintain the quality of life we have. Face it LZ, Obama is willing to spend our tax dollars to buy votes. I would, just for once, like Obama (or any other supporter of "immigrant rights" explain how giving citizenship to 10 million wets will improve the American citizens' lives and improve the country. Of course, we will never get that explanation, cuz the libtards can't think of any ways.


If Obama had an even two brain cells, he'd know from previous amnesties that they do not accomplish anything positive for the country; they have not done what they were intended to do. But Obama doesn't give a shit. He's desperate for the Latino vote...shit, he's gonna be desperate for the vote of fucking flatworms (for which he will need to farm the depths of the libtard wing of the Demoncrat party.)





HH, do let us know when you have graduated from the third grade and can form complete sentences with slurs and name calling. Then you are welcome to debate the grown-up's table.

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"President Ronald Reagan signed that bill into law with great fanfare amid promises that it would grant legal status to illegal immigrants, crack down on employers who hired illegal workers and secure the border once and for all. Instead, fraudulent applications tainted the process, many employers continued their illicit hiring practices, and illegal immigration surged."




Old history. New History.


Ronald Regan RIP :rip:

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Yes, she did...maybe because the feds aren't doing much...or are they? On the way home tonight, I was listening to NPR (KQED in SFO) and apparently, this year, the I.C.E. Agency/feds will deport over 400,000 illegals. Most of them have committed crimes besides being here illegally. They come from a range of countries in Asia, LAtin America. Europe etc...the report said this is 30+% more than last year, and 8% more than the last year of the Bush reign of terror.


While 400,000 is a drop in the bucket, it shows something is being done, not enough, but something. It also shows that at least some of these people, despite the claims of some here, are indeed involved in serious crime. Of course due to our lack on control, these people will eventually, in all likelihood, sneak in again.

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Part of Arizona's SB1070 got shot down today in Federal court.


The State has a lot of problems and instead of the Govenor trying to get those matters straightened, she stuck her nose into Federal matters.

Errrr, the Fed gov has stuck their nose into the state's biz!

If the Fed wants to stick their nose in to AZ biz, secure the border!

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Uh no, the Feds bitch-slapped AZ because they cannot have a law that is in violation of two amendments of the Bill of Rights.


We all knew this was coming, I just wish it was done faster and rougher.

What part is illegal?

A person is arrested and the police can not check immigration status?

So the police pull over a person speeding and the police can not run the license plate? same-same.

Key points, the person is detained or arrested...the police have the duty to check out the person...fark, the FBI can search your PC on "suspicion" :dunno:


US Constitution:

Article IV, section 4 constitutional mandate. That mandate being, â€Â… The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall [color:red]protect each of them against Invasion[/color]; …â€Â




U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton agreed to an injunction on provisions including one that [color:red]required a police officer to determine the immigration status of a person detained or arrested if the officer believes the person is not in the country legally[/color].

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